Sylvie 2dzurao

Sylvie Tsudzurao was born on the winter solstice, a unique and auspicious day for cycle watchers and fey-blooded. She was the daughter of Anise Tsudzurao, a legendary adventurer and the daughter of time, and Alexsander Tsudzurao, a renowned blacksmith and the leader of his guild. She inherited her mother's green hair with some soft yellow hues, her bright green eyes, her fey heritage, and her connection to time and space. She also inherited her father's kindness and wisdom, as well as his craftsmanship and his loyalty.
Sylvie grew up in Treddleton, a mostly peaceful and prosperous town in The Mainland. Her parents and friends loved her, and she had a happy and adventurous childhood. She was always eager to learn new things and explore new places. Sylvie was also talented and gifted, showing a natural affinity for magic.
Sylvie's life changed when she was six years old, and she accidentally absorbed the essence of a dark god that her mother had brought back from her journey in the dreamgate. Sylvie found and played with a crystal that contained the essence until she dropped it, and it pierced her thigh. The crystal melted and infused Sylvie with its power and influence, granting her access to the Akashic Record, the cosmic memory of all that was, is, and will be. Sylvie also gained a mark of the dark god, a symbol on her forehead of a snowflake with a spiral in the center.
Sylvie's parents were shocked and worried, and they tried to remove or neutralize the dark god's essence. They consulted with various experts and authorities, such as the cycle watchers, the fey courts, and the cults of Yog-Sothoth. However, the essence had become too profoundly embedded in Sylvie's soul, and any attempt to extract it could have harmed or killed her. They also learned that the spirit was not entirely evil but rather a source of vast and incomprehensible knowledge and power that Sylvie could use for good or ill, depending on her will.
Sylvie's parents decided to allow their daughter to keep her essence and helped her learn how to cope with and control it. They taught her to use time and spatial magic and access the Akashic Record. Over time, Sylvie learned to resist and reject the dark god's influence and instead follow her heart and conscience. Additionally, her parents taught her to conceal and safeguard her mark and always be cautious and discreet about her abilities and heritage.