Ci Gwyrdd

Basic Information


Appearing as a four legged wolf, this creature's biology is anything but, with an extremely basic biology - one closer to that of desert cactus, it's two main organs are it's stomach and heart - for storing water and for pumping the resin that it uses for blood. Because of it's inability to process solid matter, it is capable of storing and absorbing water and alcohol over time as well as solid objects that it wishes to deliver or bring as directed.   Their brain however, is the cloest and farthest remnant of their wolf heritage, however, it is merely a replica of the original design as it is supplanted by a network of co-ordinated parasites who mimic the functionality of a brain but by their preconditioned programming as these 'mind worms' are genetically encoded with knowledge and magical abilities which they can channel through their host.

Genetics and Reproduction

Functionally immortal due to it's plantlike nature, it's brain never decays due to the reproductive nature of the parasites that inhabit it. Only aging like fine wine as they increase the mental and arcane capacity of the wolf over time. the only known encounter with one is currently "Mishka" who is aged at around 157. There are tales however, of these creatures living up into the thousands of years and being incredibly dangerous without direction.   These creatures are made, however, and do not reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

as they are fully developed from birth, there is no "early" stage. However, the early developments are defined by

pre century

Having lived less than a century, they are the "children" of their species, and are the weakest by nature, having almost no elemental powers and strengths.

Pre-Half Millenia

In the 'in between' state, they have developed supernatural abilities, such as walking on water, seeing through trees with heightened sight, as well as above-average senses. Becoming more keen and stronger as the years go by.

Post-Half Millenia

This state is unknown... and the following states are equally unknown.

Ecology and Habitats

Wanderers by nature, these creatures only require both sunlight and water to be able to persist, thus limiting themselves to areas lacking even basic bioluminescence, or areas drained of water for multiple days of travel as it is otherwise capable of sustaining itself on limited access for multiple days - if not weeks at a time depending on it's age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This creature needs liquids, but prefers alcohol as that is significantly more efficient for energy management for the creature. the more potent the alcohol, often the longer it can go without needing to drink or feed on sunlight.

Biological Cycle

to preven the loss of water, or loss of energy, this creature will form fur during cold seasons to prevent it's innards from freezing, and then shed that fur during hotter seasons. This fur - for the convenience of all forms of services and due to a lack of impure elements, is excessively fluffy and extremely warm - well purposed in cuddling or wearing as a coat.


Without purpose, these creatures are rampant and wild, driven by base instinct of a countless number of uncoordinated minds that drive it to insanity. The method of brainwashing these creatures is poorly known however, and the closest achievement to this was to subject it to a radiation treatment.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Equipped with dark vision and scent, this creature also has a supernatural greensight - capable of perceiving the forest and greenery around so long as it itself has a paw against the ground.
Scientific Name
arbor canis
Geographic Distribution