Cassandra Calliope Preston

Daughter of R'lyeh

Fuck around and find out.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A creature whose first connection to the outer tapestry was not entirely consensual, Cassandra's early story is a wreath of scars, wounds, and experimentation forced upon her by others, but if pain is beauty, then Cassandra is a pretty bitch; though many of her scars have faded away with the gifts of her strange anatomy, she has made lessons out of these injuries and made herself a stronger woman for all of them, and in her more recent years has constructed places which offer services to children once like her. Offering others a path forward, so they don't have to look for something she has found for herself.   Joining the expedition also has proven rewarding in in of itself to the strange woman, whose purity of blood has expanded into a purity of form and mind, granting an otherworldly aspect of beauty and glow to her eyes, which mesmerizes those who have the luxury of spending time in her company, through her personal humity means that it becomes doubly enjoyable.   Whilst on her expedition, Cassandra achieved and experienced a great many things. Experimenting and exploring in her own ways. Whether it was to ill fated experiments in which time had lashed back at her, and she had encountered the god of time himself and been warned away from her actions, and given a chance to atone from her mistakes lest she find herself and her compatriot perished from the world.   Refragmenting her past, Cassandra would rejoin her expedition with more knowledge, and similarly more questions. The only appropiate consequence for acquiring more knowledge of what was around you. And this pattern would continue for the vast majority of her experience amidst the expedition.   She found she couldn't settle down, nor stay in one place, and the sedentary lifestyle of the expedition was taking too long, too slow - there were countless foes to fight, absolutely. But day after day she found her eyes drawn to clear skies to watch the constellations, or clouded skies to watch the patterns of the Aetherian sea.   The Saltieunni War's terminus was the break she needed, and that was the day before she left the expedition site, and wandered. Folloiwing a sense deeper than word or explanation, and instead moving to pure instinct as eventually she found herself climbing a mountaintop. Rock and Rubble scattering against even steps as she ascended. Her steps quickening as she saw a strange cloud approaching her mountain top.   The cloud, she assessed, was far too strange and stood out far too much so she hastily ascended, and then, as she entered the cloud - was caught by a storm, unnatural, the winds tore her from the mountain and picked her up, blades of rock and stone carried in the same gale-breath as they eviscerated her.   Lifting her shield upp against her body, Cassandra curled up against it, and let it take the brunt of the damage, closing her eyes and relying on unnatural healing to mend her wounds as she focused her energies ablatively. Never fighting against it, but only fighting to survive as she was slowly pulled upwards. Minutes would pass, and as the winds faded, Cassandra would uncurl from her shield, pick herself up and open her eyes.   What surrounded her now was a city made from strange materials, like bricks made of condensed cloud, yet whilst one might accuse the material as in truth being ice or water, it was instead maintaining some of the non-dense plush and properties of the cloud itself, though such observations would occur later, at in the more immediate moment the residents nad those manipulating this skybound city had discovered her and had much to say on her presence in this location.   Much to say however, did not mean that what they were saying was in a commonly understood tongue. Their lack of words and instead emenation of cloudlike particles from their body would prove linguistically impossible to decipher for the average person. Cassandra herself, was no average person and her innate curiousity made her uniquely predisposed towards engaging into the situation.   Despite their relative strangeness, the creatures were willing to wait for Cassandra to return her own forms of communication. Which started from her decrypting the language, which resonated well to her in-depth understanding of the protean tongue. The City of Verneal Eyes, was what the city had been referred to as.   The Anhneun were it's denizens, and while they were willing to speak with Cassandra, she quickly recognized that they were easily lost and sidetracked from their conversations. For one moment they would be teaching her her language, only to trail off into a conversation about "The Everstorm" and the "Great Poison" which made them a great struggle for her to understand.   Cassandra however - diligent and studious, took the words fo these strange creatures, and then made notes from them. Collecting them to herself over the course of the three months she spent with them. Eating and cooking amongst them, much to their awe at the various methodologies she approached the culinary arts, such that their staple diets could become strange and appetizing meals.   After three months had passed however, Cassandra recognized the land below, approaching the same mountain she had first found this place upon, and at the Anhneun's request - she left their city. Coming home to the mainland, and letting her steps wander until eventually they took her back home from across the veil, where she would reconnect with her friend - Irene, and, after an extensive journey on her own, recognize her own needs for companionship and court the whip wielding woman.   This courtship was successful, and Cassandra would join amidst the various lovers Irene had experienced and become a lasting partner of the woman and her operation in Ireland, settling down on the island and building an underground laboratory in which she could perform her various researches and store her notes. Knowing that one day, they might be passed down to someone as adventurous as she, or as curious about the unknown as she was.   But such topics are for others now. With access to her orphanage, her laboratory, and a good place to study with she has her own contentments as she has grown especially fond with toying with the various markets and financial institutes of the surrounding islands and whilst her lack of understandings about her encounter in the city of Verneal eyes once bothered her, the itch has been relieved by an encounter with one of her favorite peoples who had more than a few thoughts about it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Great Old Ones / Dark Tapestry
Ruled Locations