Rodrick Blackcrag

Sir Rodrick Blackcrag

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fifty years after the claiming of Treddleton there had been little in terms of rest and relaxtion for Rodrick. As one of the strongest members of the Veil Breakers guild he continued to fight at the forefront of explorations and expansions further into The Mainland. Armed with a spear gifted from the armory of Arqueros himself and clad in the heaviest armor there was nothing that he faced that so much as slowed the angelic warrior down. At least, nothing from without. For some thirty years after the great portal linking The Mainland to Betoros was opened Rodrick recieved news that shook him more than any trial he had yet faced. Maya, the love of his life, was pregnant.   Asking much forgiveness from the guild Rodrick immediately transferred himself to a defensive role for Treddleton and spent as much time as he could with his wife and, months later, their healthy baby boy. Such a gift was already more than he could've every asked for and only rivaled by Maya giving him the right to name their son. It was fitting then, since he had been gifted a name no longer used by the archon that trained him, that his child bare the same from a fallen friend who's strength of will Rodrick knew no equal. Thus, Marrok came into the world. Years after his son's birth the angel did not leave his post save for the most vital of missions and dire of rescues, for he had seen a great increase in the efforts to take The Mainland with all knowing that the greatest bulwark of the Veil Breakers was protecting their home. That, and none could argue with the forgecraft that Rodrick was doing with his newfound free time. Metalwork the likes of which no other smith could come close to matching now arming and armoring those brave enough to challenge that most lethal of lands.   In the recent times it would that Rodrick could be found in one of three places. Directly overseeing the great portal to Betoros, working at his forge, or spending time with his wife and son. It wasn't hard to guess which of the three acts would have the normally stoic man caught smiling.

Gender Identity

Male, Man, He/Him




Constellation Affinity

Rodrick has a Rank 5 Magicraft Affinity and has the Resilience specialization. Some known designs he has created by himself might be learned by outsiders, provided his favor can be earned and him enticed to share them.
Tankard of Might
Price 52,500 gp; Slot none; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura Overwhelming conjuration   DESCRIPTION   On command, this battered pewter tankard fills with ale perfectly matched to the bearer’s taste and desire. Ale poured out the tankard quickly loses its flavor and virtue, becoming common swill within minutes. The tankard prevents most of the ill effects of excessive drinking, such as hangovers and blackouts, as long as it remains in its owner’s possession. It also provides a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.   Once per hour as a move action, by drinking the contents of the tankard and voicing a toast the imbiber gains a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, but takes a –2 penalty on Dexterity– and Intelligence-based ability and skill checks.   These effects last for 10 minutes. If the tankard is empty, it must be filled prior to drinking. If the imbiber expends one use of mythic power while drinking from the cup, the morale bonus increase to +6, the penalties to –4, and the duration of the tankard’s effects to 2 hours, bypassing any innate resistances towards getting drunk.  
Arqueros's instant bulwark
Aura overwhelming conjuration; CL 20th; Slot —; Price 100,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.   DESCRIPTION   This metal cube is small, but when activated by speaking a command word it grows to form a tower 20 feet square and 30 feet high, with arrow slits on all sides and a crenellated battlement atop it. The metal walls extend 10 feet into the ground, rooting it to the spot and preventing it from being tipped over. The fortress has a small door that opens only at the command of the owner of the fortress—even knock spells can’t open the door.   The adamantine walls of an instant fortress have 400 hit points and hardness 30. The fortress automatically repairs at a rate of 10 points fo damage an hour even after being completely destroyed.   The fortress springs up in just 1 round, with the door facing the device’s owner. The door opens and closes instantly at his command. People and creatures nearby (except the owner) must be careful not to be caught by the fortress’s sudden growth. Anyone so caught takes 10d10 points of damage (Reflex DC 19 half).   The fortress is deactivated by speaking a command word (different from the one used to activate it). It cannot be deactivated unless it is empty.   CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS   Craft Wondrous Item, mage’s magnificent mansion; Cost 50,000 gp  
Lord's Banner of the Wall
Aura Overhwleming (various schools CL 20th; Slot none; Price 150,000 gp (crusades), Weight 3 lbs.   DESCRIPTION   A lord of the wall’s banner is a cloth flag or standard, typically at least 2 feet wide and 4 feet long (though some are up to twice that size), meant to be carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect when not mounted properly or when laying on the ground. It normally depicts the insignia of Arqeuros.   A lord’s banner may be carried (on foot or mounted) or planted. In the latter case, the banner does not need a bearer, but if it is toppled or touched by an enemy, it loses its effectiveness until reclaimed and replanted by allies of its owner.   Crusades: the lord of the wall’s banner emits a hallow effect in a 40-foot radius around it, so long as it is borne by one true to the religion of the person whose crest is on the banner (these sorts of banners usually have a holy symbol or other religious insignia worked into the design). The banner displays the faith’s holy symbol along with the owner’s crest.   Additionally, Spell effects may be tied to the banner and last for a 24 hours duration. These include aid, bane, bless, detect evil, detect magic, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, tongues, and zone of truth. Saving throws and Spell Resistance might apply to these spells’ effects. (See the individual spell descriptions for details.)   CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS   Feats Craft Wondrous Item, hallow (crusades), Cost 75,000 gp (crusades)
Current Location
1,720 lbs.
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan, Azlanti, Undercommon, Elven, Auran, Cyclops, Giant, Sphinx