
The Eläin are a remarkable fusion of human lineage and the spiritual magic of a pre-human race. Chimeric in nature, they embody both human and animal characteristics, creating a diverse and vibrant people. From the ferocious majesty of a lion to the cunning grace of a fox, Eläin appearances vary widely. While they all share this dual heritage, only certain Eläin possess the gift of shapeshifting—the Half-Eläin and the Muoto'ilija. The majority maintain their inherited animalistic traits throughout their lives, reflecting a rich tapestry of mammals, reptiles, and even aquatic creatures.

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Modifiers: Eläin are nimble and insightful. They gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom.
Type: Eläin are Outsiders (native subtype).
Size: Eläin are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Eläin have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Eläin can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Languages: Eläin begin play speaking Eläinn. They cannot learn languages through the Linguistics skill or from a high Intelligence score. However, they can be taught languages at three times the normal rate and may learn up to three times their Intelligence score in languages. Comprehend Languages, Tongues, and similar spells provide no benefit for any language they do not already speak.
Immortal: Eläin do not age naturally and cannot die of old age. Spells and effects that cause aging affect an Eläin as normal.
Shattered Soul: Eläin who are killed are exceptionally difficult to return to life. To resurrect an Eläin using raise dead, resurrection, or similar spells, the caster must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the Eläin’s Hit Dice. If this check fails, the spell fails and cannot be attempted again for 24 hours.

Defense Racial Traits

Deathless Spirit: Eläin gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and necromancy spells or spell-like abilities.

Advanced Traits

Quick Reactions: Eläin gain Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
Bowtrained: Eläin are trained from birth in archery and are proficient with bows and bow-like weapons, including longbows, orc hornbows, crossbows, stonebows, and dwarven pelletbows.
Treespeech: Eläin can converse with plants as if under a continual speak with plants spell.
Scent: Eläin gain the scent ability.
One with Nature: Eläin can mimic the sound of any animal perfectly.

Alternate Racial Traits

Kiilash: Some Eläin embrace their animalistic heritage more fully, choosing to forego their training with bows to enhance their natural abilities. This trait replaces Bowtrained and Treespeech. Select one of the following options:  
  • Apina: Monkey-like Eläin with a climb speed of 20 feet and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. They have a long, flexible tail that can carry objects. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can retrieve small, stowed objects as a swift action.
  • Vuohi: Goat-like Eläin possessing Gore (1d6) and Hoof (1d4) natural attacks. When charging, a Vuohi deals 2d6 damage with its gore attack plus 1.5 times its Strength bonus.
  • Kala'staa: Fish-like Eläin with a swim speed of 30 feet and a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. They are amphibious, able to breathe both air and water.
  • Ah’Ma: Wolverine-like Eläin who gain +2 Strength instead of +2 Dexterity. They have two Claw (1d4) natural attacks. Once per day, when they take damage, they can fly into a frenzy for 1 minute, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Constitution and Strength but a –2 penalty to AC.
  • Lintu: Bird-like Eläin with small wings and feathers. They take no damage from falling and can glide, moving 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot they fall, at a speed of 60 feet per round. They cannot gain height but can use updrafts to increase glide distance. They also gain a Wing (1d4) natural attack.
  • Mate'lija: Reptilian Eläin capable of making melee attacks with their long, sticky tongues (a secondary natural attack). A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away and takes a –2 penalty to AC while attached. The tongue can be removed by an opposed Strength check or by dealing 2 points of damage to it (AC 11). As a swift action, a Mate'lija can pull the attached creature 5 feet closer.

Half-Eläin: Offspring of Eläin and humans, Half-Eläin are not considered true Eläin but carry Eläinn blood that grants them shapeshifting abilities. They are Humanoid (Shapechanger) for all purposes. Half-Eläin can use beast shape I at will, with a caster level equal to their Hit Dice. They gain the ability to speak a single language related to their non-Eläin parent. This trait replaces Outsider (native), Darkvision, Immortal, Shattered Soul, and Deathless Spirit.

Muoto'ilija: Descendants of a long-lost tribe, the Muoto'ilija are chameleon-like Eläin who can blend into any crowd. They count as both Humanoid (Shapechanger) and Outsider (native). They can assume the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as per the alter self spell, without ability score adjustments. They reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (including this reduction). This trait replaces Quick Reactions, Bowtrained, and Treespeech.

