
The Chaya: A Tale of Shadows

"I touched the stars... And saw the glorious light of a thousand suns... Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark?"

Race Information

Most fully formed Chaya look like humans with a certain shadowy wispiness about them. In darkness, they seem to almost completely disappear. Because of this, many are recruited as rogues or assassins and trained for eternity to specialize in these dark endeavors. They are on the shorter end. Females average about 4’8” to 5’2”. Males average 5’0” to 5’4”. They do not age, but most resemble a young adult, though some come into full formation earlier or later. The sense of morality varies from Chaya to Chaya. Some have an undying hatred for other Chaya and any who are immortal. Others find a jealous rage in the races who have the opportunity to live a life and pass on. No two Chaya are the same, though some may share features of humans.

Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Chaya are very intelligent, having to spend years learning and swift on their feet, learning to move silently like a shadow. They gain a +2 Intelligence and a +2 Dexterity.   Type: Chaya are Outsiders with the native subtype. They have ties to the Plane of Shadow.   Size: Chaya are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.   Base Speed: Chaya have a base speed of 30 feet.   Darkvision: Chaya can see in the dark up to 60 feet.   Languages: Chaya begin play speaking Shadertongue. Chaya with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Undercommon, D’ziriak (understanding only, cannot speak), Ignan, Terran, and Common.  


Chaya do not age naturally and cannot die of old age. While some might come into being at age categories other than adulthood, they never leave their original age category. Spells and effects that cause aging affect a Chaya as normal.  

Shattered Soul:

Chaya who are killed are exceptionally difficult to return to life. Those who attempt to return a Chaya to life using raise dead, resurrection, or similar spells must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the Chaya’s Hit Dice. If this check fails, the spell fails and the caster can’t return the Chaya to life for the next 24 hours (though the caster can try again after this period).  

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Trained to disappear: Chaya gain the Stealthy Feat   Innate Camouflage: Chaya gain a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks while in areas of dim light or darker.  

Magical Racial Traits

You Never Saw Me: Due to their aloof and secretive nature, Chaya have developed a natural defense against those attempting to locate them. They benefit from a constant Nondetection spell-like ability and may cast Faerie Fire, Obscure Object, and Sanctuary each once per day.   Living Shadow: Chaya can become a living shadow. They gain the following supernatural ability: Once per day, a member of this race can change its appearance to look as if it were little more than a 4-foot-tall area of shadow. Its physical form still exists and it is not incorporeal—only its appearance changes. This racial trait works like invisibility, except the effect only lasts 1 round per level (maximum 5 rounds).  

Defense Racial Traits

Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks against a Chaya in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance. This stacks with Child of Shadow increasing to 55%.   Shadowy Resistance: Chaya have cold resistance 5 and electricity resistance 5.   Child of Shadow: Whenever a Chaya benefits from concealment or total concealment, the miss chance of attacks against her increases by 5%.

Alternate Racial Traits

Cliff Scaler: Some Chaya train themselves to scale the numerous cliffs and ravines of their volcanic homeland. They have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants this replaces Innate Camouflage.   Violent: Some chaya are formed within places of excessive violence, these chayas are never unarmed with claws sharper and more dangerous than some of their peers. However this leaves them less hardy than some of their peers against the elements. Chaya with this trait gain 2 claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage, this replaces Shadowy Resistance.

Weakness Racial Traits

Vulnerable to Sunlight: The extreme connection Chaya have to the Plane of Shadow leaves them vulnerable to the violent rays the sun projects upon them. They take 1 point of Constitution damage after every hour they are exposed to sunlight.   Negative Energy Affinity: The aversion to the sun has left the Chaya searching for… alternative medicine. Their bodies have become accustomed to the dark negative energies. A Chaya is alive but is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy, as if it were an undead creature.   Light Sensitivity: Chaya are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light.  

Favored Class Bonuses

Rogue: Add a +½ bonus on Stealth checks and Perception checks made in dim light or darkness.   Wizard: Add +1/3 to the effective caster level of any spells with the ‘Shadow’ descriptor.   Alchemist: Add +10 minutes to the duration of the alchemist’s mutagens.   Cleric: Add +1 to the caster level of any channeling feat used to affect undead.   Sorcerer: Add +1/2 point of damage to any illusion spells of the shadow subschool cast by the sorcerer.   Summoner: Add +1 skill rank to the summoner’s eidolon.

Basic Information


The Chaya are a fascinating blend of humanoid and ethereal shadow. Standing shorter than the average Human, with females ranging from 4’8” to 5’2” and males from 5’0” to 5’4”, their frames are slender and graceful. Their skin, a gradient of charcoal to midnight black, appears almost translucent, as if made of the very shadows they inhabit. This shadowy hue is complemented by bioluminescent markings that glow softly, varying in colors such as pale blue, violet, and green. These markings are unique to each Chaya, often forming intricate patterns that are both beautiful and functional, serving as a means of identification and communication.   The Chaya’s facial features are delicate and angular, with eyes that are their most striking characteristic. These eyes glow with an inner light, reflecting their connection to the Plane of Shadow. Their hair, often long and flowing, seems to move independently like smoke caught in a gentle breeze, and its color typically matches the hue of their bioluminescent markings. Their hands end in elongated fingers with sharp, retractable claws, which aid in climbing and self-defense. Despite their shadowy nature, Chaya possess a skeletal structure and musculature similar to humans, though their bones are more flexible and their muscles are optimized for agility and stealth.

Biological Traits

The Chaya are distinguished by their unique blend of physical and ethereal characteristics. Their shadowy, wisp-like bodies are both a marvel of adaptation and a testament to their origins from the Plane of Shadow. Chaya are naturally stealthy and agile, with a skeletal structure that is more flexible than that of typical humanoids. This flexibility, combined with their light frame, allows them to move silently and quickly through their environment.   Their skin, ranging from deep charcoal to midnight black, has an almost translucent quality, making them appear as if they are partially made of shadows. Bioluminescent markings adorn their bodies, glowing softly in shades of pale blue, violet, or green. These markings are not only beautiful but functional, aiding in communication and identification among their kind.   Chaya also possess retractable claws on their fingers, which are useful for climbing and self-defense. Their eyes, glowing with an inner light, provide exceptional night vision, allowing them to see in complete darkness. This adaptation is crucial for their survival in the perpetually twilight conditions of the Ashen Wastes.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Chaya’s genetics are a blend of humanoid and shadow essence, resulting in a unique method of reproduction and inheritance of traits. Reproduction among the Chaya is initiated through a ritualistic dance under the moonlight, where two Chaya merge their shadows, binding their essences together. This union produces a shadow wisp, an ethereal entity that gradually takes on a physical form over several decades. This process is slow and deliberate, with the wisp absorbing ambient magical energies and learning from its surroundings.   Genetically, Chaya traits are highly dominant. Offspring from unions with other races will predominantly exhibit Chaya characteristics, though they may inherit certain unique abilities or traits from the non-Chaya parent. The offspring’s bioluminescent patterns, for instance, might reflect a blend of both parents’ markings. The Chaya’s shadowy nature ensures that their unique abilities, such as Shadow Sense and their resistance to negative energy, are passed down through generations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Chaya growth is slow and steady, with significant stages marked by changes in their shadowy form:
  1. Wisp Stage (0-20 years): In this initial stage, a Chaya exists as an intangible wisp of shadow. During this time, they are highly vulnerable and rely on the protection and guidance of their community. They spend these years observing and absorbing knowledge from their environment.
  2. Forming Stage (20-50 years): During the forming stage, the wisp begins to take on more defined physical features, becoming semi-corporeal. This stage is marked by intense learning and adaptation, as the young Chaya develops its bioluminescent patterns and starts to interact more actively with the world.
  3. Adolescent Stage (50-100 years): The adolescent Chaya's form becomes more solid, and they begin to develop their unique abilities and skills. This is a period of exploration and honing of their shadow-related talents. Social bonds and individual roles within the community are established during this time.
  4. Adult Stage (100+ years): Once they reach adulthood, Chaya appear as young adults and do not age further. They continue to grow in power and wisdom, often taking on leadership or mentorship roles within their communities. Their physical forms are fully developed, and they are at the peak of their abilities.

Ecology and Habitats

The Chaya are indigenous to The Ashen Wastes of Katal, a desolate and twilight-shrouded region within the land of Dolhargoth. This inhospitable landscape is characterized by its barren, ash-covered ground, twisted ancient trees, and crumbling ruins that whisper of a long-forgotten past. The region is perpetually bathed in a dim, eerie light, with shadows that seem to move of their own accord, creating an environment perfectly suited to the Chaya's shadowy nature.   The Chaya have adapted remarkably well to this harsh environment. Their homes are hidden within The Whispering Grove, a sanctuary where the roots of ancient trees intertwine with the very fabric of the Plane of Shadow. These homes are constructed from shadow-infused materials, making them nearly invisible to outsiders. The architecture is organic and fluid, blending seamlessly with the natural landscape and providing both shelter and concealment.   In addition to The Whispering Grove, the Chaya also utilize the surrounding wasteland for hunting and gathering. The flora and fauna of the Ashen Wastes are unique, having evolved to survive in low-light conditions. The Chaya have developed a symbiotic relationship with these creatures, particularly the nocturnal predators and scavengers that share their territory. This relationship enhances their hunting capabilities and ensures a steady food supply.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Chaya have unique dietary requirements that reflect their shadowy nature and the resources available in the Ashen Wastes. They consume a combination of physical sustenance and magical energies, both of which are essential for maintaining their health and abilities.   Physically, their diet consists of nocturnal flora and fauna. They gather shadow mushrooms, nocturnal insects, and small animals that thrive in the low-light conditions of their homeland. These creatures and plants have adapted to the same environment as the Chaya, making them a perfect nutritional match. The Chaya are skilled hunters and gatherers, often working in groups to efficiently obtain food.   In addition to physical nourishment, the Chaya absorb ambient magical energy from their surroundings. This energy is particularly potent during the new moon and in areas of deep shadow. They can also draw energy from shadow-infused objects and locations, which is vital for maintaining their ethereal forms and magical abilities.   Their eating habits are communal and ritualistic. Meals are often shared in groups, fostering social bonds and ensuring that all members of the community are well-nourished. During the Eclipse Festival and other significant events, feasts are held where the Chaya come together to celebrate and strengthen their connections.

Biological Cycle

The Chaya's biological cycle is unlike that of any other race, deeply intertwined with their shadowy essence and the rhythms of the Ashen Wastes. They do not experience traditional aging and are immune to the ravages of time, a result of their connection to the Plane of Shadow. However, their lives are marked by other cyclical patterns that govern their existence.   The most notable aspect of the Chaya's biological cycle is their activity during different phases of the moon. The full moon, casting more light than usual, is a time of rest and introspection for the Chaya, who retreat to the deepest parts of their habitat to avoid the increased brightness. Conversely, the new moon, when darkness reigns supreme, is a period of heightened activity. During this time, the Chaya are most active, engaging in hunting, social gatherings, and rituals that draw upon the intensified shadows.   Another crucial element of their biological cycle is their periodic need to reconnect with the Plane of Shadow. This process, known as "Shadow Rebinding," involves a ritual where the Chaya immerse themselves in pure shadow, renewing their strength and stabilizing their forms. This ritual is typically performed every few decades and is considered a deeply personal and spiritual experience.


The Chaya are a complex and enigmatic race, their behavior and psychology shaped by their unique origins and environment. They are inherently cautious and secretive, traits developed from their history of survival and the constant threat of exposure to sunlight. This cautiousness extends to their interactions with outsiders, making them appear xenophobic and mistrustful to those unfamiliar with their ways.   Socially, the Chaya are deeply communal. They place a high value on loyalty, cooperation, and mutual support. Their communities are tightly knit, with each member playing a crucial role in ensuring the group's survival and well-being. Elders are revered for their wisdom and experience, and decisions are often made through consensus, reflecting their collective approach to life.   Psychologically, the Chaya are introspective and contemplative. Their long lifespans allow them to accumulate vast amounts of knowledge and experience, which they use to navigate the complexities of their existence. They are highly intelligent and possess a keen understanding of both the material and magical realms. This intelligence is tempered by a deep sense of melancholy, a result of their connection to the shadows and the sacrifices made by their ancestors.   Emotionally, Chaya experience a wide range of feelings but often express them in subtle ways. Their bioluminescent markings can change color and intensity based on their emotions, providing a silent yet expressive form of communication. Despite their reserved nature, they form strong, enduring bonds with those they trust, whether within their own race or, on rare occasions, with outsiders who earn their respect.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Chaya's social structure is a testament to their resilience and communal spirit. In the shadowy depths of the Ashen Wastes, survival hinges on cooperation, wisdom, and mutual respect. The foundation of Chaya society is the clan, a close-knit group that functions much like an extended family. Each clan is led by a council of elders, individuals who have lived for centuries and accumulated vast amounts of knowledge and experience. These elders are not only leaders but also mentors, healers, and keepers of tradition.   Decisions within a clan are made through consensus, with elders guiding discussions but valuing input from all members. This egalitarian approach ensures that every voice is heard, fostering a strong sense of unity and loyalty. The Chaya believe that wisdom is not confined to age alone; even the youngest members are encouraged to contribute their insights, as fresh perspectives are often crucial in their ever-changing environment.   The roles within a clan are fluid, based on ability and contribution rather than rigid gender or birthright distinctions. Hunters, gatherers, craftsmen, and magic users all work in harmony, their efforts coordinated to ensure the well-being of the entire group. This flexible social structure allows the Chaya to adapt quickly to new challenges, whether they arise from environmental changes or external threats.   Ceremonies and rituals play a significant role in maintaining social cohesion. The Eclipse Festival, for example, is a time when all clans come together to celebrate their heritage, honor their ancestors, and strengthen the bonds between them. These gatherings are filled with storytelling, shadow dances, and the sharing of knowledge, reinforcing the communal values that underpin Chaya society.


The concept of domestication among the Chaya is unique, reflecting their deep respect for the natural world and their symbiotic relationship with it. Instead of taming and controlling animals, the Chaya form mutually beneficial partnerships with the creatures that share their habitat. These relationships are based on trust, cooperation, and a shared understanding of the harsh environment they inhabit.   One of the most notable examples of this symbiosis is the bond between the Chaya and shadow cats. These nocturnal predators, with their sleek, ethereal forms, are natural hunters and guardians. The Chaya provide them with shelter and food, while the shadow cats assist in hunting and protecting the clan from threats. This partnership is marked by mutual respect, with the Chaya treating shadow cats as equals rather than pets.   Another important symbiotic relationship is with the gloom beetles, small bioluminescent insects that play a crucial role in the Chaya's ecosystem. The beetles help pollinate nocturnal plants and keep harmful pests at bay. In return, the Chaya cultivate plants that provide sustenance for the beetles and protect their habitats. This interdependence highlights the Chaya's philosophy of living in harmony with nature, rather than dominating it.   These symbiotic relationships extend to other creatures as well, such as nocturnal birds that act as messengers and scouts, alerting the Chaya to changes in their environment. By fostering these partnerships, the Chaya enhance their own survival while contributing to the balance of their ecosystem.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Chaya's unique abilities and the shadow-infused resources of their homeland make them highly valuable to other races. However, this value also exposes them to potential exploitation, a danger they are acutely aware of and vigilantly guard against.   One of the most sought-after byproducts of the Chaya is their bioluminescent markings. These glowing patterns are not only beautiful but also imbued with magical properties. When harvested (a process that is dangerous and often harmful to the Chaya), these markings can be used to create powerful magical artifacts, potions, and enchantments. Due to the risks involved, the Chaya fiercely protect their secrets, and unauthorized attempts to obtain these markings are met with swift retribution.   Shadow-infused materials from the Ashen Wastes are another valuable resource. These materials, imbued with the essence of the Plane of Shadow, are used in crafting weapons, armor, and tools with unique properties. The Chaya themselves use these materials to create items that are both functional and artistic, reflecting their deep connection to the shadows. Trade of these materials is carefully controlled, with the Chaya only sharing them with trusted allies and under strict conditions.   Despite their protective measures, there have been instances where rogue Chaya have been captured or coerced into serving as spies or assassins. Their innate abilities in stealth and shadow magic make them formidable in such roles. The Chaya community views these individuals as tragic victims rather than traitors, often mounting rescue missions to free their kin and exact justice on the perpetrators.   The Chaya's knowledge of shadow magic and their intricate understanding of the Plane of Shadow also make them valuable as advisors and consultants. Some Chaya willingly share their expertise with other races, particularly in exchange for knowledge or resources that benefit their community. This exchange is always conducted on their terms, ensuring that the balance of power remains in their favor.

Facial characteristics

Chaya facial features are delicate and angular, often described as otherworldly or ethereal. Their eyes are the most striking feature, glowing softly with bioluminescent light that can range from pale blue to green or violet. These eyes are larger than those of humans, providing enhanced night vision and adding to their mystical appearance.   Their skin is smooth and shadowy, with no visible pores or blemishes, contributing to their wisp-like quality. Hair, if present, is usually long and flows like liquid shadow, often matching the color of their eyes. The combination of these features gives the Chaya a hauntingly beautiful and mysterious visage that reflects their connection to the Plane of Shadow.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Chaya are predominantly found in The Ashen Wastes of Katal, a remote and desolate region within the land of Dolhargoth. This area is characterized by its barren landscape, covered in ash and dotted with twisted ancient trees and crumbling ruins. The perpetual twilight and ever-shifting shadows make it an ideal habitat for the Chaya, who have adapted perfectly to these conditions.   Within the Ashen Wastes, The Whispering Grove serves as the central hub of Chaya society. This sanctuary, hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders, is a dense forest where the roots of ancient trees intertwine with the Plane of Shadow. Here, the Chaya live in harmony with their environment, building homes from shadow-infused materials and maintaining a delicate balance with the local flora and fauna.   While the Ashen Wastes are their primary home, small groups of Chaya can occasionally be found in other shadowy, secluded areas across Astralaria. These outposts serve as gathering spots for Chaya who travel for exploration, trade, or diplomacy. Despite their secretive nature, the Chaya’s presence in these areas often goes unnoticed, as they blend seamlessly into the shadows.

Average Intelligence

The Chaya possess a level of intelligence that surpasses many other races in Astralaria. Their long lifespans and deep connection to the Plane of Shadow have endowed them with a profound wisdom and a keen analytical mind. They are adept at learning and mastering complex subjects, particularly those related to magic, stealth, and survival. This high intelligence is reflected in their ability to craft intricate shadow-infused artifacts, perform sophisticated magical rituals, and strategize effectively during conflicts.   Chaya education is informal but thorough, relying heavily on mentorship and communal learning. Elders pass down knowledge through storytelling, practical demonstrations, and shadow dances that encode information in their bioluminescent patterns. This method of education ensures that each generation retains and builds upon the wisdom of the past, making the Chaya a highly knowledgeable and resourceful people.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Chaya’s sensory capabilities are finely tuned, allowing them to navigate their shadowy environment with ease. They possess exceptional night vision, enabling them to see in total darkness up to 60 feet. This ability is crucial for their survival in the perpetually dim Ashen Wastes of Katal. Their other senses are similarly heightened; they can detect minute changes in their environment, such as shifts in temperature, air currents, and the presence of magical energies.   Beyond their physical senses, the Chaya have developed an extrasensory ability known as "Shadow Sense." This ability allows them to perceive movements and presences within shadows, almost like a form of echolocation. By sensing the disturbances in the ambient shadows, they can detect approaching threats or prey even when they are not visible. Additionally, they communicate silently through subtle changes in their bioluminescent patterns, a form of language that is only fully understood by other Chaya. This silent communication is invaluable for coordinating during hunts or avoiding detection by enemies.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Chaya have developed symbiotic relationships with several species native to The Ashen Wastes of Katal. Shadow cats, nocturnal predators with a similar ethereal quality, are often found in Chaya communities. These creatures assist in hunting and provide companionship, benefiting from the protection and food provided by the Chaya.   Another symbiotic species is the gloom beetle, a small, bioluminescent insect that helps keep harmful pests at bay and aids in pollinating the shadow mushrooms and other nocturnal plants that the Chaya cultivate. In return, the beetles receive shelter and nourishment.   On the parasitic side, the Chaya must contend with shadow leeches, creatures that feed on their magical energy. These parasites are a constant threat, requiring the Chaya to remain vigilant and use protective spells to ward off infestations. The presence of shadow leeches has also driven the Chaya to develop advanced healing techniques and defensive magic.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Chaya names are a blend of the poetic and the symbolic, reflecting their deep connection to shadows and their personal characteristics. A typical Chaya name consists of a given name and a shadow name. The given name is often chosen based on significant events, natural phenomena, or attributes observed during the early years of a Chaya’s life. The shadow name, usually adopted upon reaching adulthood, symbolizes a defining quality, personal achievement, or spiritual insight.   Example Names:
  • Given Names: Nyx, Erebus, Thalassa, Kuro, Selene
  • Shadow Names: Shadowdancer, Nightwhisper, Moonshadow, Starshade, Ghostlight
  Naming ceremonies are important cultural events. When a Chaya wisp transitions to the forming stage, a gathering is held where elders observe the young Chaya’s emerging traits and propose potential given names. The shadow name is selected during a coming-of-age ritual, often involving a journey or quest that reveals the individual’s true nature.

Major Organizations

Despite their decentralized society, several key organizations hold significant influence among the Chaya:  
  1. The Council of Shadows: This governing body is composed of the eldest and wisest Chaya from various clans. The council is responsible for making major decisions, mediating disputes, and preserving ancient traditions. Their meetings are held in the heart of The Whispering Grove, where the elders commune with the spirits of their ancestors.
  2. The Eclipse Guard: An elite group of warriors and spies dedicated to protecting Chaya lands and interests. They undergo rigorous training in stealth, combat, and shadow magic. The Eclipse Guard is highly respected, and its members are often seen as heroes and protectors of the Chaya people.
  3. The Order of The Whispering Grove: A spiritual organization that oversees rituals, maintains the connection to the Plane of Shadow, and educates the young in the ways of shadow magic. Members of this order are revered for their deep spiritual insight and magical prowess.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty among the Chaya is deeply intertwined with their shadowy nature. Graceful movements, symmetry in bioluminescent patterns, and the ability to blend seamlessly into the darkness are highly prized. Physical features such as glowing eyes, fluid hair that moves like shadow, and intricate body markings are considered beautiful.   Chaya also value inner beauty, which is reflected in wisdom, strength of character, and mastery of shadow magic. The glow of their bioluminescent markings is seen as a manifestation of their inner strength and purity. A Chaya with bright, vibrant markings is often regarded with admiration and respect.

Gender Ideals

The Chaya have a fluid view of gender, influenced by their ethereal nature. Gender roles are not rigidly defined, and individuals are valued for their abilities and contributions rather than their gender. Leadership, strength, and wisdom are respected regardless of gender, and gender fluidity is accepted and embraced.   In Chaya society, both males and females can be warriors, healers, leaders, and scholars. What matters most is the individual’s dedication to their community and their skill in their chosen role. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of equality and mutual respect among the Chaya.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Chaya is a subtle and prolonged affair, characterized by shared experiences and mutual respect. Potential partners engage in shadow dances, a form of non-verbal communication that expresses intent and emotion. These dances are performed under the cover of darkness, where bioluminescent markings glow and shift, telling a story of connection and desire.   Gift-giving is also an important part of courtship. Chaya exchange shadow-infused artifacts, handcrafted items, and tokens of affection that symbolize their bond. Collaborative hunts and shared rituals further strengthen the connection between potential partners, allowing them to demonstrate their compatibility and dedication.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships in Chaya society are built on trust, loyalty, and mutual support. Given their long lifespans, Chaya form deep, enduring bonds with their partners. Partnerships are often seen as a blend of friendship and love, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and shared goals.   Families are extended and communal, with children raised collectively by the clan. This communal approach ensures that each child receives a diverse education and a strong support network. The Chaya value open communication and emotional honesty, believing that these qualities are essential for maintaining healthy and harmonious relationships.

Average Technological Level

The Chaya possess a unique blend of primitive tools and advanced shadow magic. Their technological advancements are not measured by conventional means but by their mastery of shadow-infused materials and magical constructs. They use swords, bows, and simple tools enhanced with magical properties to achieve their goals and ensure their survival.   Shadow magic plays a crucial role in their daily lives, from crafting weapons and armor to constructing dwellings and performing rituals. Their deep understanding of the Plane of Shadow allows them to create items that defy conventional physics, such as ethereal dwellings and shadow-forged weapons. These magical advancements make the Chaya both formidable and resourceful, blending the mystical with the practical.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The primary language of the Chaya is Shadertongue, a melodic and whispering language that can be difficult for outsiders to master. Characterized by soft consonants and flowing vowels, Shadertongue often incorporates bioluminescent signals as a form of silent communication. This unique combination of verbal and visual language enhances the Chaya's ability to convey complex emotions and concepts.   Regional dialects of Shadertongue exist, influenced by the specific environments and communities within The Ashen Wastes of Katal. These dialects may include variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and the use of bioluminescent signals. Despite these differences, the core elements of Shadertongue remain consistent, ensuring that all Chaya can communicate effectively.   In addition to Shadertongue, the Chaya are often fluent in Common and other regional languages of Astralaria. This multilingual ability enables them to interact with other races when necessary, although they prefer to communicate in their native tongue whenever possible.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette among the Chaya is rooted in respect, subtlety, and an acute awareness of their communal bonds and shadowy nature. Loud voices and overt gestures are considered inappropriate, as they disrupt the harmony of their interactions and the tranquility of their environment. Instead, the Chaya communicate softly and use fluid, understated gestures. Eye contact, particularly during important conversations or rituals, is a sign of sincerity and respect.   When greeting one another, the Chaya perform a slight bow, accompanied by a graceful sweep of the arm, symbolizing the blending of their shadows. Elders and respected individuals are addressed with honorifics that reflect their wisdom and contributions to the community. Interruptions during conversations are frowned upon, as listening is seen as an essential aspect of respect and understanding.   Silence holds a special place in Chaya etiquette. It is not merely the absence of sound but a space for contemplation and connection. During communal gatherings, moments of silence are observed to honor ancestors, reflect on shared experiences, and deepen the bond between individuals.

Common Dress Code

Chaya attire is both practical and elegant, designed to enhance their natural abilities and reflect their connection to the shadows. They wear dark, flowing garments made from shadow-infused fabrics that allow for easy movement and concealment. These fabrics, crafted using a blend of natural materials and shadow magic, are lightweight, durable, and resistant to wear.   Bioluminescent threads are woven into the garments, creating intricate patterns that mirror the Chaya’s body markings. These patterns are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve as a form of personal expression and identification. During special occasions and rituals, Chaya adorn themselves with additional accessories such as shadow-forged jewelry, bioluminescent paints, and headdresses made from nocturnal flora.   The Chaya also have practical attire for hunting and other physical activities. This clothing is form-fitting and reinforced with shadow-infused leather, providing protection without sacrificing mobility. Cloaks and hoods are common, offering an additional layer of concealment and blending seamlessly with the darkness.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of the Chaya is rich and multifaceted, deeply intertwined with their shadowy origins and their enduring connection to the Plane of Shadow. Storytelling, music, and dance are central to their cultural heritage, serving as means of preserving history, imparting wisdom, and strengthening communal bonds.   Shadow dances are particularly significant, combining movement, bioluminescent displays, and music to convey complex narratives and emotions. These performances are not only artistic expressions but also communal rituals that reinforce the Chaya’s connection to each other and their environment.   Music among the Chaya often features ethereal melodies played on instruments crafted from natural materials and infused with shadow magic. The sounds are haunting and melodic, echoing the harmony and mystery of their homeland. Storytelling, another crucial aspect of their culture, is a revered art form. Elders and skilled storytellers weave tales of heroism, cautionary fables, and the origins of their people, ensuring that each generation remains connected to their heritage.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  1. The Eclipse Festival: This annual celebration during the new moon honors the Chaya’s heritage and ancestors. The festival features shadow dances, storytelling, feasts, and rituals that draw upon the intensified shadows. It is a time of renewal, reflection, and communal bonding.
  2. Naming Ceremonies: When a young Chaya transitions from the wisp stage, a naming ceremony is held. Elders propose given names based on observed traits and significant events in the young Chaya’s life. The shadow name is chosen during a coming-of-age ritual, symbolizing personal growth and achievement.
  3. Shadow Rebinding: A periodic ritual where the Chaya reconnect with the Plane of Shadow to renew their strength and stabilize their forms. This deeply spiritual experience involves immersion in pure shadow, meditation, and communion with ancestral spirits.
  4. Night Hunts: Communal hunts that not only provide sustenance but also reinforce social bonds and demonstrate the Chaya’s skills. These hunts are conducted with reverence for the natural world, ensuring balance and harmony with their environment.

Common Taboos

Certain actions are strictly forbidden in Chaya society, reflecting their values and the delicate balance they maintain with their environment:
  • Sunlight Exposure: Deliberately exposing oneself to sunlight is considered reckless and dishonorable, as it endangers both the individual and the community.
  • Shadow Betrayal: Using one’s abilities against the Chaya community is the highest form of treason. Betrayal of this nature is met with severe consequences, including exile or, in extreme cases, death.
  • Desecration of Sacred Sites: Disrespecting or damaging sacred locations, such as The Whispering Grove, is unforgivable. These sites are integral to the Chaya’s spiritual and communal life, and their sanctity is fiercely protected.
  • Unauthorized Harvesting: Harvesting bioluminescent markings or shadow-infused materials without permission is a grave offense, as it disrupts the individual’s essence and the balance of their environment.


Prologue: The Eternal Night

Once, in an age long forgotten, there was a time when the boundary between the Plane of Shadow and the material world was thin. In The Ashen Wastes of Katal, within the land of Dolhargoth, a grand city stood under a sky perpetually painted with stars. Here lived a sorcerer named Erebus, a man of great power and even greater ambition, driven by an insatiable hunger for immortality. Erebus believed that within the shadowy depths lay the secret to eternal life. His search led him into the darkened heart of the Plane of Shadow, a realm where time seemed to stand still and the very air pulsed with arcane energy.   Erebus’s journey into this twilight world was fraught with peril. The shadows whispered to him, filling his mind with visions of eternity and the cost it demanded. Undeterred, he delved deeper, sacrificing his humanity in exchange for the eternal night. His body transformed, becoming one with the shadows, his heart beating to the rhythm of an everlasting darkness. Erebus had become the first of the Chaya.

The Children of the First Shadow

From Erebus’s union with the shadows came a lineage of beings like no other. The Chaya were born not from flesh and blood but from the essence of shadow itself. Each new life began as a wisp of darkness, a mere flicker in the vast expanse of night. Over decades, these wisps would slowly take form, drawing upon the energies around them to shape their bodies.   Among these was Nyx, a young Chaya whose curiosity was as boundless as the shadows that birthed her. As a wisp, she wandered the darkened forests of Katal, observing the world through eyes that saw more than mere mortals could comprehend. The creatures of the night became her companions, and the stars her silent teachers. When Nyx finally took her full form, she was as graceful as a shadow in moonlight, her eyes glowing softly with the wisdom of the ages.

The Whispering Trees

Nyx’s home was The Whispering Grove, a place where ancient trees stood tall and silent, their roots intertwined with the fabric of the Plane of Shadow. It was here that the Chaya gathered, learning from the shadows that danced beneath the canopy and the stories the trees told. The Grove was a sanctuary, hidden from the prying eyes of those who dwelt in the light.   One evening, as Nyx meditated beneath the Great Elder Tree, a voice, softer than a whisper, filled her mind. It was the spirit of the tree, speaking of a time when the Chaya were not cursed by the light but were beings of twilight, balanced between day and night. The spirit spoke of Erebus’s pact with the shadows and the price paid for his immortality. Nyx listened, her heart heavy with the knowledge of her ancestor’s choices.

The Eclipse Festival

The Chaya celebrated their heritage and the balance they sought through the Eclipse Festival, a night when the moon hid the sun and shadows reigned supreme. It was a time of unity and remembrance, where the Chaya danced beneath the star-strewn sky, their movements a graceful ballet of light and dark.   During one such festival, Nyx met a wanderer named Lumis, a Human with eyes that held the warmth of the sun. Lumis was a scholar, drawn to the mysteries of The Whispering Grove. He spoke of the wonders beyond the shadows and the beauty of the dawn. Despite their differences, Nyx and Lumis found common ground in their thirst for knowledge and understanding.

The Sunlit Wars

Peace was fleeting, however, as the Sunlit Wars erupted between those who feared the shadows and the Chaya. The bright races saw the Chaya as a threat, beings to be extinguished by the harsh light of day. Lumis, torn between his kin and his love for Nyx, sought to bridge the gap. He shared the Chaya’s story, their struggle for balance, and their desire to coexist.   Despite his efforts, battles raged on. The Chaya used their mastery of shadows to defend their home, blending into the darkness, striking from unseen corners. Nyx, a beacon of hope for her people, led with both strength and compassion. She taught them to embrace their dual nature, to find strength in their shadows and wisdom in their light.

Epilogue: The Path Forward

Years passed, and the Sunlit Wars became a memory etched in the annals of time. Nyx and Lumis’s bond had shown a path to unity, one where light and dark could coexist. The Chaya, though forever marked by their shadowy origins, began to step into the twilight, seeking to build a future where they were no longer bound by the sins of the past.   In the heart of The Whispering Grove, Nyx stood beneath the Great Elder Tree, her shadow intertwining with the light of dawn. She knew that the journey ahead would be long and arduous, but the Chaya were resilient, their spirits as enduring as the shadows that birthed them. They would continue to seek the balance between light and dark, and in doing so, carve a place for themselves in the ever-changing tapestry of Astralaria.

