Pennie Weaver

"Element Weaver" Pennie Weaver

Pennie was born into a family of Three With a Mother and a Father With A Brother and a sister which she never got to know. Her Father was known as Jake Hallowswen. Jake Hallowswen was a cage match fighter. Who won quite a few fights least back in his day. He is quite amicable and known around the community and also tended to Spoil Pennie.   Willow Hallowswen was Her Mother. She worked as a secretary for the businesses around. She was rather cold and distant at times to Pennie. Viewing her as weak. Favoring her oldest Brother and showering him with praises and gifts. Her family was related Her Brother was a friendly Person. And usually quite protective over Pennie. Sheltering her from things that would bully her for her quite weird luminescent hair. He was quite a fist fighter though always admired the abilities of her Sister.   Pennie herself Is a Sheltered Daddys girl for most part of her life. At around 3 months she was found to have hair that weirdly changed colors. When she got mad the blueish-green tips turn Red and vibrant. When she cried in sadness they turned blue. Jake loved this after all it made her unique. Her mother though thought she was kinda freaky.   Around 5 was the first sign about she was more different than what was previously thought occasionally people would touch her and get zapped like they were shocked by some sort of static charge. Other times her skin felt hot almost like she was on fire. Yet she seemed fine or at least unaffected. at the age of 13 she accidentally shocked her brother while sparring with him… Almost killing him.Though her brother holds no grudge against her her mother took the opportunity to kick her out of the house. And disowning her from a part of the family   From then on she joined the The Heavens Claw Academy. Which was the only one who she really could afford to go to and would taken. And from here she focused on being able to control her powers and abilities with her fists.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born to the Hallowswen family certainly had it's ups and downs, among them being the scars of her mother's methods and approaches based off her understanding of magic, and the expectation that Pennie turn into a spellcaster after her mother's side, yet such talents were always out of reach for the young catgirl, instead - unable to withstand to the increasingly brutal techniques exacted by her mother, her own magic proved to be further out of reach and harder to control and manifest, even into her adult life.   Yet, a chance encounter as part of the expidition she joined rewrote her life, and her own understnading of it, with the gifts of a strange woman who slipt through the various aspects, Pennie gained a modicum of control over the arcane, being able to weave a new manifestation of her talents onto the world, and never forgetting that when people unravel around her, she has the ability to tie things together once more.   Following the fall of the Saltieunni and the end of the war, Pennie was left with a large number of "pieces" to pick up after. Though none required the same cohesion and attention that merited the full alliance of the expedition, and instead were things she sought to solve through a journey undertaken by herself.   Her friends would know Pennie to have spent the immediate months after the war solving small matters, repaying favors, and restoring balance to the karmic costs that her companions had created in their time here, yet, inexplicably less than half a year later, Pennie the Weaver disappeared from the expedition site.   Adventuring and exploring were both common topics pursued by adventurers, so none thought much of this. Until a quarter year had passed and none knew where she had gone, not even the awareness of the iron king broke that border, and those of her friends who investigated could find no trail nor indicator of her presence.   As the mainland had a propensity for such things, it was unfortunately determined that Pennie was forever lost to them - a victim of the mainland.   Eight years would pass, with Pennie's name engraved into the Expedition Site's memorial among the others who had fallen, and her legacy being recorded for others to learn from, and to teach resilience to the explorers, adventurers and archeologists alike. However, her legacy has not ended there, and after the passage of time had reaped it's toll, one day a wave of scorching heat overtook the expedition site.   Mobilizing scouts to examine the source of the disturbance, those who still guarded the site went to investigate only to find a strange cloaked and hooded figure approaching them. Trudging unevenly and shimmering amidst the heatwave that they seemed to have brought with them.   Being an unknown figure bringing along unusual phenomena and radiating an air of menance reasonably resulted in them attempting to subdue the creature, however in a rush of motion, as soon as they made to strike the creature, the scouts in turn were struck down by palm strikes and measured blows. Knocking them unconscious with incredible efficiency.   Shortly after this however the figure paused and then examined them before kneeling down and slowly discharging some energy into one of the unconscious scout's bodies. Jolting them awake and then staring at them. Exuding an ominous and dangerous air to the man who looked around him, and determined that assuredly this sentient creature was one that seemed to feed on terror, and seemed intent on draining them dry of their energy in this fashion which resulted in a cold chilling fear.   Unwilling to meet his end in such a fashion, the man flailed and fought against the figure. So violent was this behavior that it was shortly ended following an audibly tired feminine sigh... before the man was tapped on a pressure point and knocked unconscious, and he - and his companions stacked up into a pile and carried towards the expedition site.   as it would turn out, barring the hood and mask she wore around her face, this figure was the long-missing Pennie, and 8 years of near-to-silence in foreign lands had rendered her largely mute. Her hair having been burnt and darkened with her age, and her figure firm and resilient - stronger than adamantine tended to by the most attentive forger.   A long lack of talking certainly made debriefing pennie challenging however. Her mental lexicon "fried" due to her experiences, and thus she resorted to the simple, but familiar tactic of sharing some of her memories.  

Six months after the Saltieunni war...

Pennie goes to the Flame Spirit, returning the sparkchild it had sent her questing after so long ago. She in return has her geas taken from her. Freed from the responsibility, she takes a relieved breath and hefts her bag, preparing to head back to the expedition site. Minutes later though, she hears a great tearing sound from around her. The land tears open, and a torrent of wind gusts downward. Attempting to leap from the ground and escape, the tearing force pulls at her. Dragging her down, despite her attempt to manipulate her runic energy to free her movements.   if she couldnt escape the pull however, she instead controls it. Falling more gently and carefully, in a process that takes several minutes.  

an hour later...

After what felt like an immeasurable period falling, Pennie recognizes that she has fallen far past the depths of the earth, and must've fallen into another plane, in fact - given the lightless air, and pungent odors, she recognizes tales of the abyss which must be where she'd have fallen in to. Eventually orientating herself, she glided to an approachably fleshy mass. Looking around her, to see what her environment was like, only to find it to be an unfamiliar and endless mass as far as the eye could see.  

A month later

What had once been luxuriously called an "immeasurable time falling" now felt like an eternity's wandering. Using flesh scraped from one of the trees, and fashioning her own map, Pennie had started to coordinate and work her way through the depths of the abyss. Occasionally finding relics and ruins, things that the abyss had greedily swallowed over the passage of time within the mainland as she looked around.  

A year? later

If it weren't for the capacity of her book to make the passage of time somewhat representable, Pennie could never have told the time for herself, and things had long since blurred together. With no-body to talk to, even the thought of speaking resulted in toneless grunts that strained her throat. Even if she wished for SOME form of companionship along the way to resolve some of the monotony. Feeling relieved that at least she could find references for her once allies as the endlessness of her surroundings had made her journey a lonesome one - save for the fraught combat with some of the local denizens who had assaulted her.  

four years later

Was there anything to say? The combination of walking, of fighitng, of finding ruins - where home seemed so impossibly far away, Pennie experienced a sense of desolate depression. Operating on purely a robotic mentality, that had her completely lost. Wandering through an old city. Jumping and leaping from the disjointed platforms whom still floated and hummed with arcane energy.   This autonomy resulted in a moment of carelessness however as she misjudged the distance and went crashing through the roof of a dilapitated temple. landing on the ground forcefully as she gathered herself and looked around. Taking notes of the desnan symbology that remained.   the Desnan symbology?   A thought rose from the murky waters of her mind now as Pennie abruptly woke up from the reverie that had consumed her - the goddess of exploration and stories, and perhaps more importantly the same goddess who had enabled the principles and paths that the dreamgate used. This - this, was something she could use, but the dreamgate itself was damaged, the stones that composed it fractured and broken. But... nothing was ever lost in the abyss, was it?  

two years later

Things not being lost did not mean things were fucking easy to find! How many creatures had she fought in her time? How much time had passed? Having mapped her way, she knew the city she had seen to have been one that had appeared a millenia after veilfall. Created following the successful recreation of an ancient hero, who had attempted to perform a great ritual, only to have their civilization be crushed and ground to dust.   What had made this memory more valuable however, was the discovery of a massive gateway which in her memory appeared to have numerous runes upon it. Some of which glowed, whilst many of them remained inert - more than inert, but rather sealed. A great mystery, she one day hoped to bring back to the people she had once known.  

One Year Later

Having discovered and rebuilt the dreamgate, Pennie takes a moment to look around at the familiar territory. tightening the cloth around her, and etching in a rune she had learned from the doorway she had found a year earlier, and passes through it. Landing in strange, but familiar land, only to be accosted by the unfamiliar people, but relieving equipment of the expedition site she had once known.  

In the year 22083

Pennie has largely recovered from her psychosomatic muteness, and has created her own organization. The Ad-Astra, an explorers guild focused on discovering the world around, and helping create maps and materials by which others can grow the reach of civilization. For the woman who had seen into the abyss, she had seen something far into the future as well, and set that as her goal.
Light Purple
Multichromatic - akin to a mood ring
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
100 pounds when horny