Favored Class Bonuses

Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the alchemist formula list to the character’s formula book. This formula must be at least one level below the highest formula level the alchemist can create.
Cleric: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid’s natural armor bonus when using wild shape.
Fighter: Add to damage rolls against opponents the fighter is flanking or those denied their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Inquisitor: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders. Alternatively, add one spell known from the inquisitor spell list, at least one level below the highest spell level the inquisitor can cast.
Kineticist: Add 1/3 point of damage to water element blasts that apply the kineticist’s elemental overflow bonus.
Rogue: Gain +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
Sorcerer: Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list, at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.
Summoner: Gain 1/6 of a new bonus combat feat.
Warpriest: Gain 1/6 of a new bonus combat feat.

Basic Information


The Eläin are a remarkable fusion of human and animal, walking upright with a grace that belies their dual heritage. Their humanoid forms are adorned with animalistic features—sharp ears that twitch at the slightest sound, tails that swish with emotion, fur or scales that shimmer under the sun, and eyes that hold the wisdom of both worlds.   Each Eläin reflects a connection to a specific animal lineage, often mirroring the creatures that inhabit their native lands. A lion's mane might frame the face of one from the savannah, while the sleek scales of a fish-like Eläin might glisten in coastal regions. This deep bond with their environment isn't just skin-deep; it's woven into their very being, influencing their abilities and instincts.   Among them, some possess a unique gift—the ability to alter their form. The Half-Eläin, born of Eläin and human unions, and the enigmatic Muoto'ilija from a long-lost tribe, can shift their appearances, blending seamlessly into different shapes. The rest of the Eläin embrace their natural forms, carrying their animal traits with pride and authenticity.

Biological Traits

The Eläin are a marvel of nature's artistry, a harmonious blend of human and animal characteristics that create a unique tapestry of life. Walking upright on two legs, they possess a humanoid form adorned with animal features—ears that catch the whispers of the wind, tails that express joy or alertness, fur or scales that mirror the colors of their environments, claws that hint at their connection to the wild, and sometimes even wings that embrace the sky.   These traits vary widely among the Eläin, each individual reflecting their specific animal heritage. A fox-like Eläin might exhibit cunning eyes and a bushy tail, while one with avian lineage could have feathers woven into their hair and a lightness to their step. These characteristics are more than mere appearance; they grant the Eläin enhanced senses, natural defenses, and abilities that aid them in their daily lives.   However, these gifts come with their own challenges. In some societies, their distinct features might set them apart, leading to misunderstandings or prejudice. Yet, the Eläin carry themselves with confidence, embracing their identities and the strengths that come with them.

Genetics and Reproduction

The tapestry of Eläin genetics is rich and varied. When two Eläin come together, their offspring inherit a blend of traits, creating endless combinations of features and abilities. Unions with humans are less common but give rise to the Half-Eläin, who walk between worlds with their unique shapeshifting talents.   Their children carry not just physical traits but echoes of their parents' spirits—courage, cunning, compassion—all interwoven with the magic that flows through their veins. It's a legacy that binds generations, each Eläin a living story of those who came before.

Growth Rate & Stages

Time weaves differently for the Eläin. They reach physical maturity over centuries, their bodies developing strength and resilience that outpaces many other races. Mentally, they gather wisdom over the ages, their perspectives broadening with each passing year.   Immortality is both a gift and a responsibility. They do not wither with age but can choose to embrace the passage of time in their appearance, often reflecting the seasons of their lives through subtle changes. While they cannot die of old age, the experiences they gather become a profound part of who they are.

Ecology and Habitats

From dense forests to sweeping deserts, towering mountains to the depths of the sea, the Eläin find home wherever nature thrives. Their innate connection to the land guides them, each community adapting to its surroundings with remarkable ease.   In the woodlands, they might dwell among the trees, their homes woven into the canopy. Coastal Eläin might build villages that ebb and flow with the tides. Their adaptability isn't just physical; it's cultural, embracing the rhythms of the earth and living in harmony with the world around them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Variety is a hallmark of Eläin cuisine. Drawing from both their human and animal natures, they enjoy a wide range of foods. A meal might include fresh fruits gathered from the wild, hearty grains cultivated with care, or meats hunted with honor and gratitude.   Their diets often reflect their habitats and heritage. An Eläin with bear-like traits might favor fish and berries, while one akin to a goat might prefer mountain herbs and hardy plants. Meals are communal affairs, rich with tradition and a celebration of life's bounty.

Biological Cycle

The Eläin live in tune with the natural cycles of their environments. They rise with the sun or the moon, hunt or harvest according to the seasons, and celebrate the patterns that sustain life. Their bodies respond to these cycles, and while they can adapt as needed, there's a deep-seated rhythm that guides them.   Some explore the boundaries of their biology through magic or meditation, seeking to understand and perhaps influence the forces that shape their existence. But always, there's a respect for the balance of nature, a recognition that they are part of a greater whole.


