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Written by orphidor

Hailing from the isolated Foul Grove, the Grovedwellers' existence isn't well-known by most within the Middle Realm. From the perspective of those few who have heard of them, the Grovedwellers are viewed as frightening and freakish due to their seclusion, lack of adherence to common Suktu traditions, and love for the bizarre flesh trees. In reality, the Grovedwellers themselves are ignorant to that fact and have no animosity toward those who let them live their lives in peace.   Unlike most other communities, the Grovedwellers are primarily Southeastern Suktu.


Culture and cultural heritage

A number of the Grovedwellers' lives revolve around caring for the flesh trees and listening to what they say. The other Grovedwellers in their communities devote their time to ensuring that their peers are able to continue their studies without interruption.

Shared customary codes and values

Few official laws or rulings exist among the Grovedwellers, though there are common standards they expect each other to live by. These are fairly basic and mostly consist of discouragement against knowingly doing harm to another person within their community. Punishment is minimal and usually comes in the form of ostracism or disdain from their peers.

Average technological level

This community is not as technologically or scientifically advanced as many others. Their priorities lie elsewhere, namely in documenting and experimenting with what the flesh trees whisper to them.   Compared to the tall cities, the Grovedwellers' infrastructure is extremely basic. Their buildings, bridges, and other construction projects are simply-made (while still remaining sturdy) and their roads are little more than broad paths. There is no plumbing in their villages. Despite their homes and surroundings being what others would consider "crude," the Grovedwellers are content with and appreciate them.

Foods & Cuisine

Most crops don't grow well in the marshy Grove, but those who live there have discovered some that do, including rice, rushes, water chestnuts, and watercress. They keep small groups of animals that can thrive in wet areas, such as cattle, sheep, and pigs for their milk and meat. (They are unaware that the consumption of pork is considered scandalous by outside communities.) Gathering plants is a way to supplement the yield from cultivated crops.

Funerary and Memorial customs

After a ceremony to acknowledge their contributions to their community, the body of the deceased person is typically deposited beneath a flesh tree so the thing can consume it. Becoming one with their beloved trees is seen as an honor by the Grovedwellers.


Beauty Ideals

Acceptance for magic-related physical anomalies is much greater here than in other communities. A person's beauty is rarely seen as tarnished if they sport the side effects of a spell or two gone wrong.
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