
Silvercrest is a prosperous city located in the Ironheart Mountains of Morinth, known for its rich mines and the skilled metalworkers who reside there. Although it is a human city, Silvercrest has a significant dwarven population that has heavily influenced its culture, industry, and architecture. The city is a hub of industry and craftsmanship, particularly among the dwarven artisans, and is renowned for its wealth, derived from extensive silver, iron, and gemstone deposits in the surrounding mountains.  


  Silvercrest is a beacon of wealth and craftsmanship in Morinth, a city where the earth’s riches are transformed into works of art and essential tools. Built into the mountainside, Silvercrest’s architecture reflects a blend of human ambition and dwarven craftsmanship, with grand halls and intricate stonework that showcase the artisanship of its people. The city is not only a center of industry but also a place where Humans and dwarves coexist, united by their shared devotion to the earth and its treasures.  


  Silvercrest is situated in the eastern part of the Ironheart Mountains, surrounded by towering peaks and deep valleys rich with mineral resources. The city is built into the mountainside, with its structures carved from the very stone that holds the wealth of the region. The terrain around Silvercrest is rugged, with narrow passes and high cliffs that provide natural defenses against any would-be invaders.  
  • Climate: Silvercrest experiences a cold and temperate climate, with heavy snowfall in the winter and cool, pleasant summers. The air is crisp and clean, a result of the high altitude and the surrounding forests that help purify the atmosphere.


  • Population: 70,000 (with a majority of Dwarves, but it is recognized as a Human city)
  • Ethnicities: Primarily Dwarves, with a substantial Human population involved in both governance and defense, as well as mining and commerce.
  • Languages: Common, Dwarvish


  Silvercrest is governed by Lord Garrick Stonewall, a respected Human leader known for his wisdom and dedication to the prosperity of his people. Although the dwarves hold significant influence in the city’s culture and economy, the governance remains in human hands. Like all cities in Morinth, Silvercrest’s key laws, politics, and governance fall under the jurisdiction of the Council of United Principalities, which governs the United Dominion of Eridus. Lord Stonewall works closely with the Oligarch Council to ensure that Silvercrest’s wealth and resources are used to benefit not only the city but also the broader Dominion. Local matters are handled with a great degree of autonomy, but all major decisions are made in alignment with the broader strategies set by the Council.  


  Silvercrest’s military forces are primarily composed of Humans, who are responsible for the city's defense. The city is naturally fortified by the surrounding mountains, with its primary defenses consisting of strong stone walls, narrow mountain passes, and well-guarded entrances. The Human defenders are well-trained and equipped, relying on both the strategic advantages of the terrain and their martial skill to protect the city’s wealth.  

Industry & Trade

  The economy of Silvercrest is driven by its rich deposits of silver, iron, and precious gemstones. The city is a major exporter of these raw materials, as well as the finely crafted goods produced by its artisans. Silvercrest’s metalworkers, many of whom are dwarves, are renowned across Morinth and beyond for their craftsmanship, particularly in the creation of jewelry, weapons, and intricate metalwork.  
  • Primary Exports: Silver, iron, gemstones, finely crafted jewelry, weapons, and metalwork.
  • Primary Imports: Foodstuffs, luxury goods, textiles, and magical components.


  Silvercrest’s infrastructure is a testament to the collaborative efforts of Human ambition and Dwarven craftsmanship. The city’s buildings, roads, and facilities were designed and constructed primarily by Humans, with significant influence and guidance from their Dwarven counterparts. The city’s roads are paved with smooth stone and are wide enough to accommodate the heavy carts used in transporting mined goods. Silvercrest also features an extensive network of tunnels and underground facilities, including storage vaults, forges, and hidden shelters. The city’s water supply is drawn from mountain springs, ensuring a fresh and reliable source of water year-round.  


