Marrok Blackcrag

"The Iron King" Marrok Blackcrag

As the son of Rodrick and Maya Blackcrag there was a lot expected of, and a lot worried about Marrok from the day of his birth. Finding that he had come out human was a relief however with it a bit of confusion as he showed no sign of magical ability, nor a particular interest in doing much other than reading or playing with his friends. When coming to age he was put through training by Rodrick not unlike that the angel had gone through himself in preparation for what struggles Marrok may oneday face on the mainland. It was a fated day indeed when one day ended with a story of the one who sacrified himself to cleanse the mainland of a parasitic corruption and his legendary if unusual use of massive longbows at point blank range. Marrok was even showed the bow that his father had made in that man's honor, a masterpiece of warfare infused with magics that had seemed to reject Rodrick. However it readily accepted his son's touch with a flood of mythic power that likewise pushed his mind the small bit more needed to unlock it's psionic potential. Having seen such a thing, and the interest Marrok had then on for the art of ranged warfare, it was no surprise that he grew into a competent archer.   With the strongest of the mainland's warriors still acting as its vanguard there wasn't a whole lot else for the young man to do other than become a sternguard, and a rather bored one at that. The occasional bout of precognition was interesting enough but not useful until it led him onto the idea of taking up a bit of a side job in the form of adventuring. After all, it had done wonders for his parents, and it had to be better than loosing the occasional volley at practice targets, bit of a waste for an heirloom bow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although literary conflict exists as the terms of his birth, Marrok was raised by Rodrick and Maya Blackcrag, On his father's side, responsibility and discipline were firmly engraved, whilst from his mother the art of extermination was learned. He is amongst those who went on the second expedition and has been an indensible member on account of his far-reaching eyes and archery skill, whose long-ranged shots have resolved numerous problems, and allows him to act as a guardian, much in the same way his father does back in treddleton.   After defeating the god of the Saltiuuni Marrok did not rest or consider his duty completed. Those Saltiuuni that remained were hunted with the same unrelenting wrath that they had for the weeks prior, a mountain of corpses steadily removing the power of and likewise drawing out the avatar of the Chained God that had been freed. The moment it showed itself, was when it found an different avatar all together ready to oppose it, The Iron King, hand of the primordial powers of Destruction, who together with his allies Alexander, Fortis and a Doctor by the name of D, as well as the timethief Anise hunted the divine aura of the foul god in order to extinct it.   As part of these travels he ends up in a stray encounter with the warmaiden, as they exterminate a nearby cult. Seeing them following what is effectively a quest of righteousness, the maiden joins the party.   Though hunting the god takes a matter of months, it becomes clear to Marrok that the maiden is clearly interested in him. as she spends time together with him, and often plays into his fighting style. Working well with the others as teammates and maintaining often a calm, and clear head as she fills in the gaps as needed, often to play the role as gish and frontal damage dealer to help deal with the gaps left by Fortis and Alexsander.   After culminating in a hunt, in which De'nethorrs usage of his artifact prevents the chained one from fleeing, the group falls upon the god with violence in effective brutality. It is a challenging fight, the counters and statuses inflicted by the god make it dangerous. Attempting to break and crush the morale of those embattling him, and fill the air with false illusions. It is through De'nethors light by which the false images are purified, and by alexsander and Fortis's shields by which the blows are avoided.   But it is by spear and lance together by which the dark entity is slain.   After ascertaining the death of this dark one, the warmaiden waits only until the party is satisfied, before seeking out Marrok, and making things bluntly clear that she finds him attractive, and intends to court him with the desire of union; and whilst he was amenable to this desire, he refused rest. The mainland, his home, he worked to free from corruption and threat. Necromancers in particular were hunted until those that remained could not dare move from their holes or were thrown back to Arcani. The forces of corrupting gods did not fair much better as Marrok was no scion of good and law nor bound to a sin they could exploit. In his war to make the mainland a place worth living in once again he proceeded to expand the redescovered Iron Legion, a force of psionic constructs that were just as tireless and equally merciless as their leader.   Only one thing would ever so much as slowed Marrok down in his duty... the warmaiden would become his queen, for she was the only being on the mainland had not only matched the archer's destructive capability but with the same zeal and martial excellence that Marrok held himself to. The details of how they came to be wed are not widely known only being hinted at by the more sentient members of the Iron Legion as 'a wild time.'   But his will was tireless, and a force of corruption had hid from Marrok over the years. This resulting only in escalation, not peace. His inability to pierce the veil of such a place ensuring that Marrok never ceased in growing his power, only increased his fury against the divine energies that tried to lay claim to his homeland. From the Iron City to Treddleton, the Mainland in its whole would become his hunting grounds and the Iron Legion his hounds. Mercy steadily leaving Marrok by the day as signs of whatever Cult evaded him never ceased. So too would they never be permitted a foothold outside of their hole, all the while the Iron King growing in power to rival, if not eclipse, the threat the Saltiuuni once posed.

Mental Trauma

There is not yet a form of mental trauma that has successfully survived Marrok's Autohypnosis.

Intellectual Characteristics

As an inheritor of the Mayu bloodline, Marrok is unique amongst his own race. with a supernatural foresight for observing death, his visions occasionally allow him to predict the methods in which a creature will die, although he commonly believes that this is do to his use of his psionic precognitive abilities rather than anything else.   Amongst his unused and forgotten gifts, exists the ability to recognize a creature's "Root" or "Law", although it's manifestation is less prevelant in the southern continent, his mother's talents are not completely bereft from him, resulting in a strange intuition in unusual cases.
Current Status
Slaughtering Saltieunni
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Under the armor
Known Languages
Yes in fact, Very many.
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations