The Shadows in Sedon

An organization with a colorful history in Sedon, whereas it once worked to darken and corrupt the light of Queen Betoros, it underwent a change in leadership, and where all know that the light can't exist without shadow, the darkness need not corrupt the locations that the light doesn't touch.


This organization is not known to have any structure. Whilst agents and groups occasionally work together, all are equal in the shadows save for the broker themselves.


This shadowy organization is modernly defined by it's research and investigations. It serves as an information hub, in which it communicates what it has learned the many actors it has developed over it's decades of activity. There are four tenents upheld by those in the organization.  
  1. Uphold the law within reason.
  2. Purge Corruption where it is found.
  3. Identities are powerful, reveal none. Confidentiality is key.
  4. Only kill as a last resort.

Public Agenda

Purge corruption from politics and politicans, encourage growth and development within the culture, uplift the weak.


The vault of the shadows in Sedon contains an immeasurable amount of wealth. Yet, significantly more valuable than the wealth itself is the knowledge stored within, for as much as Sedon's history is recorded within there is more history recorded from the outer realms as well. Decades of blackmail and information gathering have resulted in entire archives of information pertaining to various figures of history and importance.


Founded in the second age of heroes, the Shadows in Sedon was originally a corrupt organization focused on blackmail and desecration, encouraging others to indulge in their baser instincts to weaken them and make them more vulnerable, and thus rule over Betoros akin to Arcani, and whilst Betoros remained steadfast in their noble pursuits, it was unable to fully escape the complications of having dozen of hidden halls and blackmarkets taking root inside her walls.   Like a cancerous growth, it would permeate and develop over the next decades until the third age of heroes, whereupon the leader's daughter would eventually rise up, and then overthrow her own mother and take the helm of the organization, hunting, and abusing the connections it had once used to corrupt others in order to remove the very darkness it had created. Though there has been no small turnover in the organization itself as consequence.

Those who fear the shadow, have never imagined a friend.

Founding Date
A Shadow