  The culture of Silvercrest is deeply intertwined with its wealth and craftsmanship. Both Humans and Dwarves in the city take great pride in their work, whether it be in mining, metalworking, or the arts. The city is also known for its vibrant festivals that celebrate its prosperity and cultural heritage. Silvercrest is a place where the arts flourish, with its residents valuing both practical craftsmanship and artistic expression.  
  • Major Festivals: The Festival of Silver is the most significant celebration in Silvercrest, honoring the city’s wealth and the skilled artisans who contribute to its prosperity. This festival also celebrates the legendary love story between Aedan Stoneheart, a young Human prospector, and Thala Silvervein, a Dwarven craftswoman. The festival includes parades, feasts, and showcases of the finest jewelry and metalwork created by the city’s craftsmen. The highlight of the festival is a grand reenactment of Aedan and Thala’s story, culminating in the display of a silver masterpiece said to have been inspired by their love.
  • Art & Architecture: Silvercrest’s architecture is grand and intricate, with buildings adorned with detailed carvings and metal inlays. The city’s art is often focused on themes of prosperity, craftsmanship, and the glory of the earth’s riches. Sculptures, mosaics, and jewelry are common forms of artistic expression in Silvercrest.


  Silvercrest’s religious practices are centered around the worship of Terranox: The Earth Warder, the God of Earth and Stability, revered by both Humans and Dwarves for his connection to the earth and its treasures. Additionally, the Dwarven population venerates Lumina, the Goddess of Wealth, whose blessings are sought for prosperity and success in their mining and crafting endeavors. The city’s temples are magnificent structures, built with precious stones and metals that reflect the devotion of its people.  


  Silvercrest was founded centuries ago by a group of Human prospectors who ventured into the Ironheart Mountains seeking to make their fortune. However, the harsh conditions and rugged terrain nearly doomed their efforts until they encountered a tribe of Dwarves. A young Human boy named Aedan Stoneheart captured the heart of a female Dwarf named Thala Silvervein through his remarkable silverwork, a masterpiece that bridged the gap between their cultures. Through the bond of these two, the Humans and Dwarves realized the potential of working together. The Dwarves taught the Humans how to survive and thrive in the mountains, and together, they built the settlement that would become Silvercrest. Over time, the city grew into a prosperous hub of industry and craftsmanship, known for its wealth and the strong alliance between its Human and Dwarven residents.  

Points of Interest

  • The Silver Mines: The source of Silvercrest’s wealth, these extensive mines stretch deep into the Ironheart Mountains and are a marvel of engineering. The mines are carefully managed to ensure the continued prosperity of the city.
  • The Hall of Jewels: A grand hall where the finest works of Silvercrest’s jewelers and metalworkers are displayed. The Hall of Jewels is both a museum and a marketplace, attracting buyers from across Atha.
  • The Stonewall Keep: The residence of Lord Garrick Stonewall, this imposing fortress is also the administrative center of Silvercrest. It is a symbol of the city’s strength and resilience.

Notable Residents

  • Lord Garrick Stonewall: The current leader of Silvercrest, a wise and respected Human figure known for his dedication to the city’s prosperity and his role in the Council of United Principalities. His leadership has ensured the continued growth and success of Silvercrest.
  • Master Crafter Thrain Silvervein: One of Silvercrest’s most renowned Dwarven artisans, known for his exquisite jewelry and metalwork. Thrain’s creations are highly sought after and are considered some of the finest examples of Dwarven craftsmanship in all of Atha.

In Popular Culture

  Silvercrest is often portrayed in stories and legends as the city of wealth and prosperity, where the streets are lined with silver and the people live in harmony with the earth. It is a symbol of the rewards that hard work and dedication to craft can bring, and it is often depicted as a place where fortunes are made and legends are born. The love story of Aedan Stoneheart and Thala Silvervein is particularly popular, symbolizing the union of Human and Dwarven cultures in a city that embodies both.  


  • Silvercrest’s mines are so extensive that it is said they could sustain the city’s economy for centuries to come.
  • The city’s jewelers are known to incorporate rare gemstones found only in the deepest parts of the Ironheart Mountains into their creations.
  • Silvercrest’s architecture includes secret passages and hidden vaults, a legacy of its Dwarven founders’ emphasis on security and protection of their wealth.
  • Aedan and Thala’s descendants still live in Silvercrest, and their lineage is revered by both Humans and Dwarves as a symbol of the city’s founding and the enduring bond between the two races.
  • The original silver masterpiece crafted by Aedan, which won Thala’s heart, is kept in the Hall of Jewels and is considered one of the city’s greatest treasures.
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