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Qualla (KWAH-lah)

Written by orphidor

Quallas are unusual creatures to say the least. Desaturated green in color, standing on two thick legs, and covered in thick skin that serves as armor, they ponderously wander the grasslands of Kameshk or serve as pack animals for various races.

Basic Information


They have large haunches, slightly bowed backs, and sets of two massive legs with cloven hooves. Their necks are very short and thick. They have tails set low on their hindquarters and pointed, slightly downturned ears.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are able to walk shortly after birth in order to keep up with their mothers. They take about three years to mature.

Ecology and Habitats

Quallas thrive in the grasslands of Kameshk. They are fond of wading through watering holes, submerging most of their bodies so only their backs and heads are visible.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are herbivores and primarily eat grasses or shrubs.


Quallas typically form small herds of around three to seven individuals.

Additional Information


Some races have domesticated them and use them to carry heavy burdens or as mounts for long-distance journeys.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When domesticated, quallas are primarily used as pack animals. Their meat is tough, but edible. Their milk is very watery and not particularly suitable for consumption. After death, their skin and bones are the most useful parts of their bodies, as their bones make high-quality crafting ingredients and their skin is tough enough that it can be used as armor.

Average Intelligence

They are not known for their intelligence. In fact, they're considered rather dull.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sense of sight is rather limited, but their smell is excellent. Their hearing is above average.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Certain birds follow them around and pick ticks from their skin. The quallas completely ignore these birds. It's thought that they barely even notice them.
Qualla (orphidor)
30 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is a medium-toned greenish-gray and their eyes are brown.
Geographic Distribution