Smao Klaiminora-Wae

The Storyteller ---- Klaiminora-Wae- Celeste (a.k.a. "Smao")

Divine Domains



A key

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Smao was originally born to thouse of Celeste, a noble line proud in their lineage composed almost entirely of angelic aasimars, despite their heaven-prone nature however, he displayed the obvious signs of tiefling nature unlike the rest of his siblings. an aspect that earned him inecessant mockery and abuse especially as his mother would die in childbirth.   His infancy and childhood were composed primarily with abuse and neglect, whilst he learned methods of escaping his household as as he started to mature, he would find himself deeply outclassed and out of the water when being exposed to the island of Betoros. one day during this period, he would accidentally discover and befriend a white necromancer in training.   This friendship would become the cornerstone of his mental development and learning, however Smao would eventually be caught with them and due to the practiced art of the white necromancer, his companion would be slain. Although Smao would retain their spirit later as his Eidolon when he too joined the ranks of the white necromancers - a secret he kept from his family.   When Smao finally reached adulthood, was a day when a dreadful event happened - a fire unleashed in his family home would burn the entire house alive, and trap him under the rubble for several days until he managed to escape. Leaving this shattered relic behind he would move along and join the adventurer's guild in Betoros.   Taking on several 'light' quests, he would perform various tasks and explore the strange disappearance of several barrels of a magical wood, in addition to meeting a forging master, who would give him his first introduction of 'The Way' a path he'd take throughout the rest of his life. It was also during this time that he met Yushu Wae and discovered her powers as a master of creation.   Almost immediately after discovering her prowess, Smao would come to the conclusion that he could borrow her talents to make manifest a number of useful material components. Something he'd try to charm her into giving him, although unintentionally he charmed her into giving far more than something of just material value.   Shortly after this, Smao was invited and recommended to join the expedition aboard the Valaistus where he'd manage the mystical interactions of the way with reality, whilst growing his familiarity amongst his fellow crewmates, developing as a leader amidst also - learning how to soften the harshness and brutality of his exterior.   After several months at sea, the Valaistus would land on shore, and Smao would go on numerous exploratory outings, both in this reality and in others. Supporting his fellow veil-breakers through their journeys of discovering the cure for the khatikoi and encountering the great old tarrasque.   after establishing a foothold in the mainland, he would obtain demi-godhood and after that point then sought to spread and obtain a number of followers to further enable his explorations in the way and to create the pilgramage which would later lead to the fulfilment of the way, and the drain upon his mental powers.   Yet, as a failsafe he had instated a clone from before his ascension which would perform the tasks his damaged mind no longer could. Ensuring that the legacy of Klaiminora would carry on for generations next.




Smao's primary education was lackluster. In his family home he had access to books, however his later knowledge would only be bolstered by his exposure to all books that could be found within another strange plane which he then read.


King, Scholar, and teacher.

Accomplishments & Achievements

I made the glory whole once more. I became king of two kingdoms. I passed on the heritage of Klaiminora. I fought against the corruption that besat the mainland.

Mental Trauma

After killing the sun, Smao's mindspace has been turned almost entirely into sunlight. Smao was additionally abused from a young age - being a tiefling born into a family of Aasimars, he had fits of depression and a chaotic lack of self-preservation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Due to the mental space of his mind being subsumed by a replica of the sun, Smao often seems quite slow in the head as words are both painful and a bit of a struggle to form. Despite this, he is incredibly intelligent and charismatic with an extensive sense of humor. Having the tendency to occasionally space out as he considers the possibilities that might occur.

Morality & Philosophy

"All lives have their stories to tell, railroading is terrible, so simply let actions face their natural consequence."


The torture of souls and tormenting of living into the form of the unliving.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Recuperating from god-killing and trolling
Current Location
over 1000
White and short, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Way
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Smao is a panglot and knows all languages.
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations