Natura Morta

The search for immortality is a treacherous thing that can lead some down a path of darkness and shadow. Many grand and powerful rulers, warriors of old, men and women who seek to avoid the cold touch of death seek out unnatural or odd ways of accomplishing the task. Natura Morta are life-sized portraits often infused by powerful magic or occult phenomena. Able to move and talk, these half-constructs can also step out of their frames to become three-dimensional beings. Born from artistic masterpieces, Natura Morta can easily pass for their original models, though close examination reveals that they are not entirely flesh and blood, but also formed of many layers of paint. As suggested, Natura Morta are formed to serve as a vessel for a powerful soul to stay. On occasion, one may animate spontaneously as an unfortunate mishap at the soul forge. Rarely, a portrait is so lifelike, a nascent spirit is able to inhabit it. Believing itself to be as good as or better than the original, such a Natura Morta seeks to eliminate and replace the painting’s subject. When they are not quietly sitting in their framed home, these paintings… these people... are formed of flesh and blood as much as they are formed of paint and canvas. The odd amalgamation can be initially unsettling to those who learn their true nature. Natura who spontaneously appear tend to keep to themselves to avoid ridicule or worse possibilities.  

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Scores: Natura Morta gain a +2 racial bonus to any two ability scores. (2 RP)
Type: Natura Morta are Humanoids with the Half-Construct subtype. (7 RP)
Size: Natura Morta are Small or Medium creatures (based upon the original creature) (0 RP)

  • Medium Natura Morta gain no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Small Natura Morta gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed: Natura Morta have a base speed based on upon their size. (0 RP)
  • Medium Natura Morta have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Small Natura Morta have a base speed of 20 feet.
Languages: Natura Morta begin play speaking Common. Natura Morta with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. (1 RP)
Immortal: Natura Morta do not age naturally and cannot die of old age. While some might be painted at age categories other than adulthood, they never leave their original age category. Spells and effects that cause aging affect a Natura Mortal as normal. (1 RP)

Half-Construct Traits:

Half-constructs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue.
Half-constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.
Half-constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that a half-construct can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for the construct to survive or stay in good health.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Spark of Creation: Natura Morta gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (Paintings) checks. (2 RP)  

Magical Racial Traits

Enter Painting: Due to their guarded nature, Natura Morta have developed a natural defense against those attempting to find or hurt them. As a standard action, Natura Morta can enter a painting it touches. When it does so, its physical body disappears, and its image appears in the painting.   Natura Morta can use their normal senses and attempt Perception checks to notice anything occurring near the painting. While within a painting, the Natura Morta can talk and move anywhere within the picture or even temporarily alter it (such as by picking a flower in the painting). It cannot use any spells or other abilities while within an image. In addition, the Natura Morta gains the freeze universal monster ability to appear as part of the painting. Natura Morta can leave the painting as a move action. Once it leaves the painting, the image immediately reverts to the appearance it had before the Natura Morta entered. If someone destroys or damages the painting, the Natura Morta is unharmed, but exits the image. (7 RP)

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Natura Morta are made of blood as well as paint, and therefore, still bleed. However, their blood often have some unusual properties or effects, depending on the type and quality of the paint that was used to create them. For example, their blood may be more viscous, more colorful, more flammable, more toxic, or more magical than normal blood.   As Natura Morta are fundamentally based upon a creature in the first place, they share many of the same traits that the originating creature would possess. Similar blood and organ structure, though strong impressions from the artist may have a strange influence on the body.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Natura morta reproduce through two primary methods, "Natural" or "Created"  

The Natural-Born

Through two compatible natura morta entering a painting and sharing the birds and the bees, with the "mother" remaining in the portrait until she completes her duties as a parent, and gives birth to a new child, whom learns their ability to leave the painting at birth, and thus be raised "normally"   The offspring will also have a painting of their own often appearing within a meaningful place to one of the partners within the relationship. This painting reflects their appearance and personality of the newborn, and will grow with them in both age and experience.   With an innate awareness when close to their "origin" painting, Natura Morta often hide these, or keep them close at hand, as whilst their destruction doesn't prove immediately damaging to the owner, it often has deleterious effects if they are unable to create a new painting with which to bond to.  

Interracial Breeding

Natura Morta, due to their unique biology, are only capable of birthing another Natura Morta. The offspring will often inherit the traits and abilities of both parents, However, interracial breeding may also have some risks or complications, such as genetic incompatibility, hybrid vigor, or hybrid weakness. These could affect the health, development, or performance of the offspring, for better or worse.    

The Created

Naturally gifted artists, Natura morta are often capable of creating the masterpieces from which they originate, with the newborn Natura Morta coalescing it's mind and memories from the experiences of both it's artist and the media upon which it was based, with resultant Natura Morta bearing the unique talents of their predecessors.   To create a new Natura Morta, one needs a few things: a skilled artist, a high-quality painting, a powerful source of magic or occult energy, and a compatible soul. The artist must paint a lifelike portrait of a person, animal, or creature, using the best materials and techniques available. The painting must then be exposed to a strong magical or occult force, such as a ritual, a spell, a curse, or a phenomenon. This will infuse the painting with a potential for life, but it will not animate it yet. The final step is to find a soul that matches the painting’s subject, and transfer it into the painting. This can be done voluntarily or involuntarily, depending on the artist’s intentions and methods. The soul will then inhabit the painting, and give it consciousness and personality. The painting will then become a Natura Morta, and will be able to enter and exit the painting at will.   Whilst in theory, any creature can be made into a Natura Morta, the painting itself requires an obsessive degree of understanding of the creature, down to being able to express it's personality, and 'self' through the art itself, making it a challenge that even the most profound artist may only achieve once in their lifetime.   With such strong impressions required, A created Natura Morta intertwines their mind with their creator, if the creator creates a replica of themselves. The painting will hold some of their memories and be capable of replacing them in their daily lives, to some extent. However, the painting will not be an exact copy of the creator, but rather a version or a variation of them. The painting will have its own identity, personality, and free will, which may differ from the creator’s. The painting may also have some gaps or errors in its memories, or some differences or changes in its abilities. The painting may also develop its own goals, interests, and relationships, which may conflict or diverge from the creator’s. Therefore, the painting will not be a perfect replacement for the creator, but rather a separate and distinct individual.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aging of the Natural-born

Unlike their created brethren, Natural born Natura Morta will age at the same rate of which a child born of their parent's supposed races would, although this freezes as soon as they hit their adult years, leaving them with the same immortality possessed by all of their race.  

The Fading

Whilst immortal in name, a Natura Morta may suffer a similar condition to a gnome's bleaching, except by their culture referred to as "The Fading" where the paint, and colors of a Natura Morta fade and become dull, if this condition persists, the victim grows increasingly listless and tired, until finally they become colorless, and are unable to move.   More commonly however, Dye and Ink are used to restore the faded areas of a Natura Morta, and often serves as an act of intimacy, trust, vulnerability and care between two of them to restore and prevent the fading from taking hold in one of their fellows.   in such cases where a Natura is unwilling to or can't recover from the fading, it will often seek out a painting it feels deeply connected to (often it's origin painting) and fade into a state of suspended animation, where they are neither dead nor alive, and only in rare cases can they recover.   As the fading is primarily phsychological and emotional condition with it being associated with a Natura Morta losing their sense of self, their passion, their purpose, or their connection to others. Being in a painting does not prevent or protect them from these feelings, but may actually worsen them. Being in a painting may isolate them from the outside world, limit their experiences and interactions, or make them feel trapped or bored. Therefore, a Natura Morta who spends too much time in a painting may be more prone to the Fading than one who does not.

Ecology and Habitats

The common habitat of a Natura Morta can be found in areas rich in various forms of dyes or other artistic Materials, which is commonly used to create more works of art, or to bring into existance the various paintings and stories that their culture uses to persist and maintain it's coherency.  

Natura Morta Murals

Whilst origin paintings often only feature a single Natura Morta, multiple Natura Morta can inhabit a painting at once, and in cases where they gather frequently, they may use murals in order to have the appropiate space to host the required number of Natura Morta, as the painting's laws might inhibit the ability of any further Natura Morta from joining if the canvas is too small.


Natura Morta are a peaceful Agararian society by nature, they grow the dye and the world around them that shapes the worlds they make with their art, with a tendency to hide away, many of the problems that would come to bother the natura Morta are solved simply by the Natura Morta avoiding the problem at all. This does not however mean that they are without the ability to defend themselves. Being painted of various nobles and other figures, there are more than a few who have an intimate familiarity with the art of war.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Paintings and Natura Morta

Entering and Leaving

Objects can be taken in and removed from paintings as long as they are small enough and compatible with the painting. The Natura Morta can bring or remove objects or items that they can carry or wear, such as clothes, weapons, tools, or jewelry. However, they cannot bring or remove anything that would disrupt or damage the painting, such as fire, water, acid, or explosives.   They also cannot bring or remove anything that would contradict or clash with the painting, such as modern technology, exotic animals, or foreign symbols. The painting has a degree of control and authority over what can enter or exit it, and may reject or eject anything that it deems inappropriate or harmful.   A Natura Morta's Painting typically cannot store items after the host has left (although many enchant their paintings to be able to store items and items removed from the painting are often replicas with the value of their material deducated from the painting through equivalent exchange. In this way, a highly valuable painting might be able to replicate a gold bracelet, whilst a cheap knockoff might create a bracelet of paper.   Only through special means, can a living creature be brought into or removed from a painting, Natura Morta cannot typically do this.  

Entering one painting into another

One painting cannot entered into another painting. This would create a paradox or a loop that could destabilize or destroy the paintings and the Natura Morta inside them. The painting is not a physical object, but a magical or occult portal that connects to a different dimension or reality. Trying to bring another painting into a painting would be like trying to open a door inside a door, or a window inside a window, and is directly often rejected by the paintings that would be combined.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Natura Morta are a rare and secretive race of half-constructs who can enter and exit paintings. They are scattered across the world, hiding in places where they can find or create paintings that suit their needs and preferences. Some of them live in isolated or remote locations, such as forests, caves, ruins, or islands. Others live in urban or civilized areas, such as cities, towns, villages, or castles. They often disguise themselves as members of other races, or use their paintings as cover or camouflage. They tend to avoid contact with other beings, unless they have a reason or a purpose to do so. They are mostly peaceful and artistic, but they can also be cunning and dangerous if provoked or threatened.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Spectrum

Amongs the Natura Morta, there are a number of entities who represent various aspects of their Nature, Such as Nadilli - The Green Rage, Death - The Black End, Seraphina, The Red Passion, and Aqua, the blue peace. as extremists within the Natura Morta's spectrum, they are individually quite talented and powerful.   The Spectrum is not a formal organization, but rather a loose collection of individual Natura Morta who are both uniquely powerful and emotional. The origin of the Spectrum is unknown, but there are a few theories. One theory is that they are the result of experiments or accidents that altered their original paintings or souls, giving them enhanced or unique powers. Another theory is that they are the manifestations of the collective subconscious of the Natura Morta, reflecting their hopes, fears, desires, and emotions. A third theory is that they are the chosen agents or avatars of some higher power or entity, such as a god, a spirit, or a force of nature.  

Joining the spectrum

One does not become a part of the Spectrum as a Natura Morta, but rather is born or created as one. The Spectrum is not a group that one can join or leave, but rather a category that one belongs to or not. The Spectrum is composed of Natura Morta who have extreme or unique traits or abilities that set them apart from the rest of their race. These traits or abilities are usually determined by the nature of the painting, the soul, the magic, or the occult force that gave them life. For example, a Natura Morta who was painted with a rare or exotic pigment, who had a powerful or ancient soul, who was exposed to a potent or mysterious magic, or who was affected by a strange or sinister occult phenomenon, could become a part of the Spectrum.   Due to the shifting nature of a Natura Morta however, it is possible for one to be 'reborn' as a member of the spectrum, though the consequence is often the heightening of an aspect of their emotion to an extreme, thus presenting intensely hazardous consequences to the evolved creature such as being too angry to avoid confrontation, or too lethargic to cease the fading.   Often one of the extant members of the spectrum will step in to help temper and teach their newest member methods of self-control and self-assessment to prevent such a valuable member of their species from dying off in preventable ways.

Relationship Ideals

In later stages of a relationship, a Natura Morta can allow others into their Origin painting, but only if they trust them and want them to enter. The Natura Morta has the power and the right to decide who can enter or exit their origin painting, and they can also revoke or deny this permission at any time.   The Natura Morta can also set some rules or conditions for the visitors, such as how long they can stay, what they can do, or what they can bring. The visitors must respect and follow these rules or conditions, or they may face the wrath or the rejection of the Natura Morta. The visitors must also be careful and respectful of the painting itself, as it is the home and the essence of the Natura Morta.   Creatures without the ability of the Natura Morta to enter a painting can potentially emulate it with the help of a magic artifact possessed by most Natura Morta culttures, although special permission is required as improper usage would be an immense taboo to them.

Common Taboos

The Natura Morta, as natural artists are often free spirited and boundless, which means very few laws and rules are kept within their culture, yet a respect for art is one of the most closely held ideologies within their species. This respect goes for the art of other natura morta as well, viewing them as art pieces within themselves.   Thus, one of the most taboo acts possible to a Natura Morta is to induce the fading within another Natura Morta, as the discoloration of their origin painting is viewed as heinous cruelty, and for many of their species, the slow degradation of mind and mentality of their aging family and friends is a deeper insult and wound psychologically than could ever be inflicted physically.   Whilst one might justify this act by stating that one is taking adventage of the stasis-like-state it places the subject in, and it protecting them from progressive curses or diseases, many Natura Morta view a natural physical death a significantly more preferable fate.   The methods of encouraging the fading vary between simple and complex, from psychological torture and inducing states of depression and lethargy, to directly tampering with their life-force through complex rituals and actions.


Though the earliest presence of the Natura Morta can be traced back to the early veilfall, their true origin is currently unknown to them, or held by those who do not share the knowledge. Though one of the oldest paintings of the Natura Morta which is not among their own features a painter who bears a yanyuedao upon his back, archived so safely, though the figure is not known by name, his beauty and uniqueness is well known by the historically inclined of the Natura Morta.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Natura Morta - by nature of their species are not warlike creatures, however conflict is unavoidable and a Natura Morta will typically defend itself to the best of it's abilities.  

Interspecies Conflicts

there have been previous conflicts between Natura Morta and non-Natura Morta. Some of these conflicts were caused by misunderstanding, prejudice, fear, or curiosity. Some non-Natura Morta tried to capture, study, exploit, or destroy the Natura Morta and their paintings, either for personal gain or for scientific or religious reasons. Some Natura Morta tried to defend themselves, escape, or retaliate, either by using their powers or by seeking allies. Some of these conflicts were resolved peacefully, while others escalated into violence or war. Some of these conflicts are still ongoing, while others have been forgotten or hidden by history.
Veilfall Origin Race
Geographic Distribution