Claston Border Control Status

A piece of paper written in a strange script that was handed out to the whole country, some in shreds. It details the current status of the borders.


The borders to the Claston Autocracy is rather free without much infrastructure against the elves to the south. The main reason for this was to prevent any destruction to the forest that borders their lands but making use of the land that was given to them. Since a large population of the country is made of goblins, they make use of goblins that are attuned to the forest such as shamans and druids, and especially their goblin bird units. With the environmental agreement made, the people of the Autocracy travel freely between the lands for more hunting opportunities.

Land's End

With the large sea between them, they have indeed made contact with few from these lands. Due to their dreary weather, few are capable of adapting and living there but with a trade offer, a workforce of goblins live in those lands in exchange for goods. These goblins, while rarely seen nowadays have adapted and mutated their own features to survive the cold climate by mimicking the furry wildlife there.

Giant's Land?

Like with the strange folk to the North East, the giant people have made a non-aggressive pact with the Dytrae land, using our large goblin workforce to help mine for them. While many view it as a strange relationship, the goblins are happy to mine for those that are not able to for their unique exports.

To the outsider lands

As all goblinoids should know are to beware of humans since they tend to be a cruel race to all. While the ancient land of Dytrae that the Claston Autocracy is settled on, it is always sought to be a peaceful land for what humans deem as monsters. To the human travelers that come through the forests of the south must be reasoned with unless an aggravated assault is made in order to minimize destruction. The humans that take to the northern seas without the intent to trade, such as pirates, will be met by the Fravectlins and the beasts of the deep to attack the bottom hulls of the ship; the aim to take the stolen goods and perhaps take prisoners or else leaving them to the water beasts. Humans are seen as a force to be reckoned with but must have the chance to be reasoned with, otherwise, defeat them and enslave them for high prices.  


  1. There has been an overwhelming amount of goblins being lost to the forest of Estranya. While it is normal for goblins to mess up and lose their lives, it is at an increased rate where there are mysterious disappearances for groups of hunters. The people of Estranya are unsure of the matter; if any news or sightings occur, please report to either the Estranyan or Claston officials.


The purpose of the document is to notify the country of the status of their borders, as well as to outsiders, aka humans, when coming to approach these lands.
Decree, Governmental
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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