Kingdom of Stratus


The Sky King rules above all, elected by a council of Skychiefs from the royal family. The weight of a vote from a Skychief is determined by their individual power and respect. The Skychiefs are nobles who own land and have at least five Gryffin riders pledged in their service. Skychiefs with many men and other chiefs pledged to their service are known as Wardens. Wardens are tasked with assembling their chiefs and riders as well as all of their Freemen Bands and Lowmen Oathsworn in times of war.

The Sky King keeps a small council of nobles to advise.

Lord Protector - The Chief general, and a title often given to the strongest Warden. The Lord Protector spends half the year at Hammerfall, before retiring to Southpart and Summerwind for the fall and most of winter. In the third month of winter, the Lord Protector returns to Hammerfall to guard the western pass into Stratus. When there is no Sky King, the Lord Protector is the designated regent.
Master of Rites - The superstitious people of Stratus depend upon good omens to maintain morale and ensure there is always a plentiful enough harvest. The Master of Rites is a highly prestigious title, and it is up to them to interpret the omens of the world to guide the Sky King.
Master of Coin - The treasurer; the Sky King cannot be expected to maintain the national ledger when ruling over the land, so it falls to the treasurer to ensure that national resources are managed adequately and records are maintained.
Master of Land - The master of the land is charged with maintaining the records of land transference, ownership, and laws. Without the Master of Land updating the official books, then the rights to land Skychiefs claim would be invalid. The Master of Land is also tasked with coordinating with lower government officials, such as town councilmen, village elders, and clan chiefs.
Master of Water - The master of water rules from the old, decayed fortress of Riverwatch-by-the-sea when the council is not in session, and is tasked with making sure that the rivers remain clean and safe, along with organizing coastal patrols and watching the southern side of the pale mountains, to ensure that the Pale Horde doesn't create a new hole and breach into the Lewlands.

Public Agenda

The Kingdom of Stratus' public goals are to restore their former glory. In the times of the Yaaq'ir empire they boasted thousands of riders and a united people. The war with the automaton-wielding empire was devsatating, and the last great king was slain in the conflict. The nation has fallen into a shadow of its former self and its people spend the majority of their time staying alive instead of prospering. They want to deepen and expand the mines of Mitril to acquire the powerful metal within, Mithril, as well as the silver mines in the Stormlands.

Whether or not the Kingdom of Stratus seeks to aggressively expand beyond its ancient borders is unclear, because even two hundred years into the Revival the Strattons have only reclaimed their western foothills and fortified them less than a hundred years ago.


The Kingdom of Stratus boasts a knighthood order of Gryffin riders. This knighthood order is known as Tyr's Hand, can be read about (here). The order stands 413 strong, a shadow of its former self. As a result there are a limited number of Skychiefs. In ages past, Knights of Tyr's Hand wore full sets of Mithril plate, with powerful warhammers, mighty shields and long lances to strike from the skies. Some even wielded javelins in battle, raining death from above as their Gryffins unleashed catastrophe with their lightning and claws.

Stratus possesses mines of silver, ensuring the national treasury is always stocked enough to avoid hard times. In the western foothills they have deep mines which have discovered a rare and precious metal known as Mithril.

The fortress of Hammerfall and ruined fortress of Riverwatch-by-the-sea, as well as the holdfast of Summerwind and the port of Southport are all available to view on their own articles.


The Kingdom of Stratus has a long, storied history. In the dark the people of Stratus toiled away, scraping by and cutting out a home in the highlands of the pinewood. After centuries of work and spreading out a man ascended the Stormlands and stood before a powerful beast. It was brilliant, powerful, twice as large as a horse. It had the head of an eagle, with brilliant white feathers and fur all through its body. Mighty wings sprouted from its back and when it reared back to roar into the sky lightning sparked, lighting up the day in a white-hot flash of electricity. The man was undeterred, his bravery and courage boundless as he march forward. His eyes, violet and determined, met with the eyes of the beast. His hand reached out to touch its beak. It snapped, and his hand recoiled. A moment later he tried again until the mighty alabaster Gryffin bowed its head to the will of the very first rider, the one that would lead them out of the longer darkness. The one that would raise a kingdom that would stand the test of time.

The first king, MacLeod the Zephyr, rode a Gryffin that day. He was the king of the skies, the mightiest warrior, the man with the will to tame the Alabaster Gryffin. His name was gifted to his clan and they made banners in the image of his courage. They tamed Gryffins, one by one, and used this power to tame the highlands. The mountains of the Stormlands became the training ground for these riders. When the giants attacked the shores and brought their Thunderlords to the shores of Stratus, MacLeod embraced them. Thor, the lord of lightning, must surely have blessed their steeds of war with their powers. He thought of himself as the blood of Tyr, and so he named those he taught to ride Gryffins Tyr's Hand, the agents of war and justice swooping down from the heavens.

As MacLeod's clan claimed rulership of the highlands it began to spread, subjugating all clans and lands across the present day Kingdom of Stratus, from the foothills of modern day Mitril to the fertile fields and bay of Southport. His sons and daughters each were designated wardens of the various regions and given title and prestige. These sons in turn granted their sons chiefdoms. The first born son of MacLeod took on his title and responsibilities, riding the Alabaster Gryffin into battle. Unfortunately during a flight the Alabaster Gryffin threw Macleod the II off, sending him plummeting to his death. This lead to the Master of Rites declaring that the son must have been unworthy, and that the clans should not trust firstborn of a king to be the one born to lead.

From that point on all Sky Kings were elected by their family and the most powerful leaders from all the clans. They chose the King's youngest daughter to become the first Sky Queen in her own right. Many months after the choice was made the queen ascended the mountain, seeking the Alabaster Gryffin. The Gryffin her father rode into battle made itself known, the scars upon its body removing all doubt. It accepted her, and so Aelianor MacLeod became the first to be taken to the King's Roost, a natural rookery near one of the many jagged peaks of the Stormlands. In the years to follow this roost would be developed and become the only breeding grounds of the snow-white Gryffins reserved for the immediate family of the ruling king or queen. The Roost would, in the revival, finally be made known to wardens, who would come with the votes of all their chiefs to meet the royal family and cast their votes for succession.

Rising high, above the clouds

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Stratus, Stormlands
Neighboring Nations


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