Kingdom of Syntheia

A young kingdom, A little under four decades old. The Princedoms themselves date back around a century.