Ad Astra


With the goal being the accumlation and disslution of knowlledge, the organization's structure is founded upon a meritocracy based off of their member's ability to accumulate and share that knowledge.   The uppermost role in the organization, held by the founder is known as the "starseeker" which represents their massive accumulation of knowledge and their talent in discovering secrets from archives and ruins.   Below the starseeker, is the role of "twinseeker", whilst there is only one active twnseeker due to the short history of the organization, their talents regarding the storage of knowledge was impressive to say the least to Pennie, though she found that their willingness to share it could be troublesome as they struggled with an obssessive nature in which they could be somewhat closed off. Regardless of these points, his archive in Arcani is certainly an advantageous place for his flelow members of Ad AStra.   Below Twinseeker comes Eyeseeker, This tier of four leaders amidst the organization only holds 2 in those positions at this time. Spread out across the expedition site and treddleton, they currently inestigate local topics for further clarity.   Below Eyeseeker is Toothseeker, which is the primary body of Ad Astra at this time, though small in size these dedicated members constantly seek their own growth and learning from their well well respected emntor.


Whilst all knowledge is obsession, and many who pursue it struggle with sharing it; Ad Astra's focus on the dissolution of knowledge means that it's members are somewhat sociable and willing to talk. With lessons attuning them towards organizating their thoughts - it is safe to say that comparably to other pursuants of the topic, members of this guild are extremely conversational.

Public Agenda

Ad Astra's public agenda is the collection and dissolution of knowledge, including artifacts of the past and their intended and proper usage.


The massive amount of gold saved by Pennie in her traveling days, combined with the resources of Arkistonis in Arcani has allowed this guild a firm foothold in the modern format, whilst not comparable to any of the merchant guilds in wealth or power, Pennie is known as someone to have a depth of strange knick-knacks and memories which make her a jealous target for many seekers.


Ad Astra with it's limited lifespan has no known history beyond it's founding with Pennie Weaver

"Do not succumb to the stare of the abyss; stare back, and press forward."
