The White Walkers


as the organization is relatively new in it's conception, it is divided into two basic cells, members may participate in either cell at a given time, however their seniority is dependant on their merit, as experience in one section, doesn't guarentee success in the other.  

The White

Members of this cell are predominately students of necromancy and it's usages in ways that are non-corruptive, and purifying corruptive sources of negativity. The members of the white walkers who focus on this aspect of their societies are researchers and mages both, attempting to delve into ancient texts in order to increase the effectiveness and safety of both their own casting and the walkers.

The Walkers

Members of this cell are vary but favor explorers and clerics. Equiped and well studied in methods of addressing sites of necromantic energies. Their knowledge of various religions is extensive and focused almost entirely on how to ensure the removal of necromantic locus sites.
Big Babu


The white walker organization has an innately hostile relationship with most forms of necromancy - especially those who have not learned how to harness and calm restless spirits in attempts to give them rest. Any one who attempts to use necromancy as a form of immortality is heavily discouraged through the kindest applications at first... and through forceful methods if their cruelty is pervasive and unchecked.   Any other matter outside of necromancy only rarely draws the attention of the white walkers, their focus meant to be outside of political matters, save only that when an undead is involved in the highest tiers, in which they will attempt to calm the undead's urges and teach them - as peacefully as possible - to pass along to the intended afterlife.

Public Agenda

  1. allow peaceful passage of undeath into the next life. Give rest to the peaceless souls Prevent the spread of necromantic energies or the formation of necropoli Remove locii upon which necromantic energies have found a foothold


The White Walker Academy

This location exists primarily for the service of the whites, giving them the space and tools to study forgotten lore about necromancy.  

The White Walker Barracks

A barracks in name more than functionality, this location bridges the gap between armory and storeroom for replanishing supplies, but also an inn for the walkers to rest and recover from injuries, with medical services available and encouraged amongst their members - along with a psychological care for both parts of the group.


This group was formed in the last 50 years alongside the founding of Arcadis

"What kindness can't kill, extreme doses of positive energy and/or violence will"

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Crypt Runners
White Walker
Family Leader
Notable Members