Shapeshifters Among Them: The Half-Eläin and Muoto'ilija hold special places in Eläin lore. Their abilities are seen not as a deviation but as another thread in the rich tapestry of their people. They often serve as ambassadors or storytellers, bridging gaps between communities.   Language and Communication: While the Eläin language is rich and expressive, they value all forms of communication. Songs, dances, and even silent gestures convey meaning. Their ability to mimic animal sounds adds another layer, allowing them to communicate across species when needed.   Art and Expression: Creativity flows freely among the Eläin. Their art often incorporates natural elements—carvings from fallen wood, pigments from crushed flowers, melodies inspired by the wind. Through art, they honor their heritage and explore their identities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Eläin society is intricately woven through clans, each centered around shared animal traits and cultural traditions. These clans function as extended families, offering support, education, and a sense of belonging. Leadership is earned through merit, wisdom, and the ability to inspire others.   Clans maintain their own territories, customs, and laws but are not isolated. Trade, festivals, marriages, and alliances connect them, fostering a network of relationships that strengthen the Eläin as a whole. Conflicts may arise, but there's a common understanding that unity is key to their prosperity.


Deeply attuned to the natural world, the Eläin live in harmony with their surroundings. They domesticate animals such as horses, dogs, and birds, forming partnerships built on mutual respect. These creatures are companions, helpers, and sometimes spiritual guides.   Agriculture is practiced with a reverence for the land. The Eläin cultivate crops suited to their environments—grains, fruits, vegetables—using methods that sustain the soil and promote biodiversity. Their knowledge of herbalism and natural remedies is extensive, reflecting a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Resourcefulness is a hallmark of Eläin culture. They craft tools, clothing, and artworks from materials provided by nature, such as wood, stone, fur, feathers, and bones. These creations are functional and often carry artistic and symbolic value.   Sustainability is central to their practices. The Eläin are mindful of their impact on the environment, striving to use resources wisely and minimize waste. They understand the balance of ecosystems and take measures to preserve it for future generations.   Interactions with other races are approached with openness and caution in equal measure. Trade and collaboration are welcomed when based on mutual respect. However, the Eläin are protective of their way of life and stand against exploitation or aggression. They rely on their wisdom, diplomacy, and, when necessary, their natural abilities to navigate these relationships.

Facial characteristics

The faces of the Eläin are a captivating blend of human warmth and animal allure. Eyes might gleam with the sharp focus of a predator or the gentle curiosity of a woodland creature. Noses could be delicate or pronounced, sometimes resembling a snout that enhances their sense of smell. Mouths may conceal pointed teeth or tusks, hinting at their connection to the wild.   Expressions are richly conveyed not just through facial movements but also through their animal features. A flick of an ear, the twitch of whiskers, or the flare of nostrils adds depth to their communication. These nuances allow the Eläin to express emotions and intentions vividly, enhancing their interactions with others.

Average Intelligence

Curiosity and wisdom run deep in Eläin culture. They are a people who value knowledge in all its forms, from the mysteries of magic to the lessons of history, the nuances of language, the expressions of art, and the innovations of technology. Their minds are sharp, blending human logic with animal intuition, allowing them to approach problems from unique angles.   This fusion of perspectives enables the Eläin to excel in various fields. They might be scholars who unravel ancient secrets, artists who capture the essence of nature, or engineers who craft tools that harmonize with the world around them. Their intelligence is not just academic; it's practical and deeply connected to their way of life.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Blessed with heightened senses, the Eläin navigate the world with an awareness that few can match. Their eyes pierce through darkness, seeing where others are blind. Scents carry stories to them—whispers of distant flowers, the approach of a stranger, or the hint of rain on the wind.   Some converse with the very trees, understanding the silent language of the forest. Others can mimic the calls of any creature, a talent that serves both in harmony with nature and in times of need. These abilities vary among individuals, often tied to their animal heritage, adding layers to their interactions with the world around them.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Beauty among the Eläin is a celebration of diversity and harmony. They find allure in the blending of human and animal features, appreciating the unique combinations that reflect individual identity. Physical beauty is admired, but it is the balance between body and spirit that truly captivates them.   An Eläin's beauty is seen as a reflection of their personality and philosophy. The strength of a lion's mane might symbolize courage and leadership, while the delicate feathers of a bird-like Eläin could represent freedom and grace. Their animal traits are accentuated through attire and adornments that highlight their features, each choice deliberate and meaningful.   Mental beauty is equally valued. Wisdom, kindness, creativity, and integrity are qualities that enhance an Eläin's allure. They believe that true beauty shines from within, manifesting through actions and the way one interacts with the world.

