DayBreak Assembly

Originally an underground Nightar-only organization, the DayBreak Assembly is a rather large group of Nightars which have separated themselves from the Lunasite Kingdom in an effort to safeguard their ideals which go directly against the Kingdom's. Said to be Pro-Light, the denizens of the DayBreak Assembly disagree with the idea that Nightars are limited to the dark and cannot live without darkness as their environment. As a result of their ideology, they were hunted down by their own within the Lunasite Kingdom, eventually being executed after long and intense sessions of interrogation, these events lasted from 348 A.F to 364 A.F and were later on referred to as "The Years Without Honor".
  That is when, during the Pro-Light's hour of need, that a certain individual appeared from nowhere. A Half-Nightar by the name of Nikolas Yol'kin, born from a Human Mother and Nightar Father, stood up and rallied the Pro-Light under his banner over multiple years. From this ralliement, the DayBreak Assembly was born and moved discreetly within Human Space around 373 A.F back when the Terrene Protectorate was still in activity. You may be asking "Why Human Space ? Of all things.", and you'd be right to ask such a question for it would appear that most Pro-Light Nightars are envious of Humans and envision themselves to become like said species.
  A few decades after they'd installed themselves in the shadows of Human Space, many Nightars of the newly-founded organization found issues with their conditions, namely the fact that they mostly remained underground, away from the light they so craved. Given enough time, the DayBreak Assembly would've broken down from the insides, but a tragedy for someone is but an opportunity for another, for in 392 A.F, the Terrene Protectorate fell along with the Human Homeworld of Earth.
  Nikolas Yol'kin, still the leader after all those years, came to the rescue of Human ships and started claiming previously Human-owned space. Whether he did it to protect the remnants of his mother's species or simply for guaranteeing the stability of his organization is unclear to this day. However, one thing is for certain, by claiming the many light-years of Human Space, the DayBreak Assembly has more or less gotten rid of their cloaks and daggers. The previously light-craving Nightars now had nothing holding them back from appreciating the tender rays of the many stars owned by their organization.
  That is how the DayBreak Assembly came to be, from a rabble of revolutionary madmen to a full-on spacefaring nation built upon the ashes of the Terrene Protectorate. Nightars and Humans now living together as one people, the DayBreak Assembly sets its many star-blessed eyes towards the Lunasite Kingdom in hope to reunite with their brothers and sisters of the night.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy


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