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The nature of magic

The Energy Concept

  Magic and any other power that we consider special, is the manifestation of some form of energy. Like a lightning bolt is electricity. In general, all these energies surround us, sometimes more, sometimes less. The idea is that some individuals can tap into these energies. In one or the other way   Just out of fun let's embed magic into the theories of the existing physics. In physics, the fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces, are the interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions. There are four fundamental interactions known to exist: the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, which produce significant long-range forces whose effects can be seen directly in everyday life, and the strong and weak interactions, which produce forces at minuscule, subatomic distances and govern nuclear interactions. Some scientists hypothesize that a fifth force might exist. Let's say this fifth force is magic.  
Magic the 5th Force Magic is when energy, force, or organism is conscious. This can be controlled by minimal instinct or omnipotent. So being a living a breading creature is already some kind of magic. This awareness that makes magic possible is Ether. The presence of this ether is the energy behind the magic and depending on how the ether is used, the magic expresses itself in different ways.


How magic can be used/manifest itself


Summon & Focus

  You self-have no magic, but you are capable to summon, collect or drain it from your surroundings, or from a different plane of existence. You do that by force, or you just let it come. Then you take the energy and use it. Depending on how the energy was gathered and from where the energy will have certain characteristics. 


  • Draining
  • Summoning
  • Instant
  • Loading
  • Burst / Consume
  • Manifestation


  • Certain clothing/armor makes it difficult or prevents magic from being summoned. In general or only for certain types. Others again will be like a magnet or focus.
  • Depending on how good you are at shaping or altering magic. Your magic is more like a blast, or a complex manifestation.

Contain & Hold

You are a source of magic or special power. Somehow you generate energy on your own. You have at all times some of it in you. Depending on what kind of energy it is, it can also have an impact on your look or behavior.  

Alter & Form

You use the energy that is freely available and does your thing. But for the purpose of using it, the energy never runs through our bodies.

Substitute & Request

Metaphysical, Arcane

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