Relationship Ideals

In Eläin culture, relationships are profound bonds that extend beyond mere companionship. Marriage is a sacred ritual that intertwines the very essence of two individuals. Through ancient ceremonies, their true names—a concept deeply significant to the Eläin—are melded, creating a new name that embodies the union.   This newly forged name is more than a label; it carries the legacy of both partners, connecting them on a spiritual level. Their children inherit this connection, their identities sourced from the lineage of both parents. While the spoken or written form of the name may remain unchanged, its meaning and purpose are transformed, symbolizing the creation of a new family line.   Such unions are celebrated with joy and reverence, often involving elaborate rituals, communal feasts, and the sharing of gifts that hold personal significance. The Eläin view these relationships as partnerships of equals, built on mutual respect, love, and the shared journey of life.

Average Technological Level

The Eläin's relationship with technology is one of harmony with nature. They have learned to harness dragon magic through jade as a catalyst, a practice known as Jadetech. This innovation allows them to replicate technological advancements using draconic magic, creating devices and machinery that blend seamlessly with the natural world.   Jadetech has enabled the Eläin to develop cities and infrastructure without disrupting the balance of their environments. However, this reliance on magical energy comes with challenges. As the ley lines—the veins of magical energy coursing through the world—became corrupted, so too did their Jadetech. This has led to periods of technological decline, forcing the Eläin to adapt and find new solutions.   One notable achievement is their underwater power source, a generator that fuels much of their city. This marvel of engineering reflects their ingenuity and ability to coexist with nature, drawing energy from the depths without causing harm.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Language holds a special place in Eläin society. They speak Eläinn, a language rich in expression and nuance, reflecting their complex thoughts and emotions. Unlike many races, Eläin cannot learn new languages through traditional study or by sheer intellect. Instead, they must be taught directly, a process that takes time but results in deep understanding.   Their unique connection to names adds another layer to communication. An Eläin's true name is intertwined with their identity, lineage, and existence. It carries weight and meaning that cannot be easily replicated. Magic spells like Comprehend Languages or Tongues offer no benefit in deciphering Eläinn or an individual's true name, emphasizing the personal and sacred nature of their language.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect and honor are cornerstones of Eläin society. Their system of etiquette is complex and formal, guiding interactions in a way that fosters harmony and understanding. Social status and roles are acknowledged through specific gestures, expressions, and rituals, each imbued with cultural significance.   Communication extends beyond words. The Eläin use sounds and movements influenced by their animal traits to convey emotions and intentions. A flick of a tail, the tilt of ears, or a particular vocalization can speak volumes, adding depth to their interactions.   Visitors to Eläin communities are often struck by the grace and dignity with which they conduct themselves. Hospitality is offered generously, but respect for their customs is expected in return.

Common Dress Code

Practicality and comfort guide the Eläin's approach to clothing. Attire is chosen to suit their needs and adapt to various situations and moods. Materials are selected based on environment and climate, ranging from lightweight fabrics in warmer regions to insulating garments in colder areas.   Their animal features are often accentuated through style and pattern. For instance, an Eläin with feline traits might wear clothing that complements their fur, while one with avian characteristics could incorporate feathers into their accessories.   Adornment is not merely decorative; it can signify clan affiliation, achievements, or personal beliefs. Jewelry, tattoos, and other embellishments are common, each piece telling a part of the individual's story.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Eläin possess a rich tapestry of culture and traditions, woven from their long history and deep connection to the world. They are avid seekers of knowledge, exploring fields such as magic, art, history, languages, and technology with passion and dedication.   Their unique perspective, blending human intellect with animal intuition, fuels creativity and innovation. They compose poems, craft stories, sing songs, and paint visions that capture the essence of their experiences. Their art is a reflection of their souls, often infused with symbolism and layers of meaning.   Festivals and rituals play a significant role in preserving their heritage. Seasonal celebrations, commemorations of historical events, and rites of passage are observed with joy and reverence, strengthening communal bonds and passing traditions to younger generations.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

An Eläin's existence is intrinsically linked to their true name. It's not merely a means of identification but a representation of their very being, lineage, and connections. Each Eläin knows of all others within their race, a network of identities that binds them together.   This deep connection to names makes it nearly impossible for outsiders to impersonate an Eläin convincingly. While someone might mimic their appearance through magic or disguise, they cannot replicate the resonance and authenticity of a true name. Attempts to deceive are quickly uncovered, as the Eläin sense the absence of genuine identity.

Common Taboos

In a society where individuals can live for millennia, concepts of justice and punishment take on unique forms. The Eläin handle transgressions with methods that reflect the gravity of immortality. Rather than imprisonment or execution—reserved only for the gravest offense of treason—they impose a fate considered worse than death: the denial of existence.   When an Eläin commits a severe crime, their true name is blacklisted for eternity. It is posted in all shops, businesses, services, and homes. The condemned is denied access to all facets of society—food, shelter, companionship. This social ostracism effectively erases them from the communal life of the Eläin.   Such punishment is a profound deterrent, as the Eläin highly value their connections and standing within their communities. The prospect of isolation in an immortal life is a heavy burden, one that few are willing to risk.


The origins of the Eläin are steeped in mystery and wonder, tracing back to a time when the world was torn apart by a great war. In a hidden corner of the realm, a group of human refugees sought sanctuary from the chaos that consumed their lands. It was there, amidst untouched wilderness, that they encountered the Taika'Eläin—a tribe of intelligent, shapeshifting beings deeply attuned to the natural magicks of the world.   The Taika'Eläin, spiritual creatures embodying the essence of nature itself, welcomed the weary humans with open arms. Over time, bonds were forged, and through a blending of cultures and lineages, a new race emerged: the Eläin. This term became a blanket classification for the myriad chimeric beings that arose from this union, each one a unique fusion of human and animal traits.   As generations passed, the Eläin spread across diverse regions, naturally adopting forms that resonated with the creatures embodying their most vital characteristics. Some became simian in nature—agile and curious—while others took on avian qualities, soaring with grace and freedom. Others embraced piscine traits, navigating the depths with wisdom and serenity. Their animal-human forms were as varied as the landscapes they inhabited.   One of the most remarkable aspects of the Eläin is their longevity. Many live for centuries, gathering wisdom and experience beyond the grasp of shorter-lived races. Some are said to be immortal, their lives intertwined with the very fabric of the world—a testament to their deep connection with nature and the magic that flows through it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Eläin's interactions with other races, particularly humans, are complex and often fraught with tension. Their unique powers and appearances can inspire wonder but also fear and envy. Historically, humans have both revered and persecuted the Eläin, leading to a cautious approach in their dealings.   The Taika'Eläin's initial act of sheltering human refugees was a gesture of goodwill that led to the birth of the Eläin race. However, over time, some humans have exploited this relationship. Ancient treaties established for the sharing of natural magic have been strained, especially as extremist human groups seek power for their own purposes.   These groups have invaded Eläin lands, capturing and harming their people—actions that have sown distrust and resentment. The Eläin, valuing harmony and respect, find such aggressions deeply troubling. They are protective of their heritage and natural magic, striving to safeguard their communities from those who would misuse or destroy what they hold dear.   Efforts are made to foster understanding and peace, but the path is challenging. The Eläin's approach balances diplomacy with vigilance, always mindful of the lessons learned from their history.
Veilfall Origin Race
Immortal - Starting Ages (years): Adulthood 386, Intuitive 388-486, Self-Taught 390-686, Trained 396-886 years
Average Height
Male: 4 ft. 8 in. - 6 ft. 0 in.
Female: 4 ft. 6 in. - 5 ft. 6 in.
Average Weight
Male: 76 - 118 lbs.
Female: 66 - 108 lbs.
Average Physique
The Eläin's physiques are as diverse as the animal traits they embody. Many possess a petite and agile build, their muscles honed for speed and grace. These individuals move with the fluidity of a deer through the forest or a fish through water. Others might have a more robust and powerful stature, echoing the strength of a bear or the endurance of a wolf, their bodies built for resilience and might.   Environmental factors and personal heritage play significant roles in shaping their forms. Mountain-dwelling Eläin might develop stronger limbs for climbing, while those from the plains may have leaner builds suited for running. This physical diversity is a testament to their adaptability and the richness of their lineage.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coloration among the Eläin is a vibrant spectrum that reflects both their environment and heritage. Skin tones might range from the pale hues of moonlight to the deep shades of earth and stone. Hair, fur, or scales can display patterns unique to their lineage—spots, stripes, iridescent sheens—that serve as both camouflage and cultural identity.   Markings often carry significance, telling stories of personal achievements, clan affiliations, or ancestral legends. Some Eläin adorn themselves with tattoos or jewelry that complement their natural features, further expressing individuality and pride in their heritage.
Geographic Distribution
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