Exploration of the Forbidden Island of the Sun

Discovery, Exploration


Adventurers lay claim to the forbidden isle of the Sun, A summary of the events that took place during this time and their consequence.

Three ships went upon an expedition to the forbidden isles. Captained by three members of the Arcani Nobility - Yukika Yaesano, Richard Headd, and Vyressa Autumns. They would be cracked by the storm and reefs that would drive them against the isle of the forbidden sun.   This crash landing scattered the crews and people both. As many regrouped on an shoreline encampment, many crewmembers would end up missing, preyed upon by the island's inhabitants for the dark rituals that consumed the islands.   Rather than surrnder to the beating sun however, these adventurers riled themselves to make sense of the island they were now trapped upon. Discovering a ship that had been reconstructed into a fort, they would find many missing members of their crew, as well as the leiutenent Vyressa Autumns, whose life had nearly been extinguished by the maddened Sun Adherent K'in.   Given urgency by having the dark nature of the cult-like shipwreck survivors and the escape of the mad cultist, the adventurers would climb the high peak of the island. Discovering that the cliffs were too sheer to traverse, they instead progressed up by winding cave system which allowed them to climb further. Discovering that the island's original construction predated it's current inhabitants by millenia.   To approach the peak was challenging, for the innate defenses of the island had been awakened by the mad cultist, whom was now in the process of beseeching his deity for the power that would break the bodies and spirits of the adventurers who now had trespessed upon the island. Unfortunately for his plans however, his beseechments would be interrupted by the adventurers who would claim his life, and end his schemes. Ending the cult's presence of the island, and laying ruin to the darkness that had it's hold on the island.   For now...

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