Historical Figures

  • Erebus Nightshade: The first Chaya and a powerful sorcerer who merged with the shadows to achieve immortality. Erebus is a legendary figure whose actions set the foundation for the Chaya’s existence and culture.
  • Nyx Darkweaver: A legendary leader during the Sunlit Wars, known for her strategic brilliance and dedication to her people. Nyx’s leadership ensured the Chaya’s survival and established many of their enduring traditions.
  • Lumis Starshade: A Human scholar who formed an alliance with the Chaya, symbolizing hope for unity between races. Lumis’s efforts to bridge the gap between the Chaya and other races are remembered as a significant step towards understanding and cooperation.
  • Selene Moonshadow: A revered spiritual leader and healer who deepened the Chaya’s connection to the Plane of Shadow. Selene’s teachings and rituals continue to influence Chaya spirituality and practices.

Common Myths and Legends

Chaya mythology is rich with tales that blend history, spirituality, and moral lessons:
  • The Tale of Erebus: The story of the first Chaya, Erebus Nightshade, who sought immortality and became one with the shadows. His journey and transformation are foundational myths that explain the origins of the Chaya and their connection to the Plane of Shadow.
  • The Legend of Nyx: A revered leader who united the Chaya during the Sunlit Wars, guiding them to numerous victories and establishing many of their traditions. Nyx is celebrated for her wisdom, bravery, and unyielding dedication to her people.
  • The Creation of The Whispering Grove: A myth that describes how the sacred sanctuary was formed by the merging of the Plane of Shadow with the material world. The tale emphasizes the importance of the grove and the Chaya’s responsibility to protect it.
  • The Starshade Prophecy: A prophecy that foretells the coming of a Chaya who will bridge the gap between light and dark, bringing peace and harmony to the Ashen Wastes and beyond. This legend inspires hope and guides the Chaya’s actions and decisions.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Chaya’s interactions with other races are complex, marked by a mix of mistrust, caution, and occasional cooperation. Their shadowy nature and history of conflicts, such as the Sunlit Wars, have fostered a deep-seated wariness towards outsiders. However, the Chaya recognize the potential benefits of alliances and knowledge exchange.
  • Humans: Relations with humans are cautious but potentially cooperative. The alliance formed by Lumis Starshade exemplifies the possibility of mutual understanding and collaboration. Humans who respect the Chaya’s ways and offer valuable knowledge or resources are more likely to be accepted.
  • Elves and Drow: Elves and drow, with their own affinity for magic and the natural world, have a complex relationship with the Chaya. While there is mutual respect for each other’s abilities, historical conflicts and differing values create a cautious dynamic. Alliances are formed based on shared interests and mutual respect.
  • Other Shadow-Dwelling Races: Races that inhabit shadowy environments or share a connection to the Plane of Shadow often have more harmonious relationships with the Chaya. These interactions are based on shared experiences and a common understanding of the balance between light and dark.
  • Bright Races: Races that revere the sun and daylight, such as certain Human factions or celestial beings, often view the Chaya with suspicion or hostility. The Chaya’s nocturnal nature and shadowy abilities are seen as a threat to their way of life. Efforts to bridge these differences are ongoing but challenging.
Chaya are effectively immortal, not aging past their full formation into adulthood. They do not succumb to old age, and their lifespans can span several millennia unless they fall victim to violence, disease, or prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Average Height
Chaya are generally shorter than the average human, with their height reflecting their light and agile nature. Female Chaya typically stand between 4’8” and 5’2”, while males range from 5’0” to 5’4”. This compact stature contributes to their ability to move stealthily and navigate the dense, shadowy environments they inhabit.
Average Weight
Due to their semi-corporeal nature, Chaya are significantly lighter than humans of comparable height. Their average weight ranges from 60 to 100 pounds. This lightness, combined with their flexible skeletal structure, enhances their agility and ability to blend into their surroundings.
Average Length
Length measurements are not commonly applied to humanoid races; however, if we consider the span of their outstretched limbs and body in a prone position, a Chaya’s length from head to toe typically falls within the same range as their height, reflecting their proportional and graceful form. Their elongated fingers and flowing hair, which can extend up to several feet, add to their ethereal appearance.
Average Physique
Chaya have a slender, agile physique optimized for stealth and quick movements rather than brute strength. Their muscles are lean and toned, allowing for silent, fluid movements that make them excellent hunters and scouts. Despite their lighter frames, they possess considerable endurance, enabling them to traverse their shadowy environment with ease.   Their limbs are elongated and flexible, enhancing their ability to climb and navigate difficult terrain. The retractable claws on their fingers add to their physical versatility, providing both offensive and defensive capabilities. Overall, the Chaya's physique is a perfect blend of grace and functionality, allowing them to excel in their unique habitat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin tones of the Chaya range from deep charcoal to midnight black, with subtle variations that resemble swirling shadows. This shadowy hue is complemented by bioluminescent markings that glow softly in various shades, such as pale blue, violet, and green. These markings form intricate, unique patterns on each Chaya's body, often symbolizing lineage, personal achievements, or significant life events.   The bioluminescent patterns are not static; they can change intensity and color in response to the Chaya's emotions and physical state. During times of heightened emotion or magical exertion, these markings can glow brighter, creating a mesmerizing display of light and shadow. This ability to manipulate their bioluminescence adds another layer to their communication and self-expression.
Geographic Distribution
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