Defender of the Known

Military: Battle

26/2 14:00
26/2 15:00

The second battle of the expedition starts, with the mass torrent of magical energy flooding into the area, the second group of pioneers land into a wide battlefield, but find themselves quickly surrounded on all sides with a need to protect the goods and items teleporting in.

Teleported in amidst chaos, the first minutes of this battle were crazy and dispersed. With each member of the expedition sent in this group fighting in their own groups in moving their own fight in an attempt to regroup with eachother, where they would quickly overwhelm the nearby monsters and give themselves a short break.   With Gabriel, Alexsander, and Anise handling the front-line Irene, D.D.I.K. and Marrok had free reign to target and aide their allies as needed, Marrok's harrying shots hampering long-distant opponenents, whilst Irene and D.D.I.K. disabled and controlled the closer ones.   Yet, what the group quickly would discover was that killing them was only as beneficial as killing the guardians of a caravan - the true reward the creatures sought was the supplies that were being teleported in with them, a solution relatively easily solved by Anise who employed a dual strategy of warping the cargo containers into a more condensed group where they were overwatched by Dr D's sasnitizing light, and as a secondary illusion, creating a mass of crates which would distract the creatures.   With the pressure eased by Anise's wits, there was a moment of disaster that briefly echoed as one of the beasts got a hold of Gabriel, only to be quickly and prudently slain by Irene and Alexsander who carved at the beast, giving Gabriel a swift opportunity to strike his way outside of the beast's body once more.   With similar efficacy, this troop of adventurers reaved upon the battlefield, waiting for the window of teleportation to close and the remainder of supplies to finish their process of being sent. A concern growing in their minds as the growing number of hostile fauna continued to converge upon them, yet they remained willful and unbreakable.   At least until the chilling presence of a massive creature wandered by - as tall as a cathedral, and larger than a ship, the wandering one first made their presence known - a creature blesseed with an deific aspect of Tawil-at-Umr, the wanderer was not hostile to the adventurers, although Anise was unable to restrain her curiousity and touched the creature in an attempt to become more familiar with it due her mythic abilities.   Unconsciously reacting to the strike - the creature stamped over Anise, nearly striking her with one of it's heavy footsteps, yet with her own gifts, she warped out of the space with the impact of the blow gusting at her hair and obliterating a nearby creature who had followed Anise too closely in an attempt to harm her.   Returning to her position amidst her party, Anise would notice the growing hordes of enemies whom would - at a unknown signal, collectively break from the combat and then flee. Letting the winded party gather up the crates which had now finished teleporting in.   At the end of this, cresting over a nearby cliff, would appear the various faces of their fellows - those that had arrived first, and would allow them to regroup andstart heading westerly towards the place suspected to have a positive connection to the leyline - Indra's Tower.