
The Flesh Deceiver Besocnes

Titles: Lord of Deception, The Flesh Deceiver
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Areas of Concern: Deception, Deceit, Illusion
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Magic
Subdomains: Deception, Lies, Thievery, Arcane
Favored Weapon: Sword-breaking Dagger   Worshipers Those who worship Besocnes are often spies, illusionists, and con artists. His followers are granted the ability to create powerful illusions and simulacrums to deceive and manipulate others into doing their bidding.   Obedience Spend an hour creating an intricate illusion or practicing a complex deception. Gain a +4 profane bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks.   Boons Evangelist
  • False Friends (Sp): Charm person 3/day, glibness 2/day, or suggestion 1/day.
  • Mask of Many Faces (Su): You gain the ability to cast disguise self at will.
  • Master of Illusions (Sp): Once per day, you can cast persistent image as a spell-like ability. This illusion can be maintained with concentration up to 10 minutes per level.
  • Deceptive Aura (Su): You can cloak your alignment from detection, making it appear as any alignment you choose.
  • Simulacrum (Sp): Once per day, you can cast simulacrum as a spell-like ability.
  • Perfect Deception (Su): You gain the ability to cast mislead at will.
  • Unnerving Presence (Su): You can create an aura of unnerving presence. Enemies within 30 feet must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for as long as they remain within the aura.
  • Deceptive Combatant (Ex): You gain a +2 profane bonus to attack and damage rolls against any opponent that is under the effect of an illusion or enchantment spell.
  • Illusory Army (Sp): Once per day, you can summon 1d4+1 illusory duplicates of yourself as per the mirror image spell, but these images can move independently of you within a 30-foot radius.

Divine Domains

Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Magic
Deception, Lies, Thievery, Arcane


Seven Paths: A Seven-branched sword forged of darkened steel and bearing abyssal runes. Besocnes is known to wield this sword in a single hand.
One Fate: A sword breaking dagger, blood red in color, known for sealing the souls of those it fells.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: A mask with a split face, one side beautiful, the other grotesque
Sacred Animal: Chameleon
Sacred Colors: Purple and Green

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ascend the ranks of Demon Peerage

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Besocnes, the Flesh Deceiver, is a demon lord who revels in manipulation, deceit, and illusion. He appears as a shifting figure, constantly changing forms between a charming, beautiful being and a hideous, terrifying creature. His true form is unknown, as he perpetually cloaks himself in illusions.

Body Features

Besocnes is a being of ever-changing appearance, flickering between forms of beauty and horror. His true form is a mystery, as he constantly veils himself in powerful illusions. His voice can be sweet and alluring one moment, then harsh and terrifying the next.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord