Arnithian Bronze Technology / Science in Astral Tides | World Anvil
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Arnithian Bronze

Arnithian bronze is a metallic alloy which, much like conventional bronze, consists primarily of copper and tin. However, other materials are added to the alloy, which, along with a special casting procedure and thorough refinement, make it much stronger when compared to normal bronze, and an excellent material for crafting resilient armor, weapons and tools, reaching hardness levels comparable to good steel, with the additional advantage of being more resistent to corrosion.   The exact prodecure in creating Arnithian bronze, as well as the additional metals and minerals added to the alloy during the casting process, are very closely guarded secrets only known to a small number of blacksmiths. Armor and weapons forged from Arnithian bronze are primarily used in cultures and civilizations descending from the ancient Arnithians, like in the Durian Triumvirate and Korros, and a sought-after ware in regions beyond the Arnithian lands like Sytholia and even Astarikaz and the lands around the Green Sea.   It is said that the much more ancient and now extinct Men of Arnith, who lived during the ice age at the transition between the previous and current Cycle used a much stronger type of bronze, with some individual artifacts, like swords, allegedly from this era being kept as family heirlooms by Durian noble houses.   To most people who are unaware of the processes involved in producing Arnithian bronze, it is considered a form of magic . It is said that Arnithian bronze plate armor protected an ancient civilization, likely the Men of Arnith, from the attacks of the Pyromancers, a mysterious, semi-legendary military entity or culture from the distant past who weaponized fire, probably in the form of explosives and launching projectiles.  


During the beginning of the Cycle, the inhabitants of the Arnithian lands soon learned how to create bronze at least 10,000 years ago, making their own metal weapons instead of relying on the older blades they found in ruins through scavenging or stone weapons. For millennia, they had used conventional forms of bronze that were eventually exceeded by iron weapons from the west. During later periods, roughly 3,000 years ago, craftsmen and alchemists alike attempted to replicate the alloys used by the ancient Men of Arnith, and while they could never truly recreate it, they found ways to make bronze much stronger, harder and more flexible by adding certain materials in specific percentages, resulting in an alloy of similar strength as iron. Over the centuries and millennia, they refined this process, resulting in the Arnithian bronze that is so popular these days.  


The main components, copper and tin, are very common and easily accessible in the Arnithian and Sytholian lands, especially in the Bimarric Mountains. Hardly anything is known about the additional materials added to the alloy or their availability. Most likely, they are other metals, but the exact amount to be used is unknown to anyone but chosen blacksmiths. Presumably, meteorite iron from special meteorites found in the lands west of the Bimarric Mountains is used, much like in Boreal Black Steel.   Even more secretive than the exact materials used is the process of casting and refining the alloy itself. It is said to be a very complex and tedious process that requires a lot of concentration and patience, meaning that only highly skilled blacksmiths can create it with the desired results. To the common folk, the production of Arnithian bronze is considered a form of magic.   As a result, items made from pure Arnithian bronze are highly expensive, usually reserved to nobility, knights and rich warriors. There are alloys of lower quality or purity, which are more affordable, but still more expensive than ordinary bronze or iron.  



Arnithian bronze armor is usually well-fitted plate armor, often consisting of different segments held and riveted together. Traditionally, Durian armor consists of a cuirass made up of a breastplate, a backplate and segmented abdominal plates, and large rounded pauldrons that protect the shoulders and large parts of the wearer's upper arms. The lower body is protected by a kilt made of large bronze scales.


Due to its increased hardness and resilience, Arnithian bronze can be used to create larger and longer weapons than normal bronze, including long blades for greatswords as long as a man is tall. Arnithian bronze swords, as well as spear tips, are known to keep their edge for a very long time.

Status Symbol

Due to its high price and low availability, high quality products made of Arnithian bronze are often used as status symbols by high ranking officials and knights, and even nobles who themselves are not of a martial class. The Magistrates of the Durian Triumvirate often wear ceremonial gilded armor when appearing before their people.    Simple Arnithian bronze armor and weapons of lower quality, comparable to ordinary steel, is more affordable, and often worn by different officers and sergeants, as well as men-at-arms from low nobility or the middle classes. These armors usually have fewer large plates, and are instead often lamellar or scalemail armors. Contrary to them, even lower ranking soldiers and warriors wear simple bronze and steel.   Very ancient artifacts of Arnithian bronze are often kept by houses and clans as heirlooms, as a claim for their noble descent.


Arnithian bronze is mostly used for weapons and armor.


Like convetional bronze, Arnithian bronze is cast from copper and tin, most probably in a similar relation. In addition, other metals and minerals are added during the complex casting process.
Parent Technologies
Arnithian bronze, as it is known and used these days, was likely first invented between 3,000 and 4,000 years ago by alchemists and weaponsmiths attempting to replicate the alloy used by the ancient Men of Arnith of the previous Cycle .

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