
The capital of the Claston Autocracy is Grolangor. It is known as where the main family of Claston to set their home. The current king and queen live here as well as a majority of hobgoblins. On the mountains leading up to it are constructed mounds for basic agricultural farming. The structure of this capital is largely constructed palaces were built onto the side of the mountain. A lot of intricate design was put into it from the races to make it feel worthy of a home worth defending. The cave goblins live within the mountains and discovered numerous caverns and ores. The upper part of the inner mountains is easy to navigate but the lower levels can be difficult to traverse.


Mostly hobgoblins with a few other ethnicities. Almost all people of trades work somewhere within the complex tunnels and rooms that were mined here.


For most of these buildings for the capital, they are made from stone torn from the mountains.


The terrain is mountains with rather steep hills.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mountain Capital
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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