Discovery of Leyline Nexus Blueprints

Discovery, Exploration


At the behest of Eero Noscios, and the knowledge of the lady of Mystra Manifest, Māyā Mayu, a group of adventurers head to a lesser nexus in order to learn from the design of the structure, and the history held there to see if it contained any methods of creation that could be used to protect the lives of future expedition members.

Long corrupted by the presence of the khatikoi, this location was rife with various forms of undead. Although the vestigates of it's original guardians still existed in certain areas, the madness of their current mode of life made them innately hostile to the intruders, who were attacked immediately upon any form of encounter.   Yet, the five adventurers who had come along - Anise, Beezle, Dr. D., Irene, and Luna where unphased by the initial sallies, With the preparations of Luna and Beezle's serendipitious Blessings and Dr. D's talents for enhancements, the remaining adventurers had an unmistakeable advantage in combat.   This was further compounded by Anise's Chronal manipulations enhancing the speed of her allies, as well as Ire's healing to ensure that none fell beneath the blades of their enemies, they cut through bones and riddle alike, until they discovered a treasury room.   A brief break from the combat, Luna would investigate the room and discover the presence of a mimic - intimidated by the outside combat, it had determined that it's better odds of staying alive was the decision to 'do nothing', an action which even after it's discovery resulted in it's especial selection by Luna who was able to successfully tame it.   A short break this was, however, as shortly later the party would enter a battle arena, intended to act as a method of demonstrating their deaths, they were put through a test which would culminate in their fighting of a fire-lich, who continually manipulated the fabric of time in an attempt to blow the party up with numerous delayed fireball blasts.   With the party working together, they would overcome this trial, and especially with Anise's observance of a nearby khatikoi manipulating things, her alarming and sudden strike would free the lich from his slavery and give him the opportunity to exact revenge of his captor.   With a destructive outburst, one which would result in the destruction of the khatikoi and his boundless soul, the lich would quickly fade, but not before sharing what knowledge he had with these budding adventurers, including the schematics that served as a basis for his nexus, an incomplete structure, certainly, but not one without purpose.