Party Plots

Current active schemes and adventures of the best group on Athis.

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    Era beginning/end

    The party, minus Alfie, meets in the main square of Crulahn. A seemingly crazed homeless man preaching about the "end of days" soon gets into a scuffle with a Crulanian guard. After executing said guard and getting slashed in the eye, the individual disappears into a distant skyward magical explosion. The party, in their own suspicious ways try to disperse, leading the remaining guards to question the new comers in a tavern called "The Golden Tankard".

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    Friends Were Formed.

    The individuals left within "The Golden Tankard" begin talking, and eventually land on a poster seeking assistance near Crulahn. After some deliberation, the party decides to venture for the task and reward just outside of Crulahn. Getting there, they meet the 'Favorable Few'. A small gang of job seekers similar to themselves, that vow to make Crulahn a better place. The 'Few' task the new party with stopping a hive of Underdwellers that washed up and taken over a settlement east of Crulahn. The party eventually finds, and defeats these underdwellers and finds mysterious weaponry laying around the area. The party collects their payment and heads back to Crulahn and in the very early morning meets an eccentric individual named Alifie sitting at the bar. Alfie and Day share a shot of some very potent alcohol.

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    Sewer Schematics
    Discovery, Exploration

    While Alfie and Day sit in their rooms brushing off the hangovers and magical effects of a mirror, the other members take to the town to do some light searching. Pusish realizes he needs to take his granddaughter Chava to the hospital to get her checked out. Upon arrival, the mini-gang realizes the hospital is overrun by overdosing patients, many being kids. They seem to be overdosing on some sweeping drug called Reselin.  After leaving Chava, the crew gets word from an unfamiliar woman that her children are missing, and she followed some mysterious individuals in the direction of the sewers. After giving the bite-sized party all the information they had, the 3 (Aero, Arnie, and Pusish) all went to a stranger's home, who they were told to be the uncle of the woman who approached them earlier. The man claimed to be a sewage worker and gave them a map of the sewer system. The three went into the sewer system, with a freshly infused rock to smell of pine to keep Aero's claustrophobia at bay. After doing some slinking around the group infiltrated an office utilized by some sort of scientist mobster, working for the Underdwellers. Arnie found multiple trinkets, including the cure to the very powerful effects of the Reselin. Unfortunately, the remaining men in the room were "permanently knocked out" during the exchange. As Pusish, Arnie, and Aero were gathering what they could, and rescuing a noticeably smaller group of kids than anticipated, they began to make their way out. In a last-ditch attempt to look for the remaining children, Arnie found a room that seemed to be routing to nothing, but just as he was about to leave he heard some kind of familiar voice standing behind him, pointing a weapon at the back of his head.

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    The Rebound
    Discovery, Exploration

    After waking up and regrouping, Alfie and Day find themselves with goop on their heads and messages left by Arnie, indicating that the party has gone to the hospital to check on Chava. Following Bartleby's information, they head to the hospital but are surprised to find it in disarray and the party nowhere to be seen. Speaking with the staff, they learn about the outbreak of Reselin. Puzzled by the situation, they decide to return to the Golden Tankard and discuss their suspicions about Bartleby's involvement in the strange events happening in Crulahn. Upon reaching the tavern, Bartleby presents them with a journal left by the woman who previously approached the three of them. The journal mentions children trapped in the sewers and warns about alligators and goons. Determined to follow this lead, Day and Alfie devise a plan, pretending to be a married couple named "Bill" and head to the uncle of the woman who left the journal. The uncle reveals that he had given the only map to three individuals who visited him earlier. Realizing they are on the right track, Day and Alfie head towards the sewers.   They locate an entrance and enter a narrow tunnel system. Using Jasper, to scout ahead, they discover a closed room with multiple voices. Opting to go in the opposite direction, they find themselves in a wider area where they hear shuffling sounds and the rapid movements of a creature on the sewer floor. As they continue, they come across a room where they spot Arnie seemingly held at gunpoint. However, Alfie and Day have the advantage in this situation.

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    The Tantalizing Tiles
    Criminal Activity

    As the group regroups, Alfie swiftly strikes the elven man who had been pointing a weapon at Arneus, effectively neutralizing the threat. Aero returns and informs the party that Pusish needs to go to the hospital to check on Chava and the children they have found so far, as there are still more missing. They begin to interrogate the elven man, but he remains tight-lipped and bites down on an apparatus concealed within his teeth. Suddenly, he starts foaming at the mouth and becomes unresponsive, his upper body consumed by black veins reminiscent of the Reselin affliction. With few leads and a pressing need to find the remaining missing children, the group decides to venture into the sewers themselves. As they search, Arneus succumbs to a rampage akin to Alfie's, violently slamming the elven man against the wall until only fragments of his body remain. Meanwhile, Day reemerges from the locket, having chosen not to witness the gruesome scene. She recalls hearing other voices in a nearby tunnel system that they haven't explored yet.   Arnie, holding the unconscious mob-scientist, leads the group out of the main drain and towards the source of the voices. Upon entering the room, Alfie attempts to impersonate the elven man they killed, managing to deceive the others for a while. However, suspicions eventually arise, leading to a confrontation and ensuing combat. Two dead Orc bodyguards lie on the ground, while a mysterious wizard manages to vanish before the party can apprehend him.   In the aftermath of the encounter, Alfie succumbs to a blind rage, swinging his greatsword wildly at Aero. With great effort, the party manages to subdue him. Once he regains some semblance of coherence, the group stumbles upon a locked door secured by a cage-like mechanism. As Alfie attempts to lift the door, magical green shackles materialize around his wrists. In his mind, he hears the riddle, "Some are cherished, some are hated, and even if lost they remain with you." Unable to solve the riddle, he turns to the group for assistance. Day almost immediately recognizes the answer as "Memories," and as Alfie utters the word, the shackles release, allowing the door to open effortlessly.   Entering the locked room, torches around them ignite, illuminating a space covered in large tiles leading to a central lion statue. Each tile, when stepped on, displays an even or odd number. Arnie's sharp mind keeps track of the safe and dangerous paths to step on. Stepping on the wrong tile triggers various magical effects, some causing pain, turning Arnie to stone, or rendering Aero blind. Nonetheless, Alfie inches closer to the center altar, overcoming the challenges presented by the intricate tile pattern.

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    Special Delivery
    Criminal Activity

    The gang, minus Pusish, embarked on the treacherous path of even and odd tiles. Along the way, they encountered a barrage of magical effects and unpredictable abilities. Acid rain poured here, and vexing disturbances disrupted their progress there. Despite the challenges, Alfie managed to navigate his way to the central podium. Meanwhile, Pusish returned and joined the group, witnessing the chaos unfolding before him. Intrigued and undeterred, he walked straight onto the tiles, only to suddenly transform into a potted plant, much like his companions before him. Finally breaking free from his petrified state, Arnie led the way for the rest of the party towards the center. Just as he was about to formulate a plan, he was abruptly struck by a disturbing vision. This dark glimpse depicted Arneus in a sinister place, committing unspeakable acts. Shaking off the haunting vision, Aero regained his eyesight, a welcome relief for the group. Drawing closer to the center, a swirling vortex of red and black materialized around the rectangular podium, where Alfie was trapped. Imprisoned within, Alfie was forced to listen to the voice of Malum, who tempted him with the destructive power of his unbridled rage, seeking his allegiance. Engaging in a tense exchange, Alfie and Malum sparred verbally while Arneus desperately tried to breach the impenetrable vortex to no avail. Before departing, Malum left Alfie with a parting gift—a belt adorned with intricate carvings and made of white fur.   Almost tempted to leave, the party was convinced otherwise by Alfie and Arnie, recognizing that the missing children must be somewhere within the vicinity. Strapping the enigmatic belt around his waist, Alfie returned to the central podium and shattered it, revealing a concealed twisting mechanism. Through careful observation and teamwork, the group deciphered that all five mechanisms needed to be twisted simultaneously and in specific ways to open a massive stone door.   With Alfie taking the lead, they descended into a basement-like section hidden beneath the tiles, where they discovered the remaining missing children. The surge of rage coursed through Alfie, but this time, he was struck by a vision of galloping through expansive fields as a powerful beast. In a display of astonishing strength, he effortlessly tore the chains and shackles from the walls as if they were mere fabric. The group swiftly gathered the children, regaining their composure, and made their way back to the hospital. Outside the medical facility, numerous groups of anxious parents eagerly awaited the return of their beloved missing children, their faces etched with hope and relief.

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    The Innocence Robbery
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Aero, feeling exhausted from the eerie tiles and the treacherous sewers, took a detour to the Golden Tankard to rest. Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrived at the hospital, ready to reunite the missing children with their relieved parents. Outside the hospital, a small celebration erupted, filled with joy and gratitude. However, their elation was short-lived as they were informed that they were needed for an urgent discussion. A familiar figure, the doctor they had encountered before, approached them with heavy news. The innocent Chava had tragically succumbed to the relentless sickness that had plagued her since their departure from Ignus Gramine. Pusish was devastated, mourning the loss of his last blood relative. In a somber meeting room, Alfie, feeling a mix of grief and anger, turned to prayer, addressing Malum, the God of the Wicked. Surprisingly, Malum declared that he had no hand in Chava's fate and felt no obligation to intervene. In response, Alfie removed the belt from his waist, denouncing its connection to Malum, at least for the time being.   Later, the doctor informed Pusish and the group that they could bid farewell to Chava one last time. As they entered the room, they found the casket closed, signifying the finality of her passing. Pusish shared a tender and heartfelt goodbye with his departed relative. As he began to make his way toward the exit, a chilling and bizarre occurrence unfolded. The benevolent doctor, who had shown great patience and kindness, transformed into a grotesque, amorphous demon. With a wide smirk across his face, the demon turned to face Alfie, Arnie, and Day. Holding the swaddled body of Chava, the demon let out a laugh that resonated with familiar echoes of Malum. As quickly as the demonic figure appeared, it vanished into thin air, leaving the room empty, with even the casket that held Chava moments before mysteriously gone.   Alarmed, the group rushed out to find Pusish, and along the way, Arnie and Alfie caught sight of the doctor. Acting swiftly, they cornered him in a utility closet, pressing him against the wall, demanding answers about the bewildering events. Surprisingly, the old doctor seemed genuinely perplexed and denied any knowledge of the accusations. Reluctantly, Alfie released his grip, and Arnie handed the doctor a rolled-up piece of paper, believing it to contain a potential cure for Reselin overdoses. As the group reconvened and departed from the hospital, the doctors left behind cheered at the discovery of this newfound cure, their hope renewed.

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    Intruiging Invitation

    Leaving the hospital behind, the weary party set out in search of sustenance, their stomachs grumbling after the exhausting events of the past few days. Arriving at the bustling main area of Crulahn, they settled on a hearty soup to fill their empty bellies. However, their brief respite was interrupted when the shocking news of Chava's disappearance reached Pusish's ears. Fueled by concern, Arnie raced after Pusish, while a curious scratching sound caught Alfie's attention from beneath the table. With great effort, the group managed to calm Pusish and redirect their steps towards The Golden Tankard, seeking solace and a chance to regroup. Aero, rejoining their ranks, offered his support, while Bartelby extended his condolences to Pusish in light of the somber turn events had taken. In an attempt to uplift their spirits, Bartelby unveiled a letter left by Governor Archepell himself, summoning the group to meet him at the prestigious Prycantenium. As a gesture of appreciation for their efforts in the sewers, the group was rewarded with a generous sum of gold.   As night fell and the weary adventurers settled down, Alfie's curiosity got the better of him. He ventured back to the sewers one last time, determined to seek answers from Malum about Chava's disappearance. Standing outside the room adorned with magical tiles, Alfie raised his voice, demanding explanations from Malum. Unexpectedly, his words were met not with Malum's presence, but with a gentle and empathetic voice. As he turned, a vision of radiant beauty stood before him—Amare, the elegant Goddess of Compassion. She revealed that the belt they possessed need not be solely used for evil, contrary to Malum's desires. Amare shared tales of great men who had harnessed its power to shape Athis into something magnificent. She assured Alfie that his departed partner still watched over him with pride. With these profound words, Alfie returned to the tavern, his heart uplifted.   Having finally obtained some much-needed rest, the party awoke with renewed determination. Before their meeting with the governor, they decided to explore the vibrant city of Crulahn. With their newfound wealth, they indulged in browsing various luxurious items, and, most notably, Alfie treated himself to a remarkable haircut. Meanwhile, Pusish acquired a magnificent party cart, ready to bring joy and festivity to their future endeavors.   Eventually, the time came for the party to make their way to the Prycantenium and meet Governor Archepell. Warmly greeted by the guards, they were escorted to a lavish chamber where they were treated to a sumptuous feast. To their surprise, they found the governor to be remarkably young in appearance. Governor Archepell engaged in conversation with each member of the party, discussing the state of affairs in Crulahn. He revealed his belief that they had the potential to form a formidable crew, much like the legendary "favorable few." However, he laid down a challenge, insisting that they must prove their worth through a test that would assess their abilities to handle the upcoming objectives.

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    Snap, Crackle, and Pop.
    Life, Organisation Association

    The party, having gathered their supplies and replenished their strength, embarked on their journey back to the Prycantenium, eager to complete the Governor's challenging test. As they reached their destination, they were ushered into a grand circular chamber, its vast emptiness broken only by a series of chests adorning the room's perimeter. However, the center of attention was a conspicuous large sack, which appeared more fitting for carrying vegetables or fruits than harboring any danger. Little did they know that this seemingly innocuous object would soon transform into a formidable adversary, initiating an intense 5-on-1 battle. At first, the party demonstrated remarkable resilience against the straw-wielding mastermind, countering its every move. Yet, their fortunes quickly took a turn when a mysterious canister descended into the heart of the chamber, unleashing a thick pink smoke that engulfed the surroundings. Within moments, they realized the nefarious effects of this smokescreen—it severely suppressed their magical abilities. Pusish's healing aura and Aero's flaming sword lost their potency, while Arnie found himself trapped within malfunctioning armor that relied heavily on his magic. Meanwhile, Alfie, Aero, and Day valiantly engaged in physical combat, determined to hold their ground.   As the battle raged on, the Stuff-E, now empowered by the smoke's influence, relentlessly pummeled Pusish and Arnie. However, amidst the chaos, something remarkable occurred—Arnie's entire body crackled with yellow lightning, turning him into an electrifying force. Anyone who dared approach him felt the shocking repercussions, being thrown back in disarray. Arnie, now standing with glowing yellow eyes and an electrifying aura, joined forces with Alfie, both unleashing a fierce assault upon the Stuff-E. With every smack, crackle, and pop, they tore into its fabric, exposing the stuffing concealed within.   Witnessing the party's astonishing display of strength, the Governor, who had been observing the test from a raised platform, conceded defeat, thoroughly impressed. Alfie then dragged the now motionless body of Stuff-E away from his companions before delivering a resounding blast of pure force, causing distant wolves to howl and lions to roar, reverberating through the chamber's walls.   Once the Governor descended from his perch to greet his newly hired employees, he noticed their lingering apprehension towards him. Engaging in casual conversation, he managed to alleviate some of their concerns. However, as the party contemplated their departure, Pusish lingered behind, seeking additional information about their upcoming mission. It appeared their first task would involve hunting down a creature believed to exist only in myth—a beast so gruesome and otherworldly that it was rumored to be a creation of Malum himself. They would face the Bloodfiend.

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    The Prep for Protection
    Gathering / Conference

    The party, excluding Alfie, embarks on a quest to find a library in Crulahn. Meanwhile, Alfie explores the town and stumbles upon a jewelry stand. Using his magical abilities, he disguises himself and engages in charming conversation with the vendor. With a swift sleight of hand, he snatches a valuable-looking ring and makes his way to an alley, dropping his disguise. Eager to capitalize on his stolen prize, he visits the blacksmith where Arnie had previously forged his armor. There, Alfie sells the ring for a considerable sum of gold before encountering a peculiar figure named Mr. Wisp. This colorful character seems to follow the party, conveniently appearing at opportune moments. Intrigued, Alfie purchases two cartons of Wisp sticks, enchanted cigarettes that evoke different sensations depending on the variant smoked. With his newfound wealth, Alfie indulges in a smoke and heads to a tattoo parlor, revisiting Clairvoyance, the skilled tattoo artist who had inked him, Aero, and Day the day before. Alfie expresses his desire to imbue his existing tattoo of a woman and a wolf with magical properties. Clairvoyance agrees to his request and begins the intricate process of infusing the tattoo with a special ink.   Meanwhile, the rest of the party successfully locates the grand Crulahnian library and begins delving into research on the fearsome Bloodfiend. Arneus strikes up a conversation with a peculiar young woman who serves as the librarian, boasting of her sleeplessness and extensive knowledge of the library's books. Together, they uncover disturbing details about the Bloodfiend's agility and its gruesome method of tearing apart cattle for sustenance. Intrigued by the topic, they delve further into the research, focusing on Day's patron—a Genie. These powerful beings were once enslaved and exploited for their potent magical abilities. Genies offer mortals power in exchange for carrying out specific tasks, with the ultimate goal of seeking revenge on the bloodlines of their oppressors in the realm of Athis. Although Day, having experienced enslavement herself, understands the Genie's perspective, she recognizes the potential danger in unleashing an angry Genie upon the world. In a surprising turn of events, Day's patron pulls her into his magical realm within her locket, offering her direct access to information about him.   After Alfie completes his tattoo session, the group reunites at the Golden Tankard. However, a sense of unease fills the air, and they find Alfie standing outside, peering in. Inside the tavern, chaos reigns as everything is in disarray, clearly indicating a violent disturbance. Bartleby, the tavern's owner, lies unconscious with shallow breaths. Day examines Bartleby's body while the rest of the party searches for clues both inside and outside the establishment. Day discovers a brass necklace featuring a menacing green reptilian eye that appears to follow her every movement. Suddenly, a sweeping gust of green spectral energy rushes through the area, coinciding with Day holding the eye to Bartleby's forehead, which jolts him awake. In a panicked state, Bartleby reveals himself as a powerful wizard and explains that a group of bandits infiltrated the tavern and stole a crucial item. Determined to retrieve it, Bartleby departs with an assortment of magical artifacts, entrusting the party to safeguard the tavern in his absence.   The following morning, Bartleby returns to the Golden Tankard, relieved to have retrieved the immensely important item. He reveals a small leather pouch and, in his other hand, proudly presents the ancient and legendary Staff of the Magi. Arneus realizes the true extent of Bartleby's power and understands that the wizard has been leading a quiet life since his glory days.

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    Crisis, Management.

    On this crucial day, the party focuses on final preparations for their impending confrontation with the Bloodfiend. They successfully persuade the Governor's assistant to provide them with a substantial amount of iron, which Day believes will be instrumental in defeating the vile creature. Pusish takes to the bustling streets of Crulahn in search of salt, intending to use it to conjure holy water. Unaware of the acquired iron, Alfie, driven by his own resourcefulness, revisits the blacksmith's shop. Employing his stealth, he manages to pilfer a significant quantity of iron weaponry to aid Day in the battle. In his haste to escape, he accidentally knocks over a crowbar but quickly grabs a peculiar glass dagger, leaving both weapons behind in his room at the Golden Tankard without further examination. Returning to the Pyrcantenium, the party discusses their strategy for confronting the Bloodfiend, fully aware of the dangers that lie ahead. Leaving the Pyrcantenium, they seek out a farmer, skillfully negotiating him down to a meager price for two horses. They dub the horses Crisis and Management, signifying the challenges they anticipate facing. As they are making some final arrangements, they decide to go speak with the Favorable Few to see if they know anything about the mythical Bloodfiend. On their way Alfie went in to some sort of a trance, seeing what he believed to be Lutum. Lutum instructed Alfie to give Aero a magical tree branch, with unknown reason or origin. Lutum professed that he was proud of the direction Aero was going. Further venturing into the woods, they rendezvous with the Favorable Few once more. During the conversation, Kaze, Aero's twin brother, reveals information that leaves Aero uncertain of its veracity regarding their upbringing and Kaze's departure. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, Aero storms out of the small shack and takes to the task of foraging food for himself. Meanwhile, Arnie confronts Kaze, denouncing him for his treatment of Aero. However, Kaze explains that his actions stem from his deep care for Aero and his belief in Aero's true potential beyond a mere adventurer.   Returning to the cart on the treeline, the party observes Pusish's attempts at herbalism, although his sour expression suggests his skills may not be fully honed yet. With the cart loaded with finely cut iron bars, courtesy of the Pyrcantenium, and accompanied by Crisis and Management, they set off from Crulahn towards the Bloodfiend's last reported sighting. As they approach the tree line, their attention is caught by the ghastly sight of a grotesquely mutilated animal carcass, its bones picked clean, serving as a grim reminder of the horrors they are about to face.

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    Slaying the Unbelievable
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party swiftly picks up on the tracks leading into the dense woods. Day commands Jasper to soar high above the treeline, scouting the area ahead. After a brief reconnaissance flight, Jasper alights on a clearing beside a small stream, where something large is concealed within a bush. Certain that they have found the lair of the Bloodfiend, the party proceeds cautiously, only to be confronted by a sudden precipice, a sheer drop of about 30 feet. Peering over the edge, they watch the clearing intently until a massive Dire Wolf emerges from the bushes. Annoyed yet relieved, the group considers that those who dismissed the existence of the Bloodfiend may have been right, and this wolf could have been responsible for the widespread carnage. However, their momentary respite is shattered when a truly horrific creature emerges from a nearby grove and pounces upon the unsuspecting wolf, devouring it in mere seconds. The sight of black ichor oozing from its pores confirms their grim realization: they have encountered their first Bloodfiend. A battle ensues, fraught with close calls and perilous moments. In a defensive response, the Bloodfiend releases a spray of darkness from Alfie's open wounds, enveloping a vast area. Yet, to their astonishment, Alfie's eyes emit a radiant orange glow, granting him the ability to see within the darkness. Day unleashes a cataclysmic surge of energy, striking the beast with a force that sends many reeling. After a grueling struggle, the party manages to subdue the Bloodfiend, collecting fragments as proof of their triumph.   Returning to Crulahn, the party heads to the Prycentenium to inform Governor Archepell of their success and claim their well-earned payment. However, their meeting is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a wild and malevolent figure. The military general tag bearing the name "Thawne" triggers a faint recollection for Day and Alfie—Eobard Thawne, the violent and ruthless right-hand man of the even more sinister Queen Azure. It is revealed that the Governor has ceded more control to Queen Azure and Corstel, believing it to be necessary for the safety of the people of Crulahn in anticipation of an impending war.   In a moment of inspiration, Alfie shares a poem or set of lyrics he has been crafting, and the group proudly adopts the name "The Daylight Vanguard" as their collective title. Arnie takes it upon himself to acquire special items adorned with the Daylight Vanguard emblem, returning to the Golden Tankard to find half of the crew inebriated. Bartleby presents a bottle containing a magical green liquid called Absulv, which instantly sobers up Day and Alfie, accompanied by an unusual sensation. With their faculties restored, Arnie proudly displays the beautifully crafted symbols engraved onto their items before joining the others at the bar. Alfie and Day, discovering a shared peculiar trait of hearing voices in their heads, engage in a conversation about this extraordinary connection. Meanwhile, Aero, Pusish, and Arnie engage in casual conversation with Bartleby until Kaze, bearing a striking familiarity, walks in and takes a seat beside Aero.

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    The Departure for Adventure.

    After their hard-fought victory against the Bloodfiend, the party takes a moment to regroup and stock up on necessary supplies, including spell components and other essentials. The Daylight Vanguard deliberates their next move—should they pursue higher-paying jobs in Krensia, stay in the safety of Crulahn, or leave Subter altogether due to the looming threat of the 2nd war? Aero, wielding his new staff from Alfie, feels a surge of power coursing through him, as magical orange sparkles illuminate the room. Eventually, the party decides to send Aero and Pusish to visit the Desertum in Forus, planning to find a way to leave Subter and seek refuge in Frelona. Arnie, curious about some missing weaponry that he suspects Alfie to have taken, confronts him, leading to a heartfelt speech about the importance of doing good deeds. Alfie, heeding Arnie's advice, returns the stolen dagger to the blacksmith, demonstrating a newfound understanding of their role as heroes.   However, Alfie's peaceful interlude is interrupted when he is visited by a new god named Solis. Solis reveals a sinister force emerging in Athis—the Seven Sins, daughters of Malum, who are threatening to unleash chaos upon the world. They are already tearing through the Shadowfell, seeking to gain control and expel the gods from Athis permanently. Solis foretells that the mortals of Athis will one day play a crucial role in countering this malevolent threat.   As the Daylight Vanguard prepares to leave Crulahn, they bid farewell to Bartleby, who gives them a peculiar smooth rock as a means of communication. Setting off for Forus, they are joined by Kaze, who encourages Aero to leave Subter before the war and pledges to stay behind and protect Crulahn with the Favorable Few.   As they travel, the party encounters a massive praying mantis blocking their path, but Day's quick thinking averts disaster by driving it away with a magical bead. They soon stumble upon pools of water that reflect their appearances ten years younger or older, except for Pusish, whose lack of reflection serves as a grim reminder of his aging fate. Pushing forward, they face the enchanting magic of the Feywild, with strange encounters and eerie reflections.   While traversing through the enchantment, they encounter a mysterious man who resembles Mr. Wisp but with unsettling differences. Alfie is tempted by the man's offer of a vibrant deck of cards, but in a moment of clarity, he resists the allure and dispels the spectral salesman. With resolve, the party presses on, bracing themselves for the wonders and perils that lie ahead in the magical forest of Forus.

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    The Wandering Statue

    As the party continues their journey through the enchanting fey grasslands, Pusish becomes increasingly aware of subtle changes in the landscape. The once-familiar paths and landmarks appear different, although he still manages to navigate through the enchanted terrain. Alfie, still suffering from exhaustion caused by his divine communion, rests frequently along the way. Meanwhile, Day busies herself with a challenging wooden puzzle. Amidst their journey, Day sends her vigilant companion, Jasper, soaring into the skies to scout the area. Jasper's sharp eyes spot something in the far distance—a medium-sized statue of a woman. Aero and Jasper take flight to investigate while Day deciphers the foreign script inscribed on the statue. The script, filled with unfamiliar words and phrases, escapes her grasp as she reads it aloud. The incantation's resonance pulls Day into her patron's respite, where her patron delivers a gentle reprimand for meddling with ancient and perilous texts. Day is abruptly returned to the party and conveys the message, prompting Aero to fly back to join them.   The party eventually reaches the statue, and Arnie takes the lead in examining it. They search for traces of magic or hidden mechanisms but find none. Arnie initially uses his regular charcoal stick to transcribe the script onto parchment but then stumbles upon the quill he had found in the sewers. Curious, he decides to use the recovered quill, and as he writes, the characters seem to shimmer and gleam with an otherworldly light. Upon completing the inscription, a magical glow briefly engulfs the parchment, dazzling everyone present. When the glow subsides, the writing on the parchment remains, accompanied by a soft, ethereal golden radiance.   As the Daylight Vanguard approaches the Feyline entrance, a massive and mystical beast materializes before them—a fey lion, resplendent with shimmering and territorial magic. Aware that they must confront this creature to reach the Desertum, a fierce battle ensues. Amidst the skirmish, Alfie and Day feel the ground quaking beneath them, signaling the emergence of another mystical entity—a towering humanoid mushroom creature imbued with purple magic. It releases hallucinogenic spores upon contact, causing Day to envision herself as a valiant moose, while the others see her running on all fours.   After several intense exchanges between the Vanguard and the fey creatures, they emerge victorious. Instead of lifeless bodies, the defeated fey creatures transform into magical specks that ascend into the air.   Upon closer inspection, the Vanguard makes a crucial discovery. Arnie remains motionless, his muffled cries audible from within his armor. Removing his helmet, Arnie reveals that the fey lion had seized and discarded the element powering his suit. The party assists him in retrieving the broken pieces, leaving Arnie determined to repair this invaluable component.   As the party regroups and supports Arnie in his endeavors, they are suddenly ambushed by a circular formation of elven soldiers. At the forefront of the formation stands a general-looking elf who begins to approach the party with an air of authority.

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    Feywild Stalker
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    Aero's Arrival

    After conversing with the Sylvan guard and confirming their affiliation with The Desertum, the party decided to follow the man, leaving Day, who was still in a trance, and Alfie, who was napping in the cart. They were guided by the Sylvan general to a walled area, guarded by massive tortoise-like humanoids at the entrance. The Daylight Vanguard attempted to make their case for an audience with Verentia herself, but initially, they were met with laughter and skepticism by the guards. After some reminiscing, particularly regarding Pusish's past, the guards relented and allowed the party to enter, cautioning them not to approach the castle under penalty of punishment.   Once inside The Desertum, the party found a modest cabin where they could stay. Bringing Alfie and Day inside and letting them rest longer.   The Desertum, in contrast to New Victoria, was characterized by simplicity, possessing only the essentials.   Later, as Arnie, Pusish, and Aero were inside the cabin, a knock echoed on the wooden front door. Pusish went to answer it and found a haggard, elderly woman at the doorstep. Upon providing her with water, the woman transformed before their eyes into the beautiful, youthful Verentia. She expressed her gratitude for Pusish's presence and shared words of pride and encouragement with Aero, affirming that he should follow his own path.   After their conversation, Verentia informed Pusish and Aero of a banquet to be held in their honor at the palace. Following her departure, Arnie left the cabin to meet with some guards outside, seeking instruction in close combat through Verentia's request.

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    The Start of the End.

    The party settled in for a grand feast with Verentia and the people of the Desertum. Meanwhile, Arnie seized the opportunity to refine his close combat skills, learning tactics from a guard personally selected by Verentia. Alfie, ever drawn to the thrill of combat, joined the guard outside for a few intense rounds of sparring. As Alfie's battle intensified, concerns arose about him possibly losing control and unleashing a dangerous rage upon the guard. To prevent any mishaps, a druid was summoned to oversee the fight. Fortunately, the confrontation concluded without any untoward incidents. Meanwhile, Day, intrigued by her recent transformation into an elk during the encounter with the magic mushroom, sought guidance from the female druid regarding mycology.   The druid shared valuable insights with Day and provided her with a list of requirements to cultivate similar mushrooms. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Day departed on her quest to gather the necessary items. As she was engrossed in conversation with the druid, the grand dinner approached its conclusion, and Aero returned to the table after a delightful stroll with Verentia.   Suspicion loomed as Alfie, seemingly arriving at the gate casually, stumbled upon a distressing scene. The guard who had been outside the walls with Arnie lay lifeless, his throat brutally slit. A quick survey of the surroundings revealed an unsettling absence—there was no sign of Arnie anywhere. The party, now faced with a mysterious disappearance and a grim discovery, braced for the unfolding mystery.

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    The Hunt for the Tinkerer.

    Alfie, determined to trace the mysterious assailant and find Arnie, follows the ominous trail left by the assailant in the Desertum. Aero, in the form of a sturdy horse, keeps pace with Alfie but notices an eerie transformation in Alfie's reflection—shifting into a wolf-like humanoid. As they part ways, Aero, bearing suspicion, heads back to update the Vanguard. Alfie, covered in blood from hunting deer, encounters a gruesome scene in a ruined cobblestone town. Discovering recently opened canned beans, he senses recent activity and hurries back to the Desertum. Meanwhile, Pusish tries to aid the wounded guard, revealing a strange black substance in the wound, while Day, calming the distressed crowd, assists in securing the return of the shaken locals within the walls.   Aero decided to stay back for now and help locals remain calm, while Day and Pusish departed eventually meeting Alfie in the middle.

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    The Decay of Cobblestone.

    Day and Pusish quickly caught up to Alfie, finding him covered in mysterious blood. Although they knew in their hearts that Alfie couldn't have committed such violence against Arnie, the unsettling thought lingered in their minds. After regrouping and discussing their next steps, Alfie, Day, and Pusish followed the direction where the creature had taken Arnie, eventually arriving at a disheveled small cobblestone town.   Despite its small size, housing fewer than a hundred people, the town exuded an eerie and ominous aura. The party concluded that this must be where the creature was holding Arnie, so they decided to venture in. As they explored, they stumbled upon a letter belonging to an adventurer named Etris.   Etris's letter revealed that he had journeyed to the town in search of something, although the exact nature of his quest remained vague. However, the letter provided them with crucial information: they had two options. They could either venture further past the cobblestone town, risking encountering a deep and perilous trench, or they could return to The Desertum, with no closer clues to Arnie's whereabouts. Determined to press on, Day, Pusish, and Alfie chose to continue exploring the town.   Further examination led them to discover more letters from Etris, addressed to his late wife Martha. These letters shed light on Etris's quest, indicating that he was seeking something of immense magical power hidden beneath the town's surface. Etris also warned of a menacing threat lurking within the community: sightings of undead roaming the streets at night.   As the party deliberated on the significance of these letters in their search for Arnie, Day noticed a peculiar pattern of translucent arcane symbols hovering over Alfie's head. Upon closer inspection, she realized that she had a similar pattern above hers. When they attempted to dispel the illusionary magic, they found themselves unable to discern its nature.   Shortly thereafter, Pusish encountered trouble outside while exploring the surroundings. Spotting a few undead figures wandering aimlessly, he called out to his companions, prompting the zombies to converge on him. Alfie and Day rushed to his aid, but along the way, Alfie experienced strange sightings. He glimpsed apparitions in the corner of his eye and perceived arcane lights and translucent spirits peering at him through windows, only for them to vanish upon direct inspection.   A skirmish ensued as the Daylight Vanguard confronted a hulking undead creature and two humanoid zombies. Dispatching their foes with ease, Alfie then noticed a suspicious glow emanating from inside one of the small cobblestone homes.

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    Of Birds and Bats.

    Aero, after calming the commotion back at the Desertum, resolves to join the rest of the Daylight Vanguard. Despite Verentia's warning that he wouldn't be allowed back until the investigation was complete, Aero determinedly sets out, determined to prove his innocence to her someday and knowing that his comrades need him now.   Swiftly flying towards the location where he last saw the group, Aero is guided by a mysterious glowing path leading him through a field of grass. Following it to the end, he discovers a vast hole in the ground whose depth even his magic cannot fathom. Descending cautiously, Aero finds himself encountering a swarm of bats and quickly retreats, realizing the danger of going too deep.   Meanwhile, Day and Alfie investigate the small house emitting the strange light. Day discovers that moving a candle activates a hidden mechanism. While adjusting the candle, she catches sight of Aero flying in the distance.   Unaware of Aero's presence, Alfie, overcome by a transformation, sprints towards him with aggression. Day observes Alfie's body undergoing a painless transmutation into a humanoid wolf as he approaches Aero and confronts him. Fortunately, they quickly recognize each other, and tensions ease.   Returning to the cobblestone home, Day continues manipulating the candle until she manages to open a hidden fireplace downstairs, revealing Arnie trapped in the secret crevice. With relief, they free him from his confinement.