Umbral Kin

Throughout The Ashen Wastes of Katal a community of the Chaya, known as the Umbral Kin, thrives. The Umbral Kin, with their deep connection to the Plane of Shadow, live in harmony with the mystical elements that define their existence. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the desolate landscape, the village of Nightshade comes to life.   The Umbral Kin move gracefully through their village, their shadowy forms blending seamlessly with the dim light. Elders sit around a sacred fire, recounting tales of ancient battles and lost cities, their voices a soft murmur that blends with the crackling flames. Children play under the watchful eyes of their parents, their laughter a rare, joyful sound in the otherwise silent night.   At the center of Nightshade stands the Elder Tree, its massive trunk etched with the Shadrune script. This ancient tree is not only a symbol of their resilience but also a repository of their history and knowledge. Here, the High Councilor, draped in the Shadowweave Robes, conducts rituals to honor their ancestors and seek guidance from the spirits.   In the quiet corners of the village, artisans work meticulously, crafting intricate tools and weapons from the scarce resources available. The blacksmith's forge glows with an otherworldly light as he hammers out a new blade, his face set in determined concentration. He is creating a Shadowblade, a weapon infused with the essence of the Plane of Shadow, destined for a young warrior preparing for her first hunt.   As the night deepens, the village gathers for the Ritual of Shadows, a ceremony that strengthens their bond to the Plane of Shadow and reinforces their communal ties. The High Councilor leads the chant, the words of Shadertongue flowing like a river of shadows, invoking the protection and wisdom of their ancestors. The villagers join in, their voices rising and falling in a harmonious chorus that echoes through the night.   In this moment, the Umbral Kin are united, their individual shadows melding into one, their spirits intertwined. They are not just survivors of the Ashen Wastes; they are its guardians, its protectors, its soul. Through the darkness, they find their strength, their purpose, and their identity. The Umbral Kin embody the essence of the Chaya, a testament to the power and beauty of living in harmony with the shadows.


Culture and cultural heritage

Culture & Cultural Heritage

The culture and cultural heritage of the Umbral Kin are deeply rooted in their connection to the shadows, their reverence for nature, and their ancestral traditions. Their way of life is a harmonious blend of practicality, spirituality, and artistry, reflecting their unique environment and mystical heritage.
Spiritual Beliefs and Practices
The spiritual beliefs of the Umbral Kin are centered around the Plane of Shadow and their connection to ancestral spirits and nature. Their spirituality is woven into every aspect of their daily lives, from rituals and ceremonies to personal meditations and communal gatherings.
  • Ancestral Worship: The Umbral Kin hold their ancestors in high regard, believing that the spirits of their forebears offer guidance and protection. Ancestral worship involves regular offerings, prayers, and rituals performed at sacred sites, such as the Elder Tree.
  • Nature Reverence: Nature is seen as a living entity with its own spirit. The Umbral Kin practice rituals that honor natural elements like trees, rivers, and the night sky. They believe in maintaining harmony with the environment and protecting sacred natural sites.
  • Shadow Magic: Shadow magic is an integral part of their spiritual practices. It is used for healing, protection, and divination. The Umbral Kin have a deep understanding of the balance between light and darkness, using this knowledge to guide their magical practices.
Rituals and Ceremonies
Rituals and ceremonies are crucial to the cultural fabric of the Umbral Kin. These events strengthen communal bonds, honor their heritage, and provide spiritual nourishment.
  • Ritual of Shadows: A central ceremony that reinforces the connection between the Umbral Kin and the Plane of Shadow. It involves chanting, shadow dancing, and offerings to ancestral spirits.
  • Festival of the Eclipsed Moon: A major cultural festival celebrating their heritage. It features storytelling, music, dance, and feasting. The festival coincides with a lunar eclipse, a significant celestial event for the Umbral Kin.
  • Coming of Age Ceremony: This ceremony marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It involves tests of skill, wisdom, and bravery, culminating in a night-time vigil and a personal vision quest.
  • Harvest Celebration: An annual event to give thanks for the harvest. It includes communal meals, dances, and the creation of intricate decorations using harvested plants and flowers.
Art and Craftsmanship
Art and craftsmanship are vital aspects of Umbral Kin culture. Their artistic expressions are not only decorative but also carry deep symbolic meanings and spiritual significance.
  • Shadow Art: Creating art with shadows is a unique practice among the Umbral Kin. They use light sources to cast intricate shadow patterns on walls and surfaces, creating dynamic and ethereal images.
  • Tattooing: Tattoos are both decorative and spiritual. The designs often represent personal achievements, spiritual beliefs, and ancestral connections. Tattoos are applied using traditional methods and are considered rites of passage.
  • Weaving and Embroidery: Textile arts are highly valued. The Umbral Kin create beautiful garments, tapestries, and ceremonial robes adorned with symbolic patterns and motifs that reflect their cultural heritage.
  • Sculpture and Carving: Sculptures and carvings of ancestral spirits, nature spirits, and mythical creatures are common. These artworks are used in rituals, as guardians of sacred spaces, and as expressions of cultural identity.
Social Structure and Community Life
The Umbral Kin have a close-knit social structure that emphasizes mutual support, respect for elders, and communal harmony. Community life is characterized by cooperation, shared responsibilities, and strong family bonds.
  • Family Units: Extended families often live together or in close proximity, sharing resources and responsibilities. Family units provide emotional and practical support, ensuring the well-being of all members.
  • Elders and Leadership: Elders are respected for their wisdom and experience. The Council of Shadows, led by the High Councilor, oversees important decisions and maintains the balance and harmony within the community.
  • Communal Activities: Communal activities, such as feasts, work parties, and celebrations, are central to Umbral Kin life. These activities foster a sense of unity and collective purpose.
Education and Knowledge Sharing
Education is a communal responsibility among the Umbral Kin. Knowledge is passed down through storytelling, apprenticeships, and formal instruction by elders and skilled artisans.
  • Storytelling: Oral tradition is a key method of preserving and transmitting history, mythology, and cultural values. Storytelling sessions are held regularly, often around communal fires or in gathering halls.
  • Apprenticeships: Young Umbral Kin learn trades and skills through apprenticeships with experienced artisans and craftsmen. This hands-on learning ensures the continuation of traditional crafts and practices.
  • Formal Instruction: Elders and knowledgeable individuals provide formal instruction in subjects such as shadow magic, herbal medicine, and martial skills. Education is holistic, encompassing practical skills, spiritual teachings, and cultural knowledge.
Language and Communication
The Umbral Kin speak Shadertongue, a melodic and rhythmic language that reflects their connection to the shadows and their environment. The language includes a rich vocabulary and intricate script used in both everyday communication and artistic expression.
  • Shadertongue: The primary language of the Umbral Kin, used in all aspects of life. It is characterized by its flowing, harmonious sounds and its use in both spoken and written forms.
  • Shadrune Script: The writing system of the Umbral Kin, used for recording history, rituals, and artistic expression. The script is intricate and often incorporated into tattoos, carvings, and textiles.
Cultural Heritage and Preservation
The Umbral Kin place great importance on preserving their cultural heritage. Efforts are made to maintain traditional practices, protect sacred sites, and pass down knowledge to future generations.
  • Cultural Preservation: Initiatives are in place to document and preserve traditional stories, rituals, and crafts. Elders play a crucial role in ensuring that cultural knowledge is passed down accurately.
  • Sacred Sites: Sacred sites, such as the Elder Tree and ancient groves, are protected and maintained with great care. These sites are considered vital to the spiritual and cultural identity of the Umbral Kin.
  • Intergenerational Transmission: Programs and practices that encourage intergenerational learning and interaction are promoted. Young members of the community are taught to value and uphold their heritage.

