The Baron's First Test

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


With so many fragmented timelines interlocking and intersecting, is it a surprise that a particularly deranged mage would uncover these secrets? The Baron - a figure from the Second Great Age of Heroes, appears to have uncovered such a secret, though the mark of his god burns strongly on these lands.

The scorchlands, full of a material that released an unbound energy that was capable of corrupting and altering the body had made it a dangerous matter for any one brave enough to scout the territory. With veilbreaker scouts returning in terrible physical condition, the guild hall sends a request for high powered adventurers to come to the call and resolve the matters.   Of the adventurers that replied to the call, one was the long ranged siege master Marrok, whose keen eyes would allow him to assess the situation from a distance, whilst the other was the mage Serena.   Of her many talents, Serena had long studied the art of metallurgy, and in a curious realization through her sensing of the earth, uncovered agreat amount of material that her munavri lineage felt a strange wary recognition of; and as she enacted magnetism to draw the material towards her, the radiant light it unleashed made her feel ill until the moments where she covered it in lead.   Thus she began a steady extraction of the material from the environment, which minimized and removed the risk of the area, decreasing the unnatural heat experienced, yet more was caused by her entering the temple constructed ahead of them, for the poisonous sand composed of many of the various denizens there, who were now collectively slain on account of missing that which was no more removeable than flesh, blood, or bone to them.   Thought such creatures would've born an innate hostility to these intruders, they were made of no matters. Much to the distress and irritation of the lich who had been determined to ply the skills of those who came by to ensure they were of sufficient standards in order to understand the world around them.   Whilst this successfully demonstrated their wit, the manner in which he had lost his grand monologue demoralized him greatly, for his timeline would only exist until the knowledge was fairly gone, but what was the point of such a doomed guardianship if not for the emphasis on drama?   But there were things to teach these adventurers. Though they would later discover it, the world in which they belonged was no more than a construction. And at that, a construction that had gone horribly terribly wrong. an outside world existed beyond the one they existed within, and in one sense they were in fact imprisoned to the one in which they currently existed by a force beyond grand machination who - in its own insanity or trying to protect itself, was driven to remove the traces of the invaders.   But something had gone wrong with the very core of the system, and it was bleeding. Things which were never meant to connect or intersect had grown irrevocably connected such that laws and forces had found their way into the world, and could no longer be cleansed as the veracity of their presence had become so thoroughly linked to the fundamental world itself, that the mastermind no longer saw them as separated.   But there was one thing that the lich, and the media within the temple told; Their world was both expanding, and cracking at the edges. Where the pieces had formed as alternative worlds that existed at simultaneous moments. Though there was the warning that strong enough impacts by they themselves could result in fractures which could change the basic laws of reality of itself.   Also, strangely - for a fragmented timeline piece that should falter into non-existence, the traveling skeleton Steven wandered into the world. marked by his tophat and pinstripe suit, he seems excessively knowleadgeable about strange events.

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