

Treddleton is a quaint yet significant town nestled in the picturesque valleys between lush forests and rolling hills in Astralaria. Known for its vibrant markets and strong community spirit, Treddleton serves as a vital cultural and economic hub, embodying resilience and prosperity in the face of adversity.  


Founding After the Calamity

Treddleton was founded by several brave adventurers in the aftermath of the Calamity. Following the cataclysmic event, these adventurers settled in the region, established supply chains, and formed strong community bonds. Their efforts led to the creation of Treddleton, transforming a desolate area into a thriving settlement.  

Post-Calamity Exploration and Settlement

After the Calamity, the population of Astralaria settled into new roles. A wealthy dragon patron named Tolstrezavir organized an exploration into the Veil, leading to the discovery of the Mainland. This exploration was fraught with challenges, including encounters with monstrous creatures and unpredictable weather. The adventurers faced significant threats but ultimately succeeded in their mission.  

Reclamation and Resettlement

After numerous trials and significant assistance from divine entities and powerful allies, the adventurers managed to reclaim Treddleton. The town, once a ghost town, was purified and cleared of lingering threats, including parasitic Khatikoi Queens. The adventurers worked tirelessly to establish a safe site and construct a monumental planar anchor to facilitate travel between the Mainland and Betoros.  

Government and Leadership

Treddleton operates under a council-based government, where representatives from various guilds and community groups come together to make decisions. The council is led by a mayor, elected every five years, ensuring that all voices in the community are heard and that decisions reflect the collective will of the people.  

Geography and Climate

Located in a picturesque valley, Treddleton enjoys a temperate climate with distinct seasons. The surrounding forests and rolling hills contribute to the town's scenic beauty and provide ample resources for its residents. The fertile lands support robust agricultural activities, while the nearby river ensures a steady supply of water.  

Economy and Industry

Treddleton's economy is diverse, with agriculture, trade, and craftsmanship being the primary sectors. The town is famous for its markets, where merchants from across Astralaria come to trade goods. Treddleton is also known for its skilled artisans, who produce high-quality goods ranging from pottery and textiles to magical artifacts.  

Culture and Society

The people of Treddleton are known for their hospitality and strong sense of community. Festivals and celebrations are common, often revolving around the agricultural calendar and historical events. The town has a rich tradition of storytelling, music, and dance, integral to its cultural identity.  

Notable Locations

  • The Grand Market: The heart of Treddleton, this bustling market is where merchants and traders gather to sell their goods.
  • The Old Mill: A historic landmark, the Old Mill stands as a reminder of Treddleton's agricultural roots.
  • Treddleton Academy: A center of learning, where children and adults alike come to study various disciplines, including magic, history, and crafts.
  • The Whispering Woods: A nearby forest known for its mystical properties and home to various magical creatures.

Post-Calamity Era

The Calamity left a lasting impact on the region, prompting the founding of Treddleton by adventurers who sought to create a new beginning. Key events in the post-calamity era include:   Building The Vessel (7 Gozran 20022 AC - 20 Gozran 20022 AC): A wealthy dragon patron named Tolstrezavir organized an exploration into the Veil. With the help of adventurers and a kobold workforce, they layered spells and enchantments upon a massive ship and began their journey into the Veil.   A Chance Encounter (5 Desnus 20022 AC - 9 Desnus 20022 AC): The crew encountered an enormous, reality-bending sea serpent named "Gibbles," who guided them through the Veil to the Mainland.   Landing on the Mainland (15 Desnus 20022 AC - 23 Desnus 20022 AC): The adventurers landed on the Mainland's shores, facing inhospitable conditions and dangerous locals.   Exploration and Discoveries (3 Sarenith 20022 AC - 24 Sarenith 20022 AC): The group explored the area, discovering sites of power and facing significant threats, including sky spiders, mighty dragons, and parasitic soul suckers.   Settlement and Purification (4 Arodus 20022 AC - 29 Arodus 20022 AC): The adventurers tamed the wilds of the Mainland, purified local leylines, and resettled Treddleton, working to establish a safe site and construct a planar anchor.  

Challenges and Threats

Despite its prosperity, Treddleton faces several challenges. The aftermath of the Calamity still lingers, with occasional magical anomalies causing disruptions. The town must constantly guard against external threats, including bandits and hostile creatures from the nearby wilderness.  

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Treddleton aims to continue its growth while preserving its rich cultural heritage. The council has plans to expand the market, improve infrastructure, and strengthen defenses against potential threats. The town's leaders are also exploring ways to harness magic more effectively, ensuring that Treddleton remains a vital and thriving community in Astralaria.
Founding Date
September 1st, 2022
Location under