An Angel's Descent


An angel falls from the sky and causes destruction.

A warning...
Amidst meditation, reclaiming their spells and attuning to nature, various druids of all skills within the isles of Betoros have a terrifying vision; from forests coating the edges of a mountain, they espy the wildlife panicked and fleeing, stampeding away from a source of fear, which only comes from above, and upon gazing upwards they bear witness to it, as From the sky, an Angel descends; but he not becloaked in divine light, but instead greenish hues emanate from his body, as he lands upon a mountain's top.   This angel's light scorches the surrounding lands, akin to bolts of lightning, but evaporate fully wherever it touches, whether it be the most menial bird to even the spirits of air themselves. The angel, seemingly not moving from his landed position but leaving a residual and dangerous threat.   The Jade Forest
The jade forest has long been a mystery of Betoros. In many ways, it is an idealistic and gorgeous forest. Offering a home for the woodland creatures and a place of refuge for others. Yet, woodcutters know that to take from the forest, often is to be taken from. Thus, many rumors and theories recommend forever erring on the side of caution lest they find themselves be turned into fertilizer.   It is well agreed upon though, that the forest hears everything you say. To disrespect and harm the forest is to invoke it's self protective nature. One which many theorists believe that the dreams experienced by druids was the forest itself warning them of the incoming danger that would fall from the heavens.   A Violent Impact
Dreams, by their nature are often a vague coagulation of experience, as such whatever struck the mountain deep within the jade forest was absolutely by no means an angel from the planar heavens, but instead an object once located in the sky far above the world of the Mirage that had crashed down upon it's surface.   Object or creature aside, the worst damage would occur after it's impact, where it's radient light disintegrated and harmed all of the wildlife in the surrounding area. Their deaths so sudden and shocking that the creature's souls were left wondering in the nature of how they had died. Their confusion quickly spilling out into the forest and forming darkened haunts which further enraged and imperiled the local wildlife.   Adventurers
With a bounty and request to resolve this matter, a group of adventurers sets out to resolve the issue. The danger of the wildlife busying the royal guards to evacuate and care for the lives who were now threatened by rampaged and maddened creatures. The light glowing from the mountain top in the distance being a suitable guide for informing them of their intended direction.   The four adventurers by name were Tsaren Dawa, a recently arrived Orc from another land, Sylvie Tsudzurao - a kitsune from a legacy of craftsmanship and guardianship, Keshet Yaesano - A daughter of an ancient bloodline, called to greater purpose by a fey god, and Lynette Blevins - a member of the knight order of the wishborne hold.   These four would quickly have their newfound bonds tested however, as the creatures slain by this "falling" angel had - in their confusion, created grisly amalgamations of whatever fears had existed in their unconscious last moments. Horrible creatures, twisted abominations beset the adventurers, who were forced to fight back against them. Using Fist, Sword, and Magic to beat them back, even as confusion was sown in their ranks.   Resilient and brave however, these souls bravely fought their way against the bestial tide, and would eventually make their way atop the mountain peak of the Angel's rest, with their resolve tested, but unbroken amidst the chaos.   More Dangerous that a Comet
What was stranger however, was what they would discover next. Buried in the ground was no mere stone of radient power, but something of artifical nature, whose unleashed powers pockmarked the land - evaporating the creatures struck by it, forcing the party to scatter amidst the hail of strikes.   Unalone, the party was however as amidst this, they would encounter strange moles, mutated by the Angel's presence, having been infested by mechanical swarms that manipulated their bodies and drove them to protect the Angel, and in the presence of outsiders they went into a frenzy, aided by the presence of one additional haunt. A man whose dark nature had outlived his death, and now sought to slaughter these seedlings before they could be nurtered into future legends.   In the Nick of Time
Faced by such danger, the adventurers however were unphased, despite the danger of the man's axe being flung towards them, Sylvie cleverly was able to redirect it's blows. Manifesting the power of space and time to sending his axe far off into the distance, whilst Lynette acutely ablated the presence of the various creatures around them. Leaving Tsaren and Keshet the freedom to dance around the battlefield. Their precision and brutality awesome in the destructive violence that ensued.   But the haunted man's rage was unabated and he continued to fight and struggle, that is until he was caught in a trap by Sylvie's creation. A chronomantic sphere, freezing his time, and allowed the adventurers a useful period in which they could prepare, and plan. Lynette's barriers the ideal leaping point from which Keshet and Tsaren could both take advantage of any weakness.   The last struggle of the man was brief, once freed from his prison, he was slaughtered. His axe stolen, and life ended. Thus leaving the Angel unguarded.   Of More Metal Than Stone
The Angel, once hovering around the world of the Mirage, now lay against the ground. It's bulwarked body showing damage and the wear of countless millenia. Sparks flickering from it's uncontrollably energy as it's lights flashed repeatedly in alarm. Once, in the past it had been a guardian for the world - protecting both the inner world from the outer space, as much as the outer space from the inner world.   And in the past, other angels had likely fallen, but repaired themselves to return once again to their heavenly perch. But for this angel, who had outlived countless lifetimes, it's fate was to be turned into scrap metal. Destroying under the hammering pounding of Tsaren's fist. and once destroyed, was inert - it's harm lasting no longer and a request of Sedon performed Successfully.   The Haunted Man
Whilst successfully slain, what had driven such a man to madness? It had to do with the axe - a maddening tool taken from the mainland. This axe had the great ability to sunder flesh from bone, but also mind from reality. Turning the world into a dark and twisted place, from which only twisted desires were born.   It was in the nature of this axe, to slay and torture one's kin, and whilst holding it, all others would appear as kin to the wielder. Drawing out darkness from the hearts of a man and ruling him as a dark and wicked king.   Resisting these impulses however, Tsaren would take the axe. Keeping it safely away from those it might bring harm to, and instead brings it with him. Though what happens from then is more of a future matter.   Time and Bugs of Metal
The machines once used by the Angel to defend itself were rendered inert after it's total destruction. Whilst they were tiny in nature, something had gone awry to turn them from functional servants to maddened machines. Whether this was the wear and tear of time itself that had made impacable metal turn mad, or the prodding force of something from the outside, it would be impossible to determine.   Yet nature took it's course, and slowly consumed the bugs, and eventually all that's left of this once destructive site, and it's consequences have faded into nothing more than a faint memory. Now only occasionally reminisced by those who experienced it and the storytellers who enjoy such things.

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