

The Saltieunni, a race of sentient crustaceans, are known for their collective consciousness and a deep-seated desire for biological superiority. Evolving from an ancient line of genetically altered life, the true core of the Saltieunni exists as an abominatory amalgation of the various forms of Deific Avatars, the Saltieunni have developed a unique hive-mind society that prioritizes the assimilation of desirable traits from other species. This process, driven by their inherent hostility towards non-Saltieunni life forms, has shaped their culture and interactions with all other races.

Basic Information


The Saltieunni, due to the phenomenon of carcinisation and millennia of selective evolution, closely resemble terrestrial crabs in their younger stages whilst emulating Drider traits in their more adults forms. They possess chitinous exoskeletons in various shades of iridescent red, blue and violet, providing them with natural armor and protection against external threats. Despite their crustacean appearance, the Saltieunni exhibit advanced cognitive abilities, enabling them to communicate and coordinate with one another seamlessly through their collective consciousness.

Genetics and Reproduction

Engineered Saltieunni for "Higher Purpose"

Within their laboratories, the Saltieunni pursue advanced genetic manipulation techniques to engineer specialized breeds of their race for what they consider a "higher purpose." By carefully combining genetic material sourced from various species, they birth and clone Saltieunni that embody specific desired traits, enhancing their physical, cognitive, and psionic capabilities. These engineered Saltieunni serve as elite operatives, leaders, and specialized agents tasked with furthering the Saltieunni's relentless pursuit of genetic superiority and dominance over their adversaries.  

Egg-like Nests for the Lowest Classes

In their hierarchical society, the Saltieunni create egg-like nests to house and control vast numbers of their lower-class counterparts, whose limited mental capacity leaves them susceptible to manipulation by the psionic abilities of higher castes. These nests, meticulously crafted to sustain the rapid growth and development of the Saltieunni larvae, serve as controlled environments where the lowest classes are conditioned and indoctrinated to serve the collective will of their higher-caste counterparts. Failure to exert proper control over these lower-class Saltieunni often results in chaotic and unpredictable behavior, leading to rampant aggression, self-cannibalization, and a significant threat to the stability of Saltieunni society.

Ecology and Habitats

The Saltieunni, known for their relentless pursuit of genetic superiority, have enslaved various species to serve their needs, including a unique breed of omnivorous worms. These worms, cultivated and controlled by the Saltieunni, play a crucial role in the terraforming of territories under their dominion, transforming once conventional landscapes into nightmarish, flesh-like environments conducive to the Saltieunni's biological requirements.  

Worm Characteristics

The enslaved worms, known for their rapid growth and adaptability, can reach lengths of up to a foot. They possess a versatile diet, consuming organic matter and contributing to the creation of three fundamental resources highly valued by the Saltieunni: Flesh, Bone, and Chitin. These byproducts, harvested from the worms' consumption and transformation processes, serve as essential building materials and sustenance for the Saltieunni's advancement and expansion.  

Terraforming Process

Under the direct control of the Saltieunni, the enslaved worms participate in a unique form of terraforming, radically altering the landscapes they inhabit. Through their consumption of various organic matter, the worms produce transformative secretions that assimilate with the surrounding environment, giving rise to grotesque, fleshy terrain reminiscent of the Saltieunni's own biological composition. This terraforming process allows the Saltieunni to create environments tailored to their specific biological needs and preferences.  

Cultivation and Control

The Saltieunni meticulously cultivate and control the enslaved worms, employing specialized breeding techniques and environmental manipulations to optimize their productivity and efficiency. They have developed complex underground networks and controlled environments to facilitate the rapid growth and proliferation of these worms, ensuring a steady supply of essential resources for their expanding territories. Any attempts to disrupt or interfere with the Saltieunni's control over these creatures are met with swift and merciless retribution.

Biological Cycle

Due to the advanced metabolism and hyper-muscularization, a Saltieunni's body is capable of remaining well exercised even in low stress environments. This constant process of self-evolution means that even from birth they are capable of bearing heavy loads. The consequence of this process however, means that whilst Saltieunni are functionally immortal, many of the "eggborn" saltieunni can still hate a venerable state of non-functionality.   Once this stage is reached, a Saltieunni loses advanced motor control, and eventually sheds it's chitinous shell, becoming little more than a clump of meat bone, and blood. Saltieunni will typically sequested these venerable creatures into "graveyards" which gradually form and interconnect into a saturated, soppingly wet meaty environment, rife with sensitive nerve endings and bone. The musculature remaining allows these clumps of flesh to "scream" in pain when damaged, and particularly large burial grounds eventually radiate a condensed psionic energy, useful for training Saltieunni elite, or delegating minor tasks to.


The culture of the Saltieunni revolves around the relentless pursuit of biological perfection, driven by their belief in the superiority of their own species. They view other life forms as inherently flawed and seek to eliminate perceived weaknesses by assimilating desirable traits through genetic manipulation. This process involves the theft of genetic material, eggs, and larvae from other species, which they incorporate into their own biological makeup to enhance their physical and mental attributes.

Hive-Mind Society

Unified by a shared consciousness, the Saltieunni operate as a cohesive collective, with individual members serving specialized roles within their society. This hive-mind structure enables them to communicate instantaneously, share knowledge, and coordinate complex tasks efficiently. Despite their unified nature, a hierarchy based on the perceived contribution to the collective's advancement exists, with more venerable leaders known as "Genesis Queens" overseeing the assimilation and integration of foreign traits.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Scent of Flesh and Magic

The Saltieunni possess an acute olfactory sense that enables them to detect the scent of flesh and magic with exceptional precision. This heightened sense of smell allows them to discern the presence of organic matter, both living and decaying, as well as the subtle traces of magical energy permeating their surroundings. By utilizing this unique sensory capability, the Saltieunni can track potential sources of sustenance and identify magical disturbances within their territories, enhancing their ability to defend against external threats and secure valuable resources.


In the darkness of subterranean caverns and dimly lit environments, the Saltieunni rely on their natural adaptation of darksight to navigate and perceive their surroundings. This ability grants them the capacity to discern shapes, movements, and environmental features in low-light conditions, providing them with a tactical advantage when operating in environments where conventional vision would be compromised. Their proficiency in utilizing darksight allows them to conduct covert operations, ambush unsuspecting intruders, and maintain a strategic edge over potential adversaries in the shadows.


Complementing their darksight, the Saltieunni possess an innate form of blindsight that allows them to detect the presence of nearby entities and environmental disturbances without relying on traditional visual cues. Through subtle vibrations, air currents, and sensory perceptions, the Saltieunni can perceive the movements and spatial positioning of objects and creatures in their vicinity, granting them heightened situational awareness and the ability to anticipate and react to potential threats swiftly. This unique sensory adaptation further solidifies the Saltieunni's dominance within their subterranean domains, enabling them to maintain a vigilant watch over their territories and repel intruders with calculated precision.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

The saltieunni hold no gods above their own leader. Although at it's guidance, they have hunted for particularly potent symbology of the various divines, and sough to corrupt their imagery and change the original medium, corrupting the god into a "lesser being" which can be controlled and manipulated. The keenest example existing of this would be known as "Lamashtu, the chained mother" as divine relics imbued with her fecund nature have been spread amongst the saltieunni and used in their various laboratories to accelerate the rate at which their young are produced, at an "acceptable cost of varience" within them.   The second god known to be perversed, is the Chained God Tharizdun, with holy sites once dedicated to his worship appearing to be used to siphon away divine energy and power. Theoretically, what is being stolen his ability to enthrall and chain other creatures to his will, and serves as an important keystone in their abilities to control and dominate the subservient creatures underneath them.   Relics and items of these gods as perversed by the Saltieunni are, notably, universally hated by true worshippers, and considered sickening by even those who despise the related divinity as such despoilage of identity is not something one would willingly considering inflicted even upon a hated enemy.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Conflict with Other Races

Driven by their conviction of genetic superiority, the Saltieunni harbor a unrelenting animosity towards other races, considering them as inferior and in constant need of improvement. Their hostile actions often involve aggressive raids, abductions, and genetic theft, aimed at acquiring desirable traits and eliminating perceived genetic weaknesses. As a result, other races within the world of Astralaria view the Saltieunni with a mixture of fear and disdain, recognizing the danger they pose to their own genetic integrity.
Geographic Distribution