The Faceless


Outsider, White Robe and Porcelain mask

as someone who wishes to join the organization, you are tasked with responsiblity and requirements, given almost no information of the inner workings, the actions asked will often result in the shirking of your social identity - such as murder or stealing in such a way that obviously pins the consequence on the initiate.

Visionary, white robe and Porcelain mask

As a fresh member within the organization, their tongues have been removed preventing them from talking. Their masks consequently have no slit for a mouth and even with alternative methods for communications, are enbidden to silence, for their job is not to speak, but to see the glory of what abyssal unity could bring unto the world.

Occulatory, gray robe and iron mask

after months of brainwashing, this member has proven themselves moderately reliable, or have broken entirely to the call of the abyss - whilst still tongueless, their daily ritual now includes the consumption of a heated coal in order to burn away the insides of their mouth over time and to test their resilience. they directly serve the voice of the abyss closely and are privy to more 'private' ceremonies.

Voice of the Abyss, black robe and iron mask

With a slit given to your mask, their voice has been given back to them by way of transplantation. The method in which they receive this tongue is measured by their success in ensorceling a demon to give theirs to them. the rarer the demon, the more success they are likely to have within the organization.

Herald of the seven hundred, blue robe and Abysium mask

Capable of guiding actual groups within the organization - often noted by them at base being 8 visionaries, 4 occulatories, and 2 voices, with you as their leader, They provide business on the more innocent matters of things, whilst trying to corrupt customers to deviousness in order to obtained the required funds for demonic summoning rituals.

The Decree, red robe and Abyssite mask

They are the leaders, and form a counsel consisting of an unknown number of members, guiding the faceless as a whole, and dealing with the excisement of failed followers or potential threats.


This organization has a very addictive culture and encourages the abusage of anything from which pleasure can be derived - like sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling and any form of deleterious affectation. Hosting many festivals and parties throughout the year obtained by generous donations made by members and others - whether done so involuntarily or voluntarily.

Public Agenda

The faceless believes that all pleasure is derived from the abyss and encourages parties which consist primarily of sex, drugs, and selling fragments of your soul to be devoured by the abyss itself. It also believes in a complete and total lack of restraint such that the abyss should be brought into the primaterial plane and made to merge with it, so that all souls make experience it's eternal joy.




This organization came into existance shortly after the culmination of one Yushu Wae's adventuring life, with the betorosian market badly effected and crashed by cavalier donations and creations, the value of gold in it's economy started to lose grasp which made it possible for sizeable amounts of funds to be illegally siphoned off and used for the purposes of ritualistic summons and the drawing of demons into the world, allowing for the establishment of the core of this organization.   Their behavior did not go without investigation however, as their questionable ethics did briefly raise and draw the attention from betorosian law enforcers who attempted to clamp down on the cult's business, however it quickly went undergrown and has since drawn limited notice within the Island of Betoros.

"Why fear what offers your greatest joys?"

Alternative Names
The Iron Masks, Worshippers of the Abyss Made Manifest