Shori Liegen-Klaminora-Wae

Shori Liegen-Klaminora-Wae (a.k.a. Shori)

Shori, a brilliant creation mage, stands out not only for her keen intellect but also for her unique appearance. With mismatched red and blue eyes, her gaze reflects the depth of her analytical mind. Despite her petite frame and the ever-present fatigue from countless sleepless nights, Shori's dedication to research and documentation is unwavering. She is often seen meticulously recording her observations in a personal journal, capturing the intricacies of creatures, cultures, and supernatural phenomena. Her brunette hair, with a light sandy blonde ombre, and her floppy ears and bushy tail add to her distinctive look. Clad in a trendy, knitted button-down jacket when not in the field, Shori embodies the fusion of magic and technology. Her prized possession, a magi-tech "Blue Jade" torque wrench, symbolizes her relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Though not naturally a people person, her quiet determination and unwavering resolve make her an indispensable ally in any quest for understanding and advancement.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shori has a petite and slender build, standing at 4'8" and weighing 94 lbs. Her small stature belies the strength of her character and her relentless energy. Despite her seemingly frail appearance, she moves with a purposeful grace, honed by years of meticulous research and fieldwork.

Body Features

Shori's complexion is fair and light, not pale, indicating that she spends a considerable amount of time both indoors in her lab and outdoors in the field. She has an hourglass figure with average proportions for her height and weight, including a small chest. Her most distinguishing body feature is her large, bushy tail, which is brunette with a light sandy blonde tip, mirroring the color gradient of her hair.

Facial Features

Shori's face is characterized by her mismatched eyes—one red and one blue—which immediately draw attention. Her eyes are sharp and reflect her keen intellect and constant state of contemplation. She has a delicate nose, full lips, and high cheekbones that give her a youthful yet determined look. Her expression often carries a hint of fatigue, a testament to her late-night research sessions.

Identifying Characteristics

Beyond her mismatched eyes and bushy tail, Shori's most identifying feature is her floppy, dog-like ears that hang down and frame her face. These ears, along with her tail, mark her as a Kitsune in a Kemonomimi style. Her hair, a blend of brunette and sandy blonde, adds to her unique appearance, making her easily recognizable.

Physical quirks

Shori often exhibits subtle physical quirks that reflect her constant state of near-exhaustion. She has a habit of rubbing her eyes or temples when deep in thought or when particularly tired. Despite her fatigue, her movements are precise and deliberate, a result of her methodical nature. She also has a tendency to tilt her head slightly when listening intently or analyzing a problem.

Apparel & Accessories

Shori's wardrobe is practical yet stylish, reflecting her dual life as a researcher and adventurer. When not in the field, she favors a trendy knitted button-down form-fitting jacket, which offers comfort and a touch of sophistication. In the field, her attire adapts to the needs of her work, often shifting to suit the environment and tasks at hand. Her most prized accessory is her magi-tech "Blue Jade" torque wrench, a family heirloom that she uses for various mechanical and magical tasks. This wrench, with its soft blue glow and occasional puffs of steam, is always within reach, either tucked into her belt or held securely in her hand. Additionally, she always carries her personal journal, filled with meticulous notes and sketches, which she guards closely.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shori, also known as Shōrai Liegen-Klaminora-Wae, was born into a family with a rich legacy of technological innovation and magical prowess. Her mother, Suzy Klaiminora-Wae, is a renowned technologist, while her father, Alacard Liegen, is a respected mage. Raised in an environment that valued knowledge and innovation, Shori was encouraged to explore both the arcane and the scientific from a young age. Despite the minimal connection between her parents in this timeline, Shori's upbringing was marked by their influence and the legacy of her grandmother, Yushu Klaiminora-Wae, whom she idolizes. Shori's childhood was filled with curiosity and learning, setting the foundation for her later achievements.


Shori's education was a blend of formal training and hands-on experience. She studied under her parents' guidance, learning the intricacies of both creation magic and advanced technology. Her education was not limited to structured lessons; she spent countless hours in her mother’s lab and her father’s study, absorbing knowledge through observation and experimentation. Shori’s education also included travel and field research, where she documented various creatures, cultures, and phenomena in her journal. This comprehensive and immersive education honed her analytical skills and fostered her relentless pursuit of knowledge.


Shori’s employment is more of a continuous journey of discovery than a traditional job. As a creation mage and researcher, she often works independently or collaborates with scholars, adventurers, and technologists. Her work involves developing new magical technologies, conducting field research, and solving complex problems that blend magic and science. Shori's reputation as a brilliant researcher and inventor has led to numerous consulting opportunities, where she offers her expertise to various organizations and projects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Shori’s most significant accomplishment is the development and refinement of Blue Jade technology. This self-temperature regulating material is a groundbreaking advancement, and Shori's work on creating a container to keep it superchilled and powered for extended periods has been revolutionary. Additionally, her meticulous documentation and research have earned her recognition in scholarly circles. Shori's ability to blend magic and technology seamlessly has led to several innovations that are widely used in her world, cementing her reputation as a leading mind in her field.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite her many achievements, Shori has faced her share of failures and embarrassments. One notable failure involved an early prototype of the Blue Jade container, which malfunctioned and caused a minor explosion in her lab. While no one was seriously injured, the incident was a stark reminder of the risks involved in her work. Shori has also struggled with public speaking, often feeling awkward and out of place in social settings. Her lack of natural people skills has led to several embarrassing moments during presentations and conferences, where her brilliant ideas sometimes get overshadowed by her social anxiety.

Mental Trauma

Shori's relentless pursuit of knowledge and perfection has taken a toll on her mental health. The pressure to live up to her family's legacy and her own high standards has led to chronic stress and anxiety. She experiences frequent bouts of insomnia, staying up late to work on her projects, which exacerbates her fatigue. Shori also harbors a deep fear of failure and disappointing those she cares about, which sometimes leads to obsessive overwork and a tendency to isolate herself. These mental challenges are compounded by her occasional struggles with distinguishing between reality and the esoteric elements of her research.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shori possesses a nigh deific super genius level IQ, with an intelligence score of 43. Her mind is a vast repository of knowledge, spanning a wide range of disciplines, including creation magic, advanced technology, and field research. She has a natural talent for problem-solving and a keen analytical mind that can quickly synthesize complex information. Shori's intellectual curiosity is boundless, driving her to explore and understand every aspect of her world. Despite her brilliance, she remains humble and dedicated to her work, always seeking to learn and improve. Her approach to research is methodical and meticulous, ensuring that her findings are thorough and accurate. Shori's intellectual characteristics make her an invaluable asset to any team, and her contributions have had a profound impact on the advancement of magical and technological knowledge.

Morality & Philosophy

Shori’s morality is grounded in the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of society. She believes that scientific and magical progress are essential for improving the world, even if it means taking calculated risks. Her philosophy is utilitarian, often weighing the greater good over individual needs. Shori values truth, efficiency, and innovation, and she strives to make decisions based on logic and empirical evidence. While she is dedicated to her work, she also understands the importance of ethical considerations and seeks to balance her ambitious goals with a sense of responsibility towards others.


Shori has a few strong taboos that she adheres to strictly:
  • Intellectual Dishonesty: She cannot tolerate any form of deceit or falsification in research. Integrity in documentation and experimentation is paramount.
  • Unnecessary Harm: While she believes in taking risks for progress, she abhors causing unnecessary harm or suffering. Experimentation on sentient beings without their consent is a line she will not cross.
  • Stagnation: Shori fears stagnation and actively avoids complacency. She believes that stopping progress, either intellectually or morally, is a betrayal of her principles.

Personality Characteristics


Shori is driven by a desire to leave a lasting impact on the world through technological and magical advancements. She aims to honor her family’s legacy, particularly her grandmother Yushu, by contributing significant innovations. Her work on Blue Jade technology is a testament to her commitment to creating tools and systems that can improve society. Additionally, Shori is motivated by a deep-seated need to understand the unknown, documenting every phenomenon she encounters.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Savvies: Shori is exceptionally skilled in creation magic, advanced technology, and meticulous documentation. Her analytical mind allows her to solve complex problems efficiently. She has a natural talent for invention and is highly knowledgeable in various scientific disciplines.
  • Ineptitudes: Despite her intellectual prowess, Shori struggles with social interactions and public speaking. Her empathy towards constructs over humans sometimes makes her seem detached or awkward in emotional situations. She also finds it challenging to delegate tasks, often preferring to handle everything herself.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Shori enjoys healthy foods, sleep, and engaging in deep conversations about various subjects. She finds joy in solving complex problems and making new discoveries. Her journal is a constant companion, and she takes pride in her meticulous notes and sketches.
  • Dislikes: Shori dislikes sleep deprivation, small spaces, and awkwardly long hugs. She feels uncomfortable with unrealistically-sized objects and experiences secondhand embarrassment intensely. Comments about her appearance, particularly her fatigue, also make her uneasy.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Virtues: Shori is incredibly intelligent, dedicated, and meticulous. Her integrity in research and commitment to progress are unwavering. She is humble about her abilities and always seeks to learn more. Her perseverance and ability to work tirelessly towards her goals are commendable.
  • Perks: Shori’s vast knowledge and analytical skills make her an invaluable problem solver. Her ability to blend magic and technology seamlessly allows her to create innovative solutions. Her attention to detail ensures that her work is thorough and accurate.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Vices: Shori can be overly critical of herself and others, especially when it comes to intellectual pursuits. Her fear of failure sometimes leads to obsessive overwork and isolation. She can be stubborn, insisting on her methods and solutions even when collaboration might yield better results.
  • Flaws: Shori’s social ineptitude often leads to misunderstandings and difficulty in forming close relationships. Her empathy towards constructs over humans can make her seem detached or insensitive. Her tendency to work late into the night exacerbates her fatigue and affects her overall well-being.

Personality Quirks

Shori has several tics and quirks that are characteristic of her:
  • She often rubs her eyes or temples when deep in thought or tired.
  • When listening intently or analyzing a problem, she tilts her head slightly.
  • She has a habit of jotting down notes and sketches at every opportunity, sometimes in the middle of conversations.
  • Shori occasionally mutters to herself when working through complex problems, seemingly lost in her own world.


Despite her constant fatigue and busy schedule, Shori maintains a good standard of hygiene. She understands the importance of cleanliness, especially in her work with magical and technological experiments. While she might appear disheveled due to her late nights and intense focus on her work, she ensures that she is clean and presentable. Her workspace is organized, and she takes care to avoid any contamination in her experiments. Shori’s dedication to her work extends to maintaining a clean and efficient environment, both for herself and her research.


Contacts & Relations

Shori maintains a network of contacts that span across various fields due to her interdisciplinary work. She has strong professional relationships with scholars, technologists, and mages who respect her expertise and seek her input on complex projects. Despite her social awkwardness, her reputation as a brilliant researcher precedes her.

Family Ties

Shori’s family ties are complex and significant:
  • Mother: Suzy Klaiminora-Wae: A renowned technologist who gifted Shori the Blue Jade wrench. Suzy’s dedication to technological advancement heavily influences Shori’s own pursuits.
  • Father: Alacard Liegen: A respected mage who introduced Shori to the world of magic. His teachings provided the foundation for her creation magic.
  • Grandmother: Yushu Klaiminora-Wae: A figure Shori idolizes, Yushu’s legacy inspires Shori to make significant contributions to the world.
  • Extended Family: Shori maintains a close relationship with her “uncle” Marrok Blackcrag, “great aunt” Myohou Hōjō, “great uncle” Rodrick Blackcrag, and “great auntie” Maya Blackcrag. She also respects Elder Coaltl Byrd.

Religious Views

Shori’s views are grounded in pragmatism and empirical evidence. While she respects various spiritual and religious practices, her own beliefs are centered around the tangible and observable aspects of the world. She acknowledges the existence of deities and spiritual entities, especially given her encounters with various supernatural phenomena, but she remains focused on understanding these elements through a scientific and magical lens.

Social Aptitude

Shori struggles with social interactions, often feeling awkward and out of place in large groups or formal settings. Her intelligence and analytical nature can sometimes come across as detached or intimidating. However, she is deeply empathetic towards those she considers friends and allies, and her sincerity shines through in smaller, more intimate settings. She prefers direct communication and values honesty and integrity in her interactions.


Shori exhibits several distinctive mannerisms:
  • She frequently rubs her eyes or temples, especially when tired or deep in thought.
  • When listening intently or analyzing a problem, she tilts her head slightly.
  • Shori has a habit of jotting down notes and sketches at every opportunity, often mid-conversation.
  • She mutters to herself when working through complex problems, lost in her thoughts.
  • Her movements are precise and deliberate, reflecting her methodical nature.


Shori’s speech is clear, precise, and often laced with technical jargon. She speaks in a calm, measured tone, reflecting her analytical mind. Despite her social awkwardness, her sincerity is evident in her words. She occasionally pauses mid-sentence to gather her thoughts or to scribble a note in her journal. Her voice carries a hint of fatigue, but it remains steady and focused, particularly when discussing topics she is passionate about. Shori’s speech reflects her dedication to knowledge and her commitment to solving problems logically and methodically.

Wealth & Financial state

Shori’s wealth is modest but sufficient for her needs. Her focus has always been on research and innovation rather than accumulating riches. She earns a comfortable living through consulting work and royalties from her inventions. Her resources are primarily invested in her lab and research materials.

Shori is a highly intelligent and dedicated creation mage, driven by a passion for documenting and understanding the world around her. Despite her small stature and constant fatigue, she remains a relentless researcher, always striving to solve problems.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Arcadis, The Mainland
Red (Right), Blue (Left)
4ft 8in
94 lbs.

Psionic and Physical Stabilization of Subject Vi³
17th of Desnus, 22024 A.C.

Abstract This study documents the psionic and physical stabilization efforts for subject Vi³, who presented with severe distress manifested through frost-like symptoms and fragmented memories. The interventions utilized included physical comfort, mental stabilization, magical healing, and narrative reconstruction, with a particular focus on the integration of a significant artifact, a rifle with imprinted psionic memories. This entry aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the methods employed and the observed outcomes.
Introduction Vi³, an engineer and sharpshooter from Zone 216, was brought to the cottage exhibiting symptoms indicative of a severe psionic disturbance. The initial symptoms included rapid skin discoloration, cyanosis of the lips, and depigmentation of hair. The subject’s condition appeared to be influenced by both environmental stressors and deep-seated psychological trauma. This study aims to document the interventions applied and analyze their efficacy in stabilizing Vi³’s condition.
Methodology Initial Assessment
  • Symptoms: Pale, frost-like skin, blue lips, white hair, even breathing with signs of subconscious tension.
  • Immediate Actions: Provided warmth and comfort, initiated meditation and mental grounding techniques, and performed a ritual to imbue restorative energy.
Ongoing Monitoring
  • Symptoms: Fluctuating condition with blotted marks resembling bruises, frequent awakenings, and strong psychological attachment to a rifle.
  • Actions: Continued meditation, prioritized retrieval of the rifle, reinforced magical support.
Critical Intervention
  • Event: Subject began humming a song, momentarily stabilizing her condition.
  • Actions: Provided emotional support, explained the significance of the rifle, encouraged reflection on fragmented memories.
Strategic Planning
  • Roles Defined: Sandrah (mentor), Arunirthir (healer), Arsim (guardian), Shori (documentarian).
  • Artifact Integration: Used the rifle to introduce meaning and create a narrative crack for change.
Implementation and Results
  • Actions: Sandrah retrieved and integrated the rifle, Vi³ responded positively, showing increased mental clarity.
  • Ongoing Support: Continued physical, emotional, and magical support, monitored and documented changes.

Results Initial Assessment
  • Observation: Immediate physical comfort and mental grounding stabilized Vi³ temporarily. The ritual provided a significant boost to her psionic resilience.
  • Analysis: The combined approach of physical warmth, mental grounding, and magical healing showed initial efficacy in stabilizing severe symptoms.
Ongoing Monitoring
  • Observation: Blotted marks indicated psionic conflict manifesting physically. The rifle provided a calming effect, suggesting a strong psychological anchor.
  • Analysis: The presence of the rifle is crucial for Vi³’s stability. The physical manifestations of psionic conflict highlight the need for continuous mental and emotional support.
Critical Intervention
  • Observation: The song suggested a therapeutic connection between Vi³’s emotional state and the psionic disturbance.
  • Analysis: The integration of emotional and narrative elements into the intervention strategy is essential for effective stabilization. The song serves as both a therapeutic tool and a diagnostic indicator of psionic stress.
Strategic Planning
  • Observation: Clear role definitions and a strategic plan involving the rifle provided a structured approach to addressing Vi³’s condition.
  • Analysis: A coordinated, multi-faceted approach leveraging individual strengths is key to managing complex psionic disturbances.
Implementation and Results
  • Observation: Positive response to the rifle integration, increased mental clarity and emotional stability in Vi³.
  • Analysis: Initial results indicate that the artifact integration, combined with ongoing support, is effective in stabilizing the subject. Continued use and monitoring are recommended.

Discussion The study highlights the importance of a holistic approach to addressing severe psionic disturbances. The integration of physical comfort, mental grounding, magical healing, and narrative reconstruction provided a comprehensive framework for stabilizing Vi³. The rifle, as an artifact with imprinted psionic memories, played a crucial role in anchoring Vi³’s mental state and facilitating emotional processing.   The positive response to the combined interventions suggests that addressing both the physical and psionic aspects of trauma is essential for effective treatment. The findings underscore the need for continued support and monitoring, as well as further research into the therapeutic use of imprinted artifacts.
Conclusion The coordinated efforts of the team, leveraging their individual strengths and focusing on a comprehensive, multi-faceted intervention strategy, have shown promising results in stabilizing Vi³’s condition. The use of the rifle as a therapeutic anchor and the incorporation of emotional and narrative elements into the treatment plan were particularly effective. Further research and continued support are essential to ensure long-term stabilization and recovery.