Shared customary codes and values

The Umbral Kin have a rich set of customary codes and shared values that guide their daily lives, social interactions, and spiritual practices. These principles reflect their deep connection to nature, respect for their ancestors, and commitment to communal harmony. By adhering to these codes and values, the Umbral Kin maintain a cohesive and balanced society that honors both individuality and collective well-being.
Core Values
  • Balance and Harmony: The Umbral Kin place great importance on maintaining balance and harmony in all aspects of life. This principle is reflected in their interactions with nature, their social relationships, and their spiritual practices. They believe that balance between light and shadow, action and reflection, and individual needs and communal responsibilities is essential for well-being.
  • Respect for Nature: Deep respect for nature is a cornerstone of Umbral Kin culture. They see themselves as stewards of the natural world and strive to live in harmony with their environment. This respect extends to sustainable practices in farming, construction, and resource management.
  • Ancestral Reverence: Honoring their ancestors is a key value. The Umbral Kin believe that their ancestors provide guidance, protection, and wisdom. Regular rituals, offerings, and ceremonies are held to show respect and seek blessings from the ancestral spirits.
  • Community and Cooperation: The well-being of the community is paramount. Cooperation, mutual support, and collective decision-making are highly valued. The Umbral Kin work together on communal projects, share resources, and support each other in times of need.
  • Spiritual Growth: Personal and spiritual growth are encouraged. The Umbral Kin believe that individuals should strive to improve themselves and deepen their spiritual understanding throughout their lives. This growth benefits not only the individual but also the community as a whole.
  • Honesty and Integrity: Honesty and integrity are fundamental. Trustworthiness and transparency in actions and words are expected. These values foster trust within the community and ensure that relationships are based on mutual respect and honesty.
Customary Codes
  • Code of Conduct: The Umbral Kin follow a code of conduct that emphasizes respect, kindness, and consideration in all interactions. This code includes specific behaviors, such as greeting others with respect, listening attentively, and avoiding harsh or hurtful words.
  • Ritual Observance: Participation in rituals and ceremonies is a key aspect of community life. These events mark important life stages, seasonal changes, and spiritual practices. Regular attendance and active participation in these rituals are expected.
  • Sustainable Living: Sustainable living practices are embedded in their customary codes. This includes minimizing waste, conserving resources, and protecting natural habitats. The Umbral Kin are taught from a young age to respect and care for the environment.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are resolved through peaceful and respectful means. The Umbral Kin use mediation and dialogue to address disputes, seeking fair and harmonious solutions. Elders often act as mediators, providing wisdom and guidance.
  • Generosity and Hospitality: Generosity and hospitality are highly valued. Sharing resources, offering help, and welcoming others into one's home are customary practices. The Umbral Kin believe that generosity strengthens communal bonds and reflects their values of cooperation and mutual support.
  • Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Continuous learning and knowledge sharing are encouraged. The Umbral Kin value education and the passing down of skills and wisdom through generations. Elders and skilled individuals are respected as teachers and mentors.
Shared Social Norms</h4]
  • Greetings and Farewells: Greetings and farewells are formalized with specific phrases and gestures. These rituals reflect respect and acknowledgment of the other person's presence and status. Common greetings involve a slight bow and a phrase wishing well-being and balance.
  • Ritual Cleanliness: Ritual cleanliness is important in daily life and spiritual practices. This includes personal hygiene, as well as the cleanliness of homes and communal spaces. Purification rituals are performed before important ceremonies.
  • Dress Code: Clothing often reflects social status, occupation, and participation in specific rituals. Traditional garments are worn during ceremonies and festivals, while everyday clothing is practical and comfortable, designed for the environment of the Ashen Wastes.
  • Dietary Practices: Dietary practices emphasize the use of local, sustainable resources. Meals are shared communally, and there is a strong emphasis on gratitude and respect for the food provided by nature. Specific foods and drinks are associated with certain rituals and seasons.
  • Gift-Giving: Gift-giving is a common practice to show appreciation, celebrate achievements, and strengthen social bonds. Gifts are often handmade and carry symbolic meanings. The act of giving is as important as the gift itself, reflecting the values of generosity and thoughtfulness.
  • Communal Work: Communal work, known as Gatherings of Hands, is a regular practice where community members come together to complete large tasks. This fosters cooperation, strengthens social ties, and ensures that communal projects are completed efficiently.
Spiritual Practices and Beliefs
  • Ancestral Worship: Regular offerings and prayers to ancestors are central to spiritual life. These practices are believed to maintain a strong connection with the past and seek the ancestors' guidance and protection.
  • Nature Reverence: Nature is revered and considered sacred. Rituals and ceremonies often take place in natural settings, such as groves, rivers, and caves. The Umbral Kin believe that natural elements hold spiritual significance and power.
  • Shadow Magic: Shadow magic is an integral part of their spiritual practices. It is used for protection, healing, and divination. Practitioners of shadow magic are respected for their skills and knowledge and play important roles in rituals and ceremonies.
  • Meditation and Reflection: Meditation and reflection are daily practices that help maintain spiritual balance and personal growth. These practices are often conducted at dawn and dusk, times believed to be most conducive to connecting with the spiritual realm.
  • Seasonal Festivals: Seasonal festivals mark important times of the year, such as the solstices, equinoxes, and harvest periods. These festivals involve communal feasts, music, dance, and rituals that honor the changing seasons and the cycles of nature.
Cultural Expression and Art
  • Storytelling: Storytelling is a revered tradition, used to pass down history, myths, and cultural values. Skilled storytellers are respected members of the community, and storytelling sessions are a common feature of social gatherings and rituals.
  • Art and Craftsmanship: Art and craftsmanship are highly valued. The Umbral Kin create intricate textiles, pottery, carvings, and paintings that reflect their cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs. Art is integrated into everyday life, enhancing both practical items and ceremonial objects.
  • Music and Dance: Music and dance are central to cultural expression. They are used in rituals, celebrations, and daily life to express emotions, tell stories, and connect with the spiritual realm. Traditional instruments, such as flutes, drums, and stringed instruments, are commonly used.
  • Tattooing and Body Art: Tattoos and body art carry significant cultural and spiritual meanings. They often represent personal achievements, spiritual connections, and protection. The process of tattooing is considered a rite of passage and is performed by skilled artisans.

Average technological level

The Umbral Kin, living in the mystical and challenging environment of the Ashen Wastes, have developed a unique blend of technology that harmonizes with their cultural values, spiritual beliefs, and natural surroundings. Their technological advancements reflect a deep respect for nature and a practical approach to survival, artistry, and daily life.
Agriculture and Food Production
  • Sustainable Farming: The Umbral Kin practice sustainable farming techniques that ensure the long-term fertility of the soil. They use crop rotation, natural fertilizers, and composting to maintain healthy crops without depleting the land.
  • Shadow Gardens: They cultivate shadow gardens, which are specially designed to thrive in the dim light conditions of the Ashen Wastes. These gardens use bioluminescent plants, like glowing mushrooms, and crops that have adapted to low-light environments.
  • Irrigation Systems: Advanced irrigation systems channel water from natural sources, such as underground springs and streams, to irrigate crops. These systems are designed to minimize water waste and ensure even distribution across the fields.
  Attained Technological Levels of the Umbral Kin

Attained Technological Levels

  The Umbral Kin, living in the mystical and challenging environment of the Ashen Wastes, have developed a unique blend of technology that harmonizes with their cultural values, spiritual beliefs, and natural surroundings. Their technological advancements reflect a deep respect for nature and a practical approach to survival, artistry, and daily life.  
Agriculture and Food Production
  • Sustainable Farming: The Umbral Kin practice sustainable farming techniques that ensure the long-term fertility of the soil. They use crop rotation, natural fertilizers, and composting to maintain healthy crops without depleting the land.
  • Shadow Gardens: They cultivate shadow gardens, which are specially designed to thrive in the dim light conditions of the Ashen Wastes. These gardens use bioluminescent plants, like glowing mushrooms, and crops that have adapted to low-light environments.
  • Irrigation Systems: Advanced irrigation systems channel water from natural sources, such as underground springs and streams, to irrigate crops. These systems are designed to minimize water waste and ensure even distribution across the fields.
Architecture and Construction
  • Eco-friendly Materials: The Umbral Kin use locally sourced, eco-friendly materials for construction. Wood, stone, and clay are common, often reinforced with natural fibers and other sustainable resources.
  • Integrated Design: Buildings are designed to blend seamlessly with the natural environment. Structures often incorporate living trees and plants, which provide natural insulation and enhance the aesthetic appeal.
  • Shadow Integration: Architectural designs make use of shadows and light patterns, creating dynamic spaces that change throughout the day. This integration not only enhances the beauty of their buildings but also aligns with their cultural emphasis on balance and harmony.
Craftsmanship and Artistry
  • Textile Arts: The Umbral Kin have advanced textile arts, including weaving, embroidery, and dyeing techniques. They create intricate patterns and designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, often using natural dyes made from plants and minerals.
  • Metalworking: Skilled metalworkers produce tools, weapons, and jewelry. They excel in crafting durable and finely detailed items, often incorporating moonstone and other mystical materials into their designs.
  • Shadow Art: Shadow art is a unique technological and artistic achievement. It involves the manipulation of light and shadows to create intricate, dynamic images and patterns that are used for both decoration and spiritual purposes.
Medical and Healing Practices
  • Herbal Medicine: The Umbral Kin have extensive knowledge of herbal medicine, using a wide variety of plants for healing purposes. They create poultices, teas, and tinctures to treat ailments and promote health.
  • Healing Rituals: Combining magic with medical knowledge, the Umbral Kin perform healing rituals that involve chanting, the use of enchanted objects, and the invocation of ancestral spirits.
  • Anatomical Knowledge: They possess a sophisticated understanding of anatomy, which informs their medical practices. This knowledge is passed down through generations and continuously refined.
Energy and Lighting
  • Bioluminescence: The Umbral Kin harness bioluminescence for lighting. Glowing mushrooms and other bioluminescent plants are cultivated and used to light homes, streets, and communal spaces.
  • Moonstone Lamps: Lamps made from moonstone provide a soft, ethereal light. These lamps are often enchanted to enhance their brightness and energy efficiency, providing a long-lasting and mystical source of illumination.
  • Shadow Magic: Shadow magic is also used to create light. Enchantments that manipulate shadows and light are employed for both practical and aesthetic purposes, adding a magical ambiance to their surroundings.
Transportation and Travel
  • Shadow Paths: The Umbral Kin have developed hidden pathways known as Shadow Paths, which allow them to travel quickly and discreetly through the Ashen Wastes. These paths are known only to the Umbral Kin and are protected by enchantments.
  • Lightweight Vehicles: For longer journeys, they use lightweight, durable vehicles that can be pulled by animals or enchanted to move on their own. These vehicles are designed to navigate the rough terrain of the Ashen Wastes.
  • Flying Constructs: Skilled artisans have created flying constructs powered by wind and shadow magic. These devices are used for scouting, transportation, and communication between distant settlements.
Communication and Record-Keeping
  • Shadrune Script: The Umbral Kin use the Shadrune script for writing, a complex and beautiful script that is used in books, scrolls, and carvings. It serves both practical and artistic purposes, recording knowledge and enhancing the aesthetic quality of written works.
  • Oral Tradition: Storytelling remains a vital form of communication. Skilled storytellers pass down history, myths, and important information orally, ensuring that the community's knowledge and culture are preserved.
  • Enchanted Communication Devices: Enchanted objects, such as crystal orbs and mirrors, are used for long-distance communication. These devices are powered by shadow magic and allow the Umbral Kin to stay connected across vast distances.
Defense and Warfare
  • Shadow Armor: The Umbral Kin have developed armor that incorporates shadow magic, providing enhanced protection and stealth. This armor is lightweight yet durable, allowing warriors to move swiftly and silently.
  • Enchanted Weapons: Weapons are often enchanted with shadow magic to increase their effectiveness. These enchantments can include sharpness, durability, and special abilities like creating illusions or summoning shadows.
  • Defensive Enchantments: Settlements and important structures are protected by defensive enchantments. These magical barriers and traps deter intruders and provide an additional layer of security.
Trade and Commerce
  • Barter System: The Umbral Kin primarily use a barter system for trade, exchanging goods and services within the community and with neighboring groups. This system emphasizes mutual benefit and fosters strong relationships.
  • Trade Networks: They maintain extensive trade networks that allow them to exchange goods such as textiles, herbs, and crafted items. These networks are supported by their advanced communication and transportation technologies.
  • Craft Guilds: Craft guilds play a crucial role in the economy, regulating trade, maintaining standards of quality, and supporting artisans. These guilds ensure that the skills and knowledge of the Umbral Kin are preserved and passed down.

Common Etiquette rules

Etiquette among the Umbral Kin is deeply rooted in their cultural values, emphasizing respect, harmony, and subtlety. Their social norms reflect their connection to the shadows and their reverence for the mystical and natural world. Here are some key aspects of common etiquette practiced by the Umbral Kin:
Greetings and Introductions
  • Greetings: A typical greeting involves a slight bow with hands brought together, palms touching, and a softly spoken phrase like "Shara ti" (Speak you). This gesture signifies respect and acknowledgement of the other person's presence.
  • Names: When introducing oneself, it is customary to include one's family name and, if relevant, a title or role. This practice honors one's heritage and social standing.
  • Eye Contact: Direct eye contact is minimal and fleeting, used more as a sign of sincerity rather than a constant practice. Prolonged eye contact is reserved for close relationships and intimate conversations.
  • Tone and Volume: The Umbral Kin favor soft, measured tones in their speech. Loud or aggressive speech is considered disrespectful and disruptive to the harmony of the environment.
  • Body Language: Subtle gestures and movements are preferred. Exaggerated gestures are seen as intrusive. Open palms and gentle hand movements signify openness and honesty.
  • Listening: Active listening is crucial. Showing attentiveness by nodding slightly and avoiding interruptions demonstrates respect and interest in the conversation.
Respect for Elders and Authority
  • Elders: Elders are highly respected for their wisdom and experience. Younger members of the community offer seats to elders, listen attentively, and seek their guidance in important matters.
  • Titles and Address: Addressing individuals by their titles or roles is a sign of respect. For example, addressing a High Councilor as "Councilor" or an elder as "Elder" followed by their name.
Social Gatherings
  • Invitations: Invitations to social gatherings or rituals are extended personally and often in advance. Accepting an invitation is seen as a commitment, and declining should be done with a sincere explanation.
  • Arrivals: Arriving slightly early or precisely on time is expected. Lateness is considered disrespectful unless unavoidable and communicated in advance.
  • Gifts: Bringing a small, thoughtful gift, such as handcrafted items or food, is a common practice when visiting someone's home or attending a gathering.
Rituals and Ceremonies
  • Participation: Active participation in rituals and ceremonies is a sign of respect and community spirit. Observing the appropriate dress code and following ritual protocols are essential.
  • Silence: Maintaining a respectful silence during key moments of rituals and ceremonies is crucial. It shows reverence for the spiritual aspects of the event.
  • Offerings: When making offerings, doing so with both hands and a bowed head signifies humility and sincerity.
Interactions with Nature
  • Respect for the Environment: The Umbral Kin hold a deep respect for nature. Actions that harm the environment, such as unnecessary destruction of plants or wildlife, are frowned upon.
  • Sacred Sites: Sacred sites, such as the Elder Tree, are approached with reverence. Visitors often leave small offerings and speak in hushed tones to honor the spirits of the place.
Conflict Resolution
  • Mediation: Conflicts are typically resolved through mediation by a respected elder or council member. Open dialogue and mutual respect are emphasized to reach a harmonious resolution.
  • Apologies: Offering a sincere apology involves a bow and a statement of regret. The wronged party is expected to accept the apology gracefully, promoting reconciliation.

Common Dress code

The dress code of the Umbral Kin reflects their deep connection to the shadows, their environment, and their cultural heritage. Clothing and accessories are not only practical but also carry symbolic meanings, emphasizing harmony with nature, respect for tradition, and the mystical elements of their society.
Everyday Attire
  • Materials: The Umbral Kin typically wear garments made from natural fibers such as linen, wool, and silk. These materials are often dyed in dark, muted colors that blend seamlessly with the shadows.
  • Colors: Common colors include deep blacks, grays, dark greens, and blues. These shades are preferred for their ability to help the Umbral Kin move unnoticed in their shadowy environment.
  • Designs: Clothing is designed to be functional and comfortable, allowing for ease of movement. Tunics, loose trousers, and flowing robes are common, often adorned with subtle patterns that mimic the shifting shadows.
  • Footwear: Soft, sturdy boots made from leather or other durable materials are favored for their practicality and comfort during travel and daily activities.
  • Accessories: Belts, sashes, and hoods are common accessories. Hoods are particularly valued for their ability to provide additional concealment and protection from the elements.
Ceremonial and Formal Attire
  • Robes and Gowns: For rituals and formal occasions, the Umbral Kin wear elaborately decorated robes and gowns. These garments are often embroidered with symbols of their heritage, such as the Shadrune script, and adorned with beads, feathers, and gemstones.
  • Colors and Patterns: While dark colors remain predominant, ceremonial attire may include accents of silver, gold, and other shimmering hues to symbolize the mystical and spiritual significance of the event.
  • Headpieces: Elaborate headpieces, including circlets, tiaras, and headdresses, are worn during important ceremonies. These items are often crafted with intricate designs and embellished with precious stones.
  • Footwear: Formal footwear is typically more decorative, with embroidered designs and embellishments that reflect the wearer's status and the occasion's significance.
Warrior Attire
  • Armor: Warriors of the Umbral Kin wear lightweight, flexible armor made from materials such as leather and reinforced fabric. This armor provides protection while allowing for agility and stealth.
  • Colors: Dark colors dominate warrior attire, ensuring that they remain concealed in the shadows during combat or stealth missions.
  • Cloaks: Cloaks with hoods are a staple of warrior attire, providing additional concealment and protection from the elements. These cloaks are often enchanted with shadow magic to enhance their wearer's stealth capabilities.
  • Footwear: Sturdy, silent boots designed for quick and quiet movement are essential for Umbral Kin warriors.
Adornments and Jewelry
  • Jewelry: The Umbral Kin favor delicate, intricate jewelry made from materials such as silver, moonstone, onyx, and other dark gemstones. These pieces often carry symbolic meanings, representing protection, wisdom, and spiritual connection.
  • Tattoos: Intricate tattoos are common, often resembling the Shadrune script or natural elements like vines and stars. These tattoos hold personal significance and are believed to enhance one's spiritual connection and protection.
  • Amulets and Talismans: Many Umbral Kin wear amulets and talismans inscribed with protective symbols or infused with magical properties. These items are worn to safeguard against harm and enhance the wearer's abilities.
Seasonal and Environmental Adaptations
  • Cold Weather: During colder seasons, the Umbral Kin wear layered clothing, including thick cloaks and insulated boots. Fur-lined hoods and gloves provide additional warmth and protection from the elements.
  • Wet Weather: In wet conditions, waterproof cloaks and boots are essential. These garments are treated with natural oils to repel water and keep the wearer dry.
  • Hot Weather: Lightweight, breathable fabrics are preferred during hot weather. Loose-fitting clothing allows for airflow, and wide-brimmed hats or hoods provide shade and protection from the sun.
Respect for Tradition and Symbolism
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Adherence to traditional dress codes during rituals and ceremonies is essential. Wearing the appropriate attire signifies respect for the event's significance and the community's heritage.
  • Personal Expression: While traditional elements are important, the Umbral Kin also value personal expression. Individuals may incorporate unique designs, colors, and accessories that reflect their personal identity and experiences.

Art & Architecture

The art and architecture of the Umbral Kin are deeply intertwined with their cultural values, environment, and mystical traditions. Their creations reflect their connection to the Plane of Shadow, the natural world, and their reverence for their ancestors. Both functional and symbolic, the art and architecture of the Umbral Kin are characterized by intricate designs, natural materials, and an ethereal aesthetic.
  • Shadow Weaving: A unique art form among the Umbral Kin, shadow weaving involves creating intricate patterns and images using threads of shadow magic. These artworks are often displayed in homes and communal spaces, serving both decorative and protective purposes.
  • Stone Carving: Stone carving is a highly respected craft. Artisans create detailed sculptures, reliefs, and inscriptions that depict scenes from history, mythology, and daily life. The Elder Tree and other sacred sites are often adorned with these carvings.
  • Painting: Using natural pigments and shadow-infused inks, the Umbral Kin produce paintings that capture the beauty and mystery of their environment. Common themes include twilight landscapes, mystical creatures, and symbolic representations of their cultural beliefs.
  • Jewelry Making: Jewelry is both a personal adornment and a form of artistic expression. Artisans craft delicate pieces from materials such as silver, moonstone, onyx, and other dark gemstones, often incorporating symbols of protection and spiritual connection.
  • Tattoo Art: Tattoos are a significant form of body art among the Umbral Kin. Intricate designs resembling the Shadrune script, natural elements, and mystical symbols are used to tell personal stories, signify achievements, and provide spiritual protection.
  • Natural Materials: Buildings and structures are constructed using locally sourced natural materials, such as stone, wood, and thatch. These materials blend seamlessly with the environment, enhancing the harmonious relationship between the Umbral Kin and their surroundings.
  • Integrated Design: Architecture is designed to integrate with the natural landscape. Homes and communal buildings are often built into hillsides, trees, and other natural features, creating a sense of unity with the land.
  • Flowing Forms: The design of Umbral Kin architecture emphasizes flowing forms and organic shapes. Curved walls, archways, and domed roofs mimic the natural curves of the landscape and the fluidity of shadow.
  • Light and Shadow: The interplay of light and shadow is a key element in architectural design. Buildings are constructed to create dynamic patterns of light and shade throughout the day, enhancing the mystical atmosphere.
  • Sacred Spaces: Sacred spaces, such as the Elder Tree, temples, and ritual sites, are central to Umbral Kin architecture. These spaces are designed with great care and reverence, featuring elaborate carvings, inscriptions, and offerings.
  • Community Structures: Communal buildings, such as meeting halls and communal kitchens, are designed to foster social interaction and community cohesion. These structures are often located at the center of settlements and feature open, welcoming designs.
  • Residential Buildings: Homes of the Umbral Kin are modest yet thoughtfully designed. They often feature multiple levels, with upper floors used for sleeping and lower levels for living and working. Homes are oriented to maximize natural light and ventilation while maintaining privacy and protection.
  • Gardens and Courtyards: Gardens and courtyards are integral parts of Umbral Kin architecture. These spaces are used for growing herbs and plants, as well as for relaxation and meditation. They are often adorned with sculptures, fountains, and other artistic elements that enhance their beauty and tranquility.
Integration of Art and Architecture
The Umbral Kin seamlessly blend art and architecture, ensuring that their living spaces are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and spiritually meaningful. Artistic elements are integrated into the very fabric of their buildings, from the carvings on doorways to the murals on walls and the placement of sculptures in courtyards. This holistic approach creates environments that are rich in symbolism and deeply connected to their cultural heritage.
Symbolism and Meaning
Symbolism plays a crucial role in both the art and architecture of the Umbral Kin. Common symbols include:
  • Shadrune Script: Used extensively in both art and architecture, the Shadrune script conveys messages of protection, wisdom, and spiritual connection.
  • Natural Elements: Motifs of trees, vines, stars, and other natural elements are prevalent, reflecting the Umbral Kin's reverence for nature and their environment.
  • Shadow Motifs: Shadows are not just a natural occurrence but a significant element of their designs, representing mystery, protection, and the unseen.
  • Ancestral Symbols: Representations of ancestral spirits and historical figures are common, serving as reminders of their heritage and the guidance of those who came before.

Foods & Cuisine

The cuisine of the Umbral Kin is a reflection of their environment, cultural practices, and the resources available in the Ashen Wastes. Their diet is rich in locally sourced ingredients, with a focus on sustainability and the use of traditional cooking methods. The flavors and dishes of the Umbral Kin are designed to nourish both body and spirit, often incorporating elements of their mystical heritage.
  • Shadowberries: A unique fruit that grows in the shadowy groves of the Ashen Wastes. These berries are rich in nutrients and have a sweet, slightly tart flavor. They are used in a variety of dishes, from savory stews to sweet desserts.
  • Moonroot: A tuberous plant that thrives in the dim light of the Ashen Wastes. Moonroot is versatile and can be roasted, boiled, or mashed. It has a mild, earthy flavor and is often used as a base for many dishes.
  • Shadeleaf: An herb with dark, glossy leaves that add a subtle, aromatic flavor to dishes. Shadeleaf is commonly used in soups, stews, and herbal teas.
  • Ashen Grain: A resilient grain that grows in the ashen soil. It is used to make bread, porridge, and other staple foods. Ashen grain has a slightly nutty flavor and is highly nutritious.
  • Darkmeat: Game meat from animals that roam the Ashen Wastes, such as shadow deer and night hares. The meat is lean and flavorful, often smoked or slow-cooked to enhance its taste.
  • Glowing Mushrooms: Bioluminescent fungi that provide both flavor and visual appeal to dishes. They have a delicate, earthy taste and are used in soups, salads, and as garnishes.
Traditional Dishes
  • Shadowberry Stew: A hearty stew made with shadowberries, moonroot, and darkmeat. This dish is slow-cooked to meld the flavors together, resulting in a rich and satisfying meal.
  • Moonroot Mash: Creamy mashed moonroot seasoned with shadeleaf and a touch of shadowberry juice. Often served as a side dish with roasted game meat.
  • Ashen Bread: Bread made from ashen grain, often baked with added herbs and seeds. It has a dense texture and is perfect for soaking up the juices of stews and soups.
  • Glowing Mushroom Salad: A fresh salad featuring glowing mushrooms, shadeleaf, and other wild greens. Dressed with a light vinaigrette made from shadowberry juice and moonroot oil.
  • Night Hare Roast: Tender night hare meat, marinated in a blend of herbs and slow-roasted over an open flame. Served with moonroot mash and a side of shadowberry sauce.
  • Shadow Tea: A soothing herbal tea made from shadeleaf and other local herbs. It is believed to have calming properties and is often consumed during rituals and meditation.
Cooking Methods
  • Slow Cooking: Many traditional dishes are slow-cooked over low heat to allow the flavors to develop fully. This method is particularly common for stews and roasts.
  • Smoking: Smoking meat and fish is a popular preservation method that also imparts a rich, smoky flavor. Darkmeat is often smoked to enhance its taste and prolong its shelf life.
  • Roasting: Roasting is a common technique for cooking game meat and vegetables. It helps to concentrate flavors and create a satisfying, hearty texture.
  • Boiling: Boiling is used for making soups, stews, and porridges. This method is ideal for extracting flavors from ingredients and creating nourishing, warming dishes.
  • Fermentation: Some ingredients, like shadowberries and ashen grain, are fermented to create unique flavors and improve preservation. Fermented foods are often enjoyed as condiments or side dishes.
Special Occasions and Rituals
  • Feasts: Feasts are held during important community events and rituals. These gatherings feature a variety of traditional dishes, showcasing the best of Umbral Kin cuisine. Feasts are a time for sharing, celebration, and strengthening communal bonds.
  • Ritual Foods: Specific foods are prepared for rituals and ceremonies, often with symbolic meanings. For example, shadowberries are used in offerings to honor ancestors, and glowing mushrooms are incorporated into dishes served during night-time ceremonies.
  • Festivals: Festivals celebrate the changing seasons, harvests, and other significant events. During festivals, special dishes are prepared, often with ingredients that are in season or have been specially preserved for the occasion.
  • Shadowberry Wine: A sweet, slightly tart wine made from shadowberries. It is often served during feasts and celebrations.
  • Moonroot Ale: A fermented beverage made from moonroot and ashen grain. It has a rich, earthy flavor and is enjoyed by many Umbral Kin.
  • Herbal Teas: A variety of herbal teas made from local herbs, such as shadeleaf and glowing mushrooms. These teas are consumed for their calming and medicinal properties.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The customs and traditions of the Umbral Kin are deeply rooted in their cultural values, spiritual beliefs, and connection to the shadows and nature. These practices serve to strengthen communal bonds, honor their heritage, and maintain harmony with their environment and the mystical forces they revere.
Daily Customs
  • Morning Meditation: Each day begins with a period of meditation at dawn, known as the Dawn's Reflection. This practice helps the Umbral Kin center themselves and seek guidance for the day ahead.
  • Shadowwalk: A ritualistic walk taken during twilight, the Shadowwalk allows individuals to connect with the shadows and reflect on their personal journey. It is both a form of exercise and spiritual practice.
  • Communal Meals: Meals are often shared communally, with families and neighbors coming together to eat. This custom fosters a sense of unity and mutual support.
  • Evening Offerings: As night falls, small offerings are made to ancestral spirits and nature spirits. These offerings, often of food or crafted items, are placed at household altars or sacred sites.
Seasonal Traditions
  • Festival of the Eclipsed Moon: Held during a lunar eclipse, this festival celebrates the harmony between light and darkness. It includes storytelling, music, dance, and a communal feast. The festival is a time for renewal and honoring the ancestors.
  • Harvest Celebration: An annual event marking the end of the harvest season. The Harvest Celebration includes games, competitions, and the sharing of abundant food. It is a time to give thanks for the year's bounty and to strengthen communal ties.
  • Winter Solstice: The longest night of the year is a time for introspection and connection with the shadow realm. The Winter Solstice is marked by quiet reflection, candlelight ceremonies, and the telling of ancient legends.
  • Spring Awakening: Celebrating the return of life and light, the Spring Awakening involves planting new crops, cleaning and decorating homes, and performing rituals to ensure a fruitful year. This tradition symbolizes renewal and growth.
Life Cycle Traditions
  • Naming Ceremony: Shortly after birth, a child is introduced to the community through a Naming Ceremony. The name is chosen with care, often reflecting qualities or aspirations for the child's future. This ceremony includes blessings and gifts from family and community members.
  • Coming of Age: Marking the transition to adulthood, the Coming of Age ceremony involves tests of skill, wisdom, and bravery. Young Umbral Kin undertake a vision quest to seek guidance from their ancestors and discover their path in life.
  • Marriage Ritual: Marriage is celebrated with a ritual that includes the exchange of vows, symbolic gifts, and a communal feast. The couple's union is blessed by elders and witnessed by the community, emphasizing the importance of family and social bonds.
  • Passing Ceremony: When an Umbral Kin passes away, a Passing Ceremony is held to honor their life and guide their spirit to the shadow realm. This ceremony includes offerings, chants, and the lighting of candles to illuminate the spirit's journey.
Communal Activities
  • Work Parties: Known as Gatherings of Hands, work parties involve the community coming together to complete large tasks, such as building a new home, harvesting crops, or repairing communal structures. These events are both practical and social, strengthening community bonds.
  • Storytelling Evenings: Regularly held around communal fires, storytelling evenings are a time to share myths, legends, and personal stories. Elders and skilled storytellers captivate the audience, passing down knowledge and cultural values through engaging narratives.
  • Music and Dance: Music and dance are integral to Umbral Kin culture. Community gatherings often feature traditional songs and dances, which serve to celebrate, mourn, and connect with the spiritual world.
Rituals and Magic
  • Ritual of Shadows: A key spiritual practice, the Ritual of Shadows involves chanting, shadow dancing, and offerings to ancestral spirits. It is performed to seek protection, guidance, and to honor the balance between light and darkness.
  • Healing Rituals: Healing rituals combine herbal medicine, shadow magic, and the power of communal support. These rituals are conducted by healers and involve the use of sacred herbs, chants, and the presence of family and friends to aid in the healing process.
  • Protection Spells: Protection spells and charms are common, often created to safeguard homes, individuals, and sacred sites. These spells are woven into everyday objects, such as jewelry, clothing, and household items, imbuing them with protective energy.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The funerary and memorial customs of the Umbral Kin are deeply spiritual and imbued with respect for the deceased, their ancestors, and the natural world. These practices ensure that the transition from life to death is peaceful and that the memory of the departed is honored and preserved within the community.
Preparations for the Funeral
  • Cleansing Ritual: Upon the death of an individual, the body is cleansed with water infused with shadowberry juice and shadeleaf. This ritual purification is believed to prepare the spirit for its journey to the shadow realm.
  • Dressing the Deceased: The body is dressed in traditional garments, often the individual's finest clothes or ceremonial robes. Jewelry and personal items that held significance to the deceased are included to accompany them in the afterlife.
  • Ancestral Invocation: A respected elder or spiritual leader invokes the ancestors, asking them to guide the spirit of the deceased safely into the afterlife. This invocation is performed through chanting and lighting incense made from sacred herbs.
The Funeral Ceremony
The funeral ceremony is a communal event that honors the life of the deceased and provides closure for the family and community.
  • Community Gathering: The entire community gathers in a sacred space, such as a grove or near the Elder Tree, to participate in the funeral ceremony. The area is decorated with lanterns, flowers, and symbolic items to create a serene and respectful atmosphere.
  • Eulogies and Memories: Family members and close friends share eulogies and memories of the deceased, celebrating their life and contributions to the community. This sharing of stories helps to preserve the individual's legacy and provides comfort to the mourners.
  • Offerings and Blessings: Offerings are made to the spirits, including food, flowers, and handcrafted items. These offerings are placed near the body or at a designated altar, symbolizing the community's support and prayers for the deceased's journey.
  • Chanting and Music: Traditional chants and music are performed throughout the ceremony. These melodies are believed to soothe the spirit and guide it toward the afterlife. Instruments such as flutes, drums, and stringed instruments are commonly used.
  • Final Farewell: The family and community offer a final farewell to the deceased. This may include a symbolic gesture, such as sprinkling shadowberry juice on the body or placing a symbolic item in the grave or burial site.
Burial and Memorial Practices
The Umbral Kin have various burial and memorial practices that reflect their connection to nature and the shadows.
  • Tree Burials: One common practice is to bury the deceased at the base of a tree. The tree is considered a living memorial, symbolizing the cycle of life and death. As the tree grows, it is believed to nourish and protect the spirit of the deceased.
  • Cairn Burials: Another practice involves building a cairn or stone mound over the burial site. Each member of the community places a stone on the cairn, symbolizing their connection to the deceased and their support for the family.
  • Shadow Lanterns: Lanterns are often placed at the burial site or along pathways leading to the site. These lanterns are lit during the funeral and on significant anniversaries, providing light for the spirit and a place for the living to remember and honor the deceased.
  • Ancestral Altars: Families maintain ancestral altars in their homes, where they place photographs, personal items, and offerings to honor their deceased loved ones. These altars serve as focal points for daily prayers and rituals.
Ongoing Memorial Customs
The memory of the deceased is preserved and honored through various ongoing customs and rituals.
  • Remembrance Days: The community observes specific days dedicated to remembering the deceased. These days often coincide with lunar cycles or significant anniversaries. Activities include visiting burial sites, lighting lanterns, and holding communal meals in honor of the departed.
  • Storytelling Evenings: Storytelling evenings provide opportunities for the community to share stories about their ancestors and deceased loved ones. These gatherings help keep the memory of the deceased alive and reinforce the community's cultural heritage.
  • Personal Rituals: Families perform personal rituals to honor their deceased loved ones. These may include lighting candles, offering food and flowers, or reciting prayers at the ancestral altar. Such rituals are often performed on significant dates, such as birthdays or anniversaries of the death.
  • Community Projects: Some families initiate community projects in memory of the deceased, such as planting trees, building communal structures, or organizing charitable activities. These projects serve as living memorials that contribute to the well-being of the community and honor the legacy of the departed.
Beliefs About the Afterlife
The Umbral Kin have a rich spiritual understanding of the afterlife, which guides their funerary and memorial practices.
  • The Shadow Realm: The Umbral Kin believe that the spirit of the deceased enters the Shadow Realm, a mystical plane where they join their ancestors. This realm is viewed as a place of peace and reflection, where spirits continue to watch over and guide the living.
  • Ancestral Guidance: It is believed that ancestors play an active role in the lives of the living, offering protection, wisdom, and support. The Umbral Kin maintain a strong connection to their ancestors through rituals, prayers, and offerings.
  • Rebirth and Renewal: Some traditions hold that the spirit may be reborn into the community, continuing the cycle of life and death. This belief underscores the importance of honoring the deceased and maintaining harmony within the community.

Common Taboos

Taboos within the Umbral Kin culture are deeply rooted in their spiritual beliefs, respect for nature, and social values. These prohibitions are seen as essential to maintaining harmony within the community, honoring their ancestors, and ensuring a balanced relationship with the natural and mystical world. Violating these taboos is considered a serious offense, often bringing about social, spiritual, and sometimes physical consequences.
Disrespecting Ancestors
One of the gravest taboos in Umbral Kin culture is showing disrespect to the ancestors. This includes:
  • Defiling Ancestral Sites: Damaging or desecrating sacred sites, such as burial grounds, ancestral altars, or the Elder Tree, is seen as an affront to the entire community and the spirits of the ancestors.
  • Mocking Rituals: Making fun of or disrupting rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the ancestors is deeply offensive and is believed to bring misfortune to the individual and their family.
  • Ignoring Ancestral Guidance: Deliberately ignoring or rejecting the wisdom and guidance passed down from ancestors is frowned upon. It is seen as a rejection of one's heritage and the accumulated knowledge of past generations.
Harming Nature
The Umbral Kin hold nature in high regard, believing it to be imbued with spiritual significance. Harmful actions against nature are strictly prohibited.
  • Unnecessary Destruction: Cutting down trees, killing animals, or otherwise harming the environment without cause is forbidden. Every action must be justified, with respect and gratitude shown for the resources taken.
  • Polluting Sacred Sites: Polluting or defiling sacred natural sites, such as rivers, groves, and caves, is considered a serious offense. These places are viewed as the dwelling places of nature spirits and must be kept pure.
  • Overharvesting: Taking more from nature than is needed or without allowing time for renewal is taboo. Sustainable practices are a cornerstone of the Umbral Kin's relationship with their environment.
Betraying Trust
Trust and loyalty are fundamental values among the Umbral Kin. Betraying these principles is seen as a significant transgression.
  • Breaking Oaths: Oaths and promises are taken very seriously. Breaking an oath is considered a betrayal of trust and is met with severe social repercussions.
  • Dishonesty: Lying or deceiving others, especially within the community, is highly discouraged. Honesty and transparency are essential for maintaining harmony and mutual respect.
  • Disloyalty: Acts of disloyalty, such as abandoning the community in times of need or betraying confidences, are considered grave offenses and are often met with ostracism or other forms of social exclusion.
Misuse of Magic
Magic is a respected and integral part of Umbral Kin culture. Its misuse is strictly prohibited.
  • Dark Magic: Engaging in dark or forbidden magic practices that harm others or disrupt the natural balance is taboo. Such actions are believed to attract malevolent spirits and bring disaster.
  • Magic for Personal Gain: Using magic solely for personal gain, especially at the expense of others, is frowned upon. Magic is seen as a tool for the greater good and should be used responsibly.
  • Disrespecting Sacred Objects: Misusing or showing disrespect to sacred magical objects and artifacts is forbidden. These items are considered to hold significant spiritual power and must be treated with the utmost reverence.
Social Disruptions
Maintaining social harmony is crucial for the Umbral Kin. Actions that disrupt the community are taboo.
  • Public Disputes: Engaging in loud, public disputes or causing disturbances is discouraged. Conflicts should be resolved privately and respectfully, often with the help of mediators or elders.
  • Ignoring Communal Responsibilities: Failing to participate in communal activities and responsibilities, such as work parties or communal rituals, is seen as a lack of respect for the community and its values.
  • Excessive Individualism: Excessive focus on individual desires at the expense of communal well-being is frowned upon. The Umbral Kin value collective harmony and mutual support over individualism.
Violence and Aggression
Violence and unnecessary aggression are strictly prohibited within the community.
  • Unjustified Violence: Engaging in violence without just cause, particularly against other members of the community, is taboo. Such actions are seen as a threat to communal harmony and are severely punished.
  • Aggressive Behavior: Aggressive and hostile behavior, even in speech, is discouraged. The Umbral Kin value calmness, diplomacy, and peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Harming the Vulnerable: Harming children, the elderly, or those unable to defend themselves is one of the gravest offenses. The community places a high value on protecting and caring for its vulnerable members.

Common Myths and Legends

The myths and legends of the Umbral Kin are rich narratives that weave together the fabric of their cultural heritage, spiritual beliefs, and historical experiences. These stories are passed down through generations, often told around communal fires or during significant rituals, and serve to instill values, explain natural phenomena, and connect the Umbral Kin to their mystical heritage.
The Creation of the Ashen Wastes
One of the most revered myths among the Umbral Kin is the story of the creation of the Ashen Wastes. According to legend:
  • The Celestial War: In the ancient times, a great war erupted between the celestial beings of light and darkness. The battle was fierce and unyielding, causing the heavens to tremble and the earth to shake.
  • The Great Sacrifice: To end the war and restore balance, a powerful ancestor of the Umbral Kin, known as Nyxara the Shadow Weaver, offered herself as a bridge between the light and darkness. She wove a tapestry of shadows that enveloped the land, creating a sanctuary where neither light nor dark could dominate.
  • The Birth of the Ashen Wastes: From her sacrifice, the Ashen Wastes were born—a land of perpetual twilight, where shadows dance and the spirits of light and darkness coexist in harmony. Nyxara's essence remains in the land, guiding and protecting the Umbral Kin.
The Legend of the Elder Tree
The Elder Tree is a central figure in Umbral Kin mythology, representing life, wisdom, and the connection to their ancestors.
  • The Sacred Seed: It is said that the Elder Tree grew from a sacred seed planted by the first ancestors. This seed was a gift from the nature spirits, imbued with the power to connect the living to the spirit world.
  • Guardian of the Spirits: The Elder Tree is believed to be the guardian of the spirits, both ancestral and natural. Its roots reach deep into the earth, connecting with the shadow realm, while its branches stretch towards the sky, bridging the gap between worlds.
  • The Eternal Flame: At the heart of the Elder Tree burns an eternal flame, symbolizing the undying spirit of the Umbral Kin. This flame is said to be a fragment of Nyxara's soul, providing warmth, guidance, and protection to the community.
The Tale of Shadow and Light
A popular legend among the Umbral Kin is the tale of two siblings, Shadow and Light, who symbolize the balance of opposites.
  • The Birth of Twins: Long ago, a woman gave birth to twins—Shadow, a child of darkness, and Light, a child of brilliance. The twins were inseparable, each complementing the other's strengths and weaknesses.
  • The Great Journey: As they grew, Shadow and Light embarked on a journey to discover their purpose. They traveled through forests, across mountains, and into the depths of the earth, learning from the creatures and spirits they encountered.
  • The Balance Restored: During their journey, they faced trials that tested their bond and their understanding of balance. In the end, they realized that neither could exist without the other. Together, they restored harmony to the land, teaching the Umbral Kin the importance of balance in all things.
The Myth of the Moon Goddess
The Moon Goddess, Selene, is a revered deity in Umbral Kin mythology, representing the night, wisdom, and the cycles of life.
  • The Night's Embrace: According to legend, Selene descended from the heavens to embrace the night and guide the Umbral Kin with her soft, silver light. Her presence brought comfort and clarity to those who walked in the shadows.
  • The Silver Tears: It is said that when Selene weeps, her tears fall to the earth as silver dew, blessing the land with fertility and magic. These "Silver Tears" are believed to be the source of the shadowberries and moonroot, vital to Umbral Kin sustenance and rituals.
  • The Cycle of Renewal: Selene is also associated with the cycles of the moon, symbolizing renewal and change. Her phases reflect the cycles of life, teaching the Umbral Kin to embrace growth, decay, and rebirth as natural parts of existence.
The Heroic Deeds of Varran the Brave
Varran the Brave is a legendary hero in Umbral Kin lore, known for his valor and selflessness.
  • The Threat of the Night Fiend: A fearsome creature known as the Night Fiend once terrorized the Ashen Wastes, preying on the Umbral Kin and spreading fear and darkness. Varran, a young and courageous warrior, vowed to defeat the beast and protect his people.
  • The Journey of Trials: Armed with a blade forged from moonstone and blessed by the ancestors, Varran embarked on a perilous journey. He faced numerous trials, including battling shadow wraiths, navigating the treacherous Shadow Caverns, and seeking wisdom from the Elder Tree.
  • The Final Confrontation: In a climactic battle, Varran confronted the Night Fiend under the light of the full moon. With the guidance of Selene and the strength of his ancestors, he defeated the creature, restoring peace to the land.
  • Legacy of Valor: Varran's heroic deeds are celebrated in songs, stories, and festivals. His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of courage, selflessness, and the enduring spirit of the Umbral Kin.
The Legend of The Whispering Grove
The Whispering Grove is a mystical place within the Ashen Wastes, known for its enchanted trees that are said to communicate with the spirits.
  • The Enchanted Trees: According to legend, the trees in The Whispering Grove were once ordinary trees until they were touched by the breath of Nyxara. These trees gained the ability to whisper secrets and wisdom to those who listened with an open heart.
  • The Keeper of Secrets: The grove is guarded by an ancient spirit known as the Keeper of Secrets. This spirit is believed to hold the knowledge of the past, present, and future, and only reveals it to those deemed worthy.
  • The Rite of Passage: Many young Umbral Kin seek out The Whispering Grove as part of their coming of age rites. They spend a night in the grove, listening to the whispers of the trees and seeking guidance for their path in life.
  • Harmony with Nature: The legend teaches the importance of living in harmony with nature and respecting the wisdom it holds. The Whispering Grove remains a place of pilgrimage, reflection, and spiritual connection for the Umbral Kin.

Historical figures

The history of the Umbral Kin is marked by the deeds and legacies of numerous notable individuals. These figures have shaped the culture, spiritual beliefs, and societal structure of the Umbral Kin, leaving an indelible mark on their heritage. From legendary heroes and wise leaders to influential spiritual guides and skilled artisans, the contributions of these historical figures are celebrated and remembered through stories, rituals, and monuments.
Nyxara the Shadow Weaver
  • Role: Founding Ancestor
  • Legacy: Nyxara is revered as the founding ancestor of the Umbral Kin, whose sacrifice created the Ashen Wastes and established the balance between light and darkness. Her essence is believed to be woven into the very fabric of the land, guiding and protecting the Umbral Kin. Nyxara's legacy is honored through rituals, songs, and the eternal flame at the heart of the Elder Tree.
  • Contributions: She is credited with establishing many of the spiritual practices and traditions that define the Umbral Kin. Her teachings on balance, harmony, and respect for nature continue to influence the cultural and spiritual life of the community.
Varran the Brave
  • Role: Legendary Hero
  • Legacy: Varran's heroic deeds, particularly his defeat of the Night Fiend, are celebrated in songs, stories, and festivals. His bravery and selflessness serve as an enduring example of the values held by the Umbral Kin.
  • Contributions: Beyond his martial prowess, Varran's legacy includes the establishment of warrior traditions and training methods that continue to be used by the Umbral Kin. His story inspires young warriors to embody courage and protect their community.
Selene, the Moon Goddess
  • Role: Deity
  • Legacy: While not a mortal figure, Selene's influence is profound. Her worship is central to the spiritual life of the Umbral Kin, and her teachings on wisdom, renewal, and the cycles of life are integral to their worldview.
  • Contributions: Selene is credited with bestowing the gifts of shadowberries and moonroot upon the Umbral Kin, essential for their sustenance and rituals. Her presence is invoked in ceremonies, and her mythology is a source of comfort and guidance.
Thalor the Wise[/h4>
  • Role: Spiritual Leader
  • Legacy: Thalor is remembered as a great spiritual leader who deepened the Umbral Kin's understanding of shadow magic and the spiritual realm. His teachings on meditation, ancestral worship, and the ethical use of magic are still followed today.
  • Contributions: Thalor established the first formal schools of shadow magic, ensuring the preservation and transmission of magical knowledge. He also developed many of the protective spells and charms used by the Umbral Kin to safeguard their homes and sacred sites.
Elara the Artisan
  • Role: Master Artisan
  • Legacy: Elara is celebrated for her extraordinary skills in weaving and embroidery, creating some of the most beautiful and intricate textiles ever seen among the Umbral Kin. Her works are considered masterpieces, blending artistry with spiritual significance.
  • Contributions: Elara's techniques and designs have been passed down through generations, influencing the textile arts of the Umbral Kin. She also founded the Artisan's Guild, which continues to support and train new generations of artisans.
Kaelan the Builder
  • Role: Architect and Engineer
  • Legacy: Kaelan is known for his innovative architectural designs that seamlessly blend with the natural environment of the Ashen Wastes. His works include many of the community's most important structures, such as the grand gathering halls and the intricately designed temples.
  • Contributions: Kaelan introduced new building techniques and materials that improved the durability and functionality of Umbral Kin structures. His emphasis on sustainable and harmonious design principles continues to guide contemporary architecture.
Aria the Healer
  • Role: Renowned Healer
  • Legacy: Aria is remembered for her profound knowledge of herbal medicine and healing rituals. She cured countless illnesses and injuries, earning the deep gratitude and respect of the Umbral Kin.
  • Contributions: Aria documented many of the healing practices and herbal remedies still in use today. She established healing sanctuaries and trained numerous apprentices, ensuring that her knowledge and skills would be preserved for future generations.
Draven the Diplomat
  • Role: Diplomat and Peacemaker
  • Legacy: Draven is celebrated for his efforts in establishing peaceful relations with neighboring communities and forging alliances. His diplomatic skills and ability to navigate complex social dynamics helped to secure the Umbral Kin's safety and prosperity.
  • Contributions: Draven's negotiation techniques and conflict resolution strategies are still taught and practiced. His legacy includes several key treaties and agreements that have contributed to the stability and growth of the Umbral Kin community.
Lyra the Storyteller
  • Role: Master Storyteller and Historian
  • Legacy: Lyra is known for her captivating storytelling abilities and her dedication to preserving the history and myths of the Umbral Kin. Her stories continue to be a vital part of cultural gatherings and educational practices.
  • Contributions: Lyra compiled many of the oral traditions into written form, ensuring their preservation. She also trained other storytellers, establishing a tradition that continues to enrich the cultural life of the Umbral Kin.


Beauty Ideals

The Umbral Kin, the main ethnic group of the Chaya, hold unique beauty ideals deeply rooted in their cultural values, environment, and mystical connections. Their standards of beauty are not only physical but also encompass spiritual and emotional attributes, reflecting their harmonious relationship with the shadows and nature.
Physical Appearance
  The Umbral Kin admire features that highlight their ethereal connection to the Plane of Shadow. This includes:
  • Shadowy Complexion: A smooth, shadowy complexion with a slight iridescent sheen is considered highly attractive, symbolizing their deep connection to the shadows.
  • Eyes: Eyes that appear dark and reflective, often compared to onyx or moonlit pools, are prized for their mysterious allure. Some even possess a faint luminescence, hinting at their magical heritage.
  • Hair: Long, flowing hair with colors ranging from deep midnight black to silvery hues is favored. The hair often has a wispy, almost otherworldly quality, reflecting the ethereal nature of the Umbral Kin.
  • Build: A lithe and agile physique is preferred, emphasizing grace and agility. This reflects their ability to move silently and blend seamlessly into their environment.
  Beauty Ideals of the Umbral Kin

Beauty Ideals

  The Umbral Kin, the main ethnic group of the Chaya, hold unique beauty ideals deeply rooted in their cultural values, environment, and mystical connections. Their standards of beauty are not only physical but also encompass spiritual and emotional attributes, reflecting their harmonious relationship with the shadows and nature.  
Physical Appearance
  The Umbral Kin admire features that highlight their ethereal connection to the Plane of Shadow. This includes:  
  • Shadowy Complexion: A smooth, shadowy complexion with a slight iridescent sheen is considered highly attractive, symbolizing their deep connection to the shadows.
  • Eyes: Eyes that appear dark and reflective, often compared to onyx or moonlit pools, are prized for their mysterious allure. Some even possess a faint luminescence, hinting at their magical heritage.
  • Hair: Long, flowing hair with colors ranging from deep midnight black to silvery hues is favored. The hair often has a wispy, almost otherworldly quality, reflecting the ethereal nature of the Umbral Kin.
  • Build: A lithe and agile physique is preferred, emphasizing grace and agility. This reflects their ability to move silently and blend seamlessly into their environment.
Spiritual and Emotional Attributes
  Beyond physical traits, the Umbral Kin place great importance on spiritual and emotional qualities that resonate with their cultural values:  
  • Wisdom: Possessing deep wisdom and a connection to the ancestors is highly respected. Individuals who demonstrate insight and understanding of the mystical arts are considered beautiful.
  • Tranquility: A calm and serene demeanor is admired, reflecting inner peace and harmony with the shadows. This tranquility is seen as a sign of spiritual balance and strength.
  • Mystery: An air of mystery and subtlety is considered alluring. The ability to communicate and act with grace and enigma, embodying the elusive nature of shadows, is highly valued.
Adornment and Attire
  The Umbral Kin enhance their natural beauty through specific adornments and attire that reflect their cultural heritage:  
  • Jewelry: Delicate, intricate jewelry made from shadow-infused materials and adorned with moonstone, onyx, and other dark gemstones is popular. These pieces often symbolize protection and spiritual connection.
  • Clothing: Flowing robes and garments in dark, muted colors with subtle patterns that mimic the shifting shadows are favored. These clothes are both practical for their environment and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Tattoos: Intricate tattoos that resemble the Shadrune script or natural elements like vines and stars are common. These tattoos often hold personal significance and are believed to enhance one's spiritual connection.
Cultural Practices
  Certain cultural practices and rituals contribute to the beauty ideals of the Umbral Kin:  
  • Rituals: Participation in rituals and ceremonies, such as the Ritual of Shadows, enhances one's spiritual and communal beauty. These practices are seen as a way to maintain inner and outer harmony.
  • Craftsmanship: Mastery of a craft, particularly those related to shadow magic or natural artistry, is admired. Skilled artisans and creators are often viewed as embodying the pinnacle of beauty.

Gender Ideals

Gender ideals among the Umbral Kin are rooted in their cultural values of balance, harmony, and respect for individual strengths and contributions. While the Umbral Kin recognize and honor traditional gender roles, they also value fluidity and flexibility, allowing individuals to express themselves and contribute to the community in ways that align with their unique abilities and inclinations. These ideals foster a society that is inclusive, supportive, and respectful of all its members.
Traditional Roles and Responsibilities
  • Female Roles: Traditionally, Umbral Kin women are associated with roles that emphasize nurturing, healing, and spiritual guidance. They are often the primary caregivers, healers, and spiritual leaders within the community. Women are also skilled in various crafts, such as weaving, embroidery, and herbal medicine, which are essential to the community's well-being.
  • Male Roles: Men are typically associated with roles that involve physical strength, protection, and construction. They often serve as warriors, hunters, builders, and craftsmen. Men are responsible for the defense of the community, as well as providing sustenance through hunting and farming.
  • Gender Fluidity: While traditional roles exist, the Umbral Kin are flexible and accepting of individuals who wish to pursue roles outside of these conventions. Gender fluidity is respected, and individuals are encouraged to follow their talents and interests, regardless of traditional gender expectations.
Spiritual and Cultural Significance
  • Balance and Harmony: The Umbral Kin believe in the importance of balance and harmony between genders. This balance is seen as essential for maintaining the spiritual and social equilibrium of the community. Both masculine and feminine energies are valued for their unique contributions to the whole.
  • Ancestral Reverence: Ancestors of all genders are revered and honored equally. Stories and myths often highlight the deeds of both male and female ancestors, showcasing the importance of diverse contributions to the community's heritage.
  • Ritual Participation: In spiritual rituals and ceremonies, individuals of all genders participate and play crucial roles. The interplay of masculine and feminine energies is believed to enhance the effectiveness of these rituals and strengthen the community's connection to the spiritual realm.
Leadership and Decision-Making
  • Shared Leadership: Leadership within the Umbral Kin is shared between genders, with both men and women holding positions of authority and influence. The High Council includes representatives of all genders, ensuring diverse perspectives in decision-making processes.
  • Merit-Based Authority: Positions of leadership and responsibility are often based on merit, skills, and experience rather than gender. Individuals who demonstrate wisdom, strength, and dedication are respected and followed, regardless of their gender.
  • Elders' Council: The Elders' Council, a key decision-making body, includes both male and female elders. This council provides guidance and support to the community, drawing on the collective wisdom and experience of its members.
Education and Skill Development
  • Equal Opportunities: Education and skill development are accessible to all, regardless of gender. Children are encouraged to explore various interests and talents, with opportunities to learn traditional crafts, martial skills, and spiritual practices.
  • Mentorship: Mentorship is an important aspect of Umbral Kin society. Both men and women serve as mentors, guiding the next generation in their chosen paths. Mentors are chosen based on their expertise and ability to inspire, rather than their gender.
  • Lifelong Learning: The Umbral Kin value lifelong learning and personal growth. Individuals are encouraged to continue developing their skills and knowledge throughout their lives, with support from the community and access to resources.
Marriage and Family Life
  • Partnerships: Marriage and partnerships are based on mutual respect, love, and shared responsibilities. Both partners contribute to the household and the upbringing of children, with roles and duties often shared or alternated according to need and preference.
  • Parenting: Parenting is seen as a joint effort, with both parents actively involved in the care and education of their children. The community also plays a role in supporting families, creating a network of care and guidance.
  • Extended Families: Extended families, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, are integral to the family structure. These extended family members provide additional support, resources, and wisdom, reinforcing the communal bonds that are central to Umbral Kin society.
Social and Cultural Celebrations
  • Inclusive Celebrations: Social and cultural celebrations are inclusive, with all genders participating in the planning, execution, and enjoyment of festivities. These celebrations often highlight the contributions and strengths of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  • Recognition of Achievements: Achievements and milestones are celebrated and recognized, regardless of gender. Whether it's a young warrior's first hunt, a healer's successful treatment, or an artisan's completed masterpiece, accomplishments are honored and shared with the community.
  • Rites of Passage: Rites of passage, such as coming of age ceremonies, are tailored to recognize and honor the individual's journey and achievements. These ceremonies celebrate personal growth and the transition into new stages of life, with the support and blessing of the community.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Umbral Kin is a blend of traditional rituals, deep emotional connections, and mutual respect. The process emphasizes compatibility, spiritual harmony, and the approval of both families and the community. These ideals ensure that relationships are founded on strong, enduring bonds and that the union contributes positively to the well-being of the community.
Initial Attraction and Interest
  • Mutual Respect: The foundation of courtship begins with mutual respect and admiration. Both individuals must recognize and appreciate each other's strengths, qualities, and contributions to the community.
  • Subtle Signals: Initial interest is often communicated through subtle signals, such as shared glances, small gifts, or offers of assistance. These gestures indicate an individual's interest without being overtly forward or aggressive.
  • Compatibility: Compatibility is considered crucial. Before courtship begins, individuals often spend time together in group settings to gauge their compatibility in terms of values, interests, and goals.
The Courtship Process
Courtship among the Umbral Kin involves a series of steps that ensure both individuals are committed to the relationship and that it is supported by their families and the community.
  • Seeking Blessings: Before formally beginning courtship, it is customary to seek the blessings of one's family and, if significant, the approval of respected elders. This step ensures that the relationship is seen as honorable and supported by the community.
  • Shared Activities: Couples engage in shared activities that strengthen their bond and allow them to learn more about each other. These activities can include working on communal projects, participating in rituals, or spending time in nature.
  • Exchanging Tokens: Exchanging tokens of affection, such as handcrafted items, poems, or symbolic gifts, is a common practice. These tokens represent the growing connection and commitment between the individuals.
  • Private Conversations: As the relationship progresses, private conversations become more frequent. These conversations allow the couple to discuss their hopes, dreams, and plans for the future, ensuring they are aligned in their goals.
Symbolic Rituals and Traditions
  • The Night Vigil: A significant ritual in the courtship process is the Night Vigil. The couple spends a night in a sacred location, such as The Whispering Grove or near the Elder Tree, seeking guidance from the ancestors and nature spirits. This experience is meant to strengthen their spiritual connection and affirm their commitment.
  • Shadow Dance: The Shadow Dance is a traditional courtship ritual where the couple performs a dance that symbolizes the balance of light and shadow. The dance is performed during a community gathering, showcasing the couple's harmony and compatibility.
  • Binding Vows: Couples may exchange binding vows in a private or semi-public ceremony. These vows are not as formal as marriage vows but signify a serious commitment to each other. The vows often include promises of loyalty, support, and mutual respect.
Family and Community Involvement
  • Family Gatherings: Families of the couple are actively involved in the courtship process. Regular family gatherings allow both families to get to know each other, fostering a sense of unity and mutual support.
  • Elder Guidance: Elders play a crucial role in guiding young couples. They offer wisdom, advice, and blessings, ensuring that the relationship is built on a strong foundation and aligns with cultural values.
  • Community Support: The community at large supports courting couples by offering encouragement and participating in communal rituals and celebrations. This collective involvement strengthens the couple's bond and integrates their relationship into the social fabric of the Umbral Kin.
Challenges and Conflict Resolution
  • Open Communication: Open and honest communication is emphasized throughout the courtship process. Couples are encouraged to discuss any issues or concerns openly, fostering trust and understanding.
  • Mediation by Elders: If conflicts arise, elders or trusted family members may act as mediators. Their role is to provide objective advice and help the couple navigate challenges in a respectful and constructive manner.
  • Trial Separation: In some cases, a trial separation may be suggested to allow individuals to reflect on their relationship and determine if they are truly compatible. This period is approached with respect and the intention of gaining clarity.
Formal Engagement and Betrothal
  • Formal Proposal: When the couple decides to formalize their commitment, a formal proposal is made. This proposal is often accompanied by a symbolic gift and is made in the presence of family and elders.
  • Betrothal Ceremony: A betrothal ceremony marks the official engagement. This ceremony includes the exchange of rings or other symbolic items, the blessing of the families, and a communal celebration.
  • Preparations for Marriage: Following the betrothal, the couple begins preparations for their marriage. This period involves planning the wedding ceremony, seeking further blessings, and deepening their connection through continued shared activities and rituals.

Relationship Ideals

The relationship ideals of the Umbral Kin are deeply rooted in their cultural values of balance, harmony, mutual respect, and spiritual connection. These ideals ensure that relationships are not only strong and enduring but also contribute positively to the well-being of the community. The Umbral Kin place great importance on emotional intimacy, mutual support, and the integration of individual strengths and contributions within a relationship.
Mutual Respect and Equality
  • Equality: Relationships among the Umbral Kin are based on a foundation of equality. Both partners are seen as equals, with their strengths and contributions valued equally. This balance ensures that neither partner dominates the other and that decisions are made collaboratively.
  • Respect for Individuality: Each partner respects the individuality of the other, acknowledging their unique strengths, talents, and contributions. This respect fosters a sense of autonomy and personal growth within the relationship.
  • Shared Responsibilities: Responsibilities are shared between partners, with tasks divided according to individual strengths and preferences. This sharing of duties ensures that both partners contribute to the household and the well-being of the family.
Emotional Intimacy and Connection
  • Open Communication: Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of Umbral Kin relationships. Partners are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, fostering a deep emotional connection and understanding.
  • Emotional Support: Providing emotional support to each other is vital. Partners are expected to be attentive to each other's needs, offering comfort, encouragement, and empathy during challenging times.
  • Quality Time: Spending quality time together is important for maintaining a strong bond. Whether through shared activities, quiet moments, or communal rituals, partners prioritize time together to nurture their relationship.
Spiritual Harmony and Growth
  • Spiritual Connection: Relationships are seen as spiritual partnerships, with both partners working together to achieve spiritual growth and harmony. Shared spiritual practices, such as meditation, rituals, and offerings, strengthen this connection.
  • Guidance from Ancestors: Seeking guidance from ancestors and nature spirits is common. Partners often participate in rituals that honor their ancestors and seek blessings for their relationship, ensuring it aligns with cultural and spiritual values.
  • Mutual Growth: Personal and spiritual growth is encouraged within relationships. Partners support each other's journey towards self-improvement, wisdom, and enlightenment, recognizing that individual growth benefits the relationship as a whole.
Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving
  • Constructive Dialogue: Conflicts are addressed through constructive dialogue, with both partners encouraged to express their perspectives and work towards a mutually beneficial resolution. Avoiding blame and focusing on solutions is key.
  • Elder Mediation: When conflicts cannot be resolved privately, the couple may seek the help of elders or trusted family members. These mediators provide objective advice and help the couple navigate challenges in a respectful and constructive manner.
  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Forgiveness and reconciliation are important values. Partners are encouraged to forgive each other's mistakes and work towards rebuilding trust and harmony after conflicts.
Community and Family Involvement
  • Family Support: Family plays a significant role in supporting relationships. Both immediate and extended family members offer guidance, support, and resources to help the couple maintain a strong and healthy relationship.
  • Community Integration: Relationships are integrated into the broader community. Couples participate in communal activities, rituals, and celebrations, reinforcing their bond and contributing to the social fabric of the Umbral Kin.
  • Role Models: Elders and respected community members serve as role models, demonstrating the ideals of a harmonious and supportive relationship. Their examples provide inspiration and guidance for younger couples.
Commitment and Loyalty
  • Long-Term Commitment: Relationships are viewed as long-term commitments, with partners dedicated to supporting each other through life's challenges and changes. This commitment is reinforced through rituals, vows, and ongoing expressions of loyalty.
  • Trust and Honesty: Trust and honesty are fundamental. Partners are expected to be truthful and transparent with each other, building a foundation of trust that strengthens their bond.
  • Loyalty: Loyalty to one's partner is a deeply held value. This loyalty extends beyond romantic fidelity to encompass emotional support, mutual respect, and shared goals.
Celebration of Love and Partnership
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Love and partnership are celebrated through various rituals and ceremonies. These events honor the bond between partners and provide opportunities for the community to express their support and blessings.
  • Anniversaries: Anniversaries and milestones are marked with special celebrations, reflecting on the journey the couple has shared and looking forward to the future. These celebrations often include family and community members.
  • Expressions of Love: Regular expressions of love and appreciation, such as giving gifts, writing poems, or performing acts of service, are encouraged. These gestures reinforce the emotional connection and remind partners of their mutual affection and commitment.
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