
"The Lord of Favors" Beezle

Beezle is an imp who, for as long as he can remember, always dreamed of becoming a devil lord. This dream was not unusual for an imp, in fact... it's sort of every little devils goal. What was unique about Beezle though, was just how bad he was at collecting souls. The little twerp was infamous in hell for not having successfully collecting a single soul in all his time and was often bullied by the other devils.   He suffered in his cycle of failure for many years before news finally reached his ears about the demon who became a god; Nocticula. A demon!? His innate resentment of his current status, his feelings of devil superiority, and his idea generating noggin all helped create the thought: 'Being a god sounds pretty nice. And if a demon could do it... then it can't be that hard, right!?'   So the itty bitty dork began to plot... and after much thinking he figured out the one thing all gods had in common: Followers and lots of em! Okay, simple enough, so step one was getting a bunch of people to worship him. Onto the next problem... just how the heck was he gonna do that!? He didn't really have much to offer in terms of power... he'd have to come up with something else. Bingo! How bout some good ol' capitalism?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Having once sought the role of Duke, Beezle has greedily earned the favored following of a large throng, Although he was once a small little imp whose best weapon of service was his poisonous tail, his body has become weaponized, and his aura of power is notable to even those unobservant of such thing, blue infernal swirls drawing attention to him, and as his name and title has grown - so has his following.   and those trying to kill him, but the plotting nature of an Imp is never forgotten, and those that attempt to kill him, commonly fail and find themselves voluntarily pledging service to the creature that they had come to slay, and Beezle? Beezle welcomes all with open arms. Making him remarkably well liked amongst the devil worshippers, his intelligence and charisma being his telling points, even if he still does occasionally fall for the odd trick.
Current Location
Current Residence
The Church of Favors
Soul dealer
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue Fur