
This island location is found within the veil and is a popular escape for many to enjoy themselves within.


This island boasts numerous climates sustained through the island's innately magical nature and closer connection to the outer edges of the veil. Whilst all individually vibrant the unique biomes it sustains all have some unique intermingling interactions, whilst none encroach too far upon another.


There are several ecoysystems that coexist on this island;  
The Mourning Heights
A mountainous terrain, there are several volcanic mountains that consistently ooze lava, and are home to various volcanic creatures, although the primary species present here consists of the Lurva Murnches whose lava-based diet results in a slow but continual expansion of the edges of this island, whilst their passive diet prevents any build-up or pockets that would allow any particularly destructive eruptions.   In addition to the volcanic mountains are several high peaks, in which numerous fliers roost, protected by the clouds that gather nearby, and feasting on the invasive veilswarms that occasionally get cought on the eyries and high places of this island.  
The Desert
One of the smallest ecoystems of this island, this desert is the least populated of all of ire-land, containing few creatures, though rumor has it that she's posted several fliers requesting any exotic eggs to place here, to this point the only creatures that live in this desert are a type of sand wolf.  
The White Galaxy Springs
With water fed from the nearby mountains, the water in these springs is aseasonally warm in part due to the heating of the nearby mountains as much as it is cooled by them. it has a pearly-white coloration due to the immense amount of minerals contained inside the water, as such a biome capable of supporting certain paleontological life exists here, with larger than normal fish making it a pleasant fishing site.  
The Plains
A small biome near to the docks, this has been magically cultured to present a neutral environment, the unending lights emplaced by the child of heaven ensure that the tempurature is perfectly regularated year round with the outdoors often maintained at a steady degrees of 79°F and the indoor at 72°F, making the dock a welcoming home for those seek a vacation year round, whilst offset locations present more comely environments for these of especial needs, such as those born of yuki-onna or salamanders.  
The Woods
a tropical forest biome bordering most others within the island, these spread fruitfally and throughout the rest of the island, and contain the many varied creatures that inhabit it, with some scent based markers that prevent opposing creatures from invading each other excressively, allowing a number of species to coexist despite natural emnities.  
The Marshlands
A marshy biome, one of the few locations in which visitors are restricted the most thoroughly. This land is home to the most unusual creatures and have a slightly unusual nature.

Ecosystem Cycles

There is no strong ecosystem cycle within this island mainly due to it's position to the equator allowing for a state of "eternal summer" though the creatures here have their own recognitions for the cycles as appropiate for determining when it is time for mating season and other natures.


Originally this island existed as a home to a cultists worshipping a plane of shadow and an eternal darkness, in their attempt to corrupt the world around them, they caught the attention of adventurers and consequently had their bodies repurposed as fertilizer. Years later, this island would be claimed by Irene, and turned into her very own "Ire" land.   Within the ten years that Ire tends to her mountain island, it ends up expanding in size, as the lurva murnches tamed by her terraform and expand her new home, the number of species whose eggs and children she's collected expand the various ecosystems and set up of her island, allowing for an exotic nature, as the rich volcanic grounds grow quickly and fruitfully.   She does face more than a few obstacles in face of this, as more than one species proves mildly invasive, but her carefully measured "Arcani island shoot out" proves to be an effective method of culling a species before it runs out of control, and offering a lucrative method of ensuring the balance of her island is maintained. For it proves to be an exciting theme park that is responsible for creating as many dreamlike encounters, as it creates new dreamers


The White Galaxy Hot Springs
The White Galaxy Springs have an associated hotspring building. Maintained by an otherworldly water spirit who came to it of their own voalition there are numerous services offered by the building and it's well trained well operated staff, as numerous assistants are capable of providing aided bathing no matter the preference. Amongst the services provided are the legendary cold baths.   It is believed that the entire package (taking 60 minutes) provides one point of healing per minute, whilst also ensuring that the next time a customer full rests after this delightful experience, they recover from ability score damage twice as fast as they ordinarily would.   The waters of these baths are pearly white due to the extremely high mineral content, and it is said to have a restorative function on the skin, helping the aged and elderly regain some of their youthful palor  
The Thread Bearer bar
This dungeon-themed bar is newly renovated and hosted by a woman of a strange nature, how it grows and the customers it services is a hot topic currently in Arcani and Betoros, as they wait with baited breath to see what kind of exotic experiences the location will end up offering in the future.  
Miss Cass's Wild Ride
Using floating rails made out of skyfisher's thread, one of the vibrant attractions of Ireland is the Rolling-Coasters, an experience where one rides in a propulsed vehicle and is escorted across the island, allowing curated views and experiences of the best aspects of the island, with three different varients that change based on seasonal and holiday experiences, whether it be a "snow wonderland" in "winter" or a "circus freakshow" in Lamashtu.   The experiences are as follows:
Novice: This ride experiences the more mundane sides of the island, with neither high rises nor steep falls, one visits the tame environments, and sometimes draws the attention of one of the many curious residents of the island, though a barrier made by the child of heaven, ensures that the customers and the carts are unharmed.   Journeyman: This ride experiences every island biome and explores the more exciting creatures it has to offer, with only a mild risk of nausea or sickness for those of a more temperate nature. It has thrills, and a few chills, as well as visiting the volcanoes and heading through waterfalls, though exposure is limited and cleansed off long before the end of the journey.   Expert: This ride is for thrillchasers and visits the mountain peaks, and is constructed in such a way where multiple free-falls can be experienced. Customers are required to have their safety-straps tightly buckled (the carts, being sentient ensure this.) in order to prevent any accidental fatalities. The sharp twists and incredible turns ensure that only those of hardy stomach can outlast the chaotic nature fo the event.  
The Dragon's Den
This mountain location belongs to a juvenile mainland magma dragon. Despite it's young age, the creature possesses a maturity beyond it's years and an untold connection to the island, Cassandra herself has mentioned that it might be responsible for the strengthened magical aura that the island posseses.   This dragon, both being incredibly charming to look at is capable of common and draconic speech and speaks in a low voice. It will trade fairly for items based on it's personal values, but also enjoys in the occasional "loot geode" - a geode consisting of easily fractured obsidion in which it's offerings are randomized based on what the creature has collected.  
The young and bright Orphanage
Built for Cassandra this orphanage is a respite for children from the the various cities, kept within the plains, the children are raised carefully, giving them space to enjoy themselves whilst ensuring that they receive life experiences that cultivate them into functional adults. Aside from being respectful, one of the most certain ways to get forever banned from Ireland is to threaten or abuse these children in some Ways.  
The Marsh Lab
Run primarily by Cassandra and her assistants, this underground laboratory is not a tourist location by nature, but mroeso serves as a structure to keep her research private and away from prying eyes. Carefully protected against divination and scrying as well as hidden away this laboratory is the medium through which Cassandra more deeply performs her private investigations of the reality of the world around her.