
Nestled in the heart of Astralaria, the region of Lhamia stands as a testament to resilience, diversity, and the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants. This vast and varied continent is home to bustling cities, mysterious Exotic Locations, and a rich tapestry of species, each contributing to the region's unique charm and complexity.  

The Iron City

In the rugged expanse of Lhamia, The Iron City rises as a fortress of strength and industry. Known for its robust architecture and the relentless clang of metalwork, this city is a hub of innovation and craftsmanship. The Iron City is where dreams are forged in iron and steel, and its people are as resilient as the metals they shape.  

Kaiga City

Kaiga City, with its harmonious blend of nature and civilization, offers a stark contrast to the industrial might of The Iron City. Here, the inhabitants live in sync with the natural world, their lives intertwined with the lush forests and flowing rivers that surround them. It is a place where the serenity of nature meets the bustle of city life, creating a unique and tranquil environment.  


Founded by brave adventurers in the aftermath of the Calamity, Treddleton is a beacon of hope and community spirit. This town, nestled in picturesque valleys, is known for its vibrant markets and cultural richness. Treddleton plays a crucial role in studying and mitigating the effects of quantum flux zones, areas of magical instability that produce rare and powerful flux crystals.  


Arcadis stands as a paragon of magical and technological integration. Governed by the Klaiminora-Wae Royal Family, the city is a marvel of automated defenses and arcane energy. Jadetech, powered by Dragon's Jade, fuels the city's infrastructure, blending ancient magic with cutting-edge technology. Arcadis is a city where the future and the past coexist, driving the region forward.  

Alajuoksun Kaupunki

Alajuoksun Kaupunki, a city steeped in history and tradition, is known for its scholarly pursuits and arcane research. The city attracts scholars, mages, and adventurers from across Astralaria, all eager to uncover the secrets of the past and push the boundaries of knowledge. It is a place where learning and discovery are held in the highest regard.  

Exotic Locations

Lhamia is dotted with Exotic Locations, each with its own mysteries and dangers. From the ancient ruins whispering forgotten secrets to the enchanted forests teeming with mystical creatures, these locations offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. They are the untamed frontiers where the brave and the curious test their mettle.  

Inhabitants of Lhamia

Lhamia's rich biodiversity is one of its most striking features. The region is home to a variety of species, each adding to the vibrant tapestry of life.  

The Eläin

Intelligent shapeshifters with a deep connection to nature, the Eläin use their enhanced sensory abilities and vast knowledge to influence and protect their environment. Their presence is felt across the forests and plains of Lhamia, where they maintain a delicate balance between civilization and the wild.  

The Natura Morta

Emerging from the ashes of their oppression, the Natura Morta embody resilience and renewal. These beings, once subjugated by the Saltieunni, now thrive in the freedom of Lhamia, contributing to its diversity and richness.  

Ci Gwyrdd

With their vibrant green hues and harmonious existence, the Ci Gwyrdd are a testament to the beauty and complexity of Lhamia's ecosystems. Their unique abilities and cultural practices add another layer of intrigue to the region.  

Extinct and Enigmatic Creatures

The now-extinct Saltieunni were once a formidable force in Lhamia, their pursuit of biological perfection leaving a lasting impact. The region is also home to many poorly documented beasts and harrowing monsters, such as Sky Fishers, whose elusive nature and formidable presence continue to intrigue and challenge adventurers.
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Articles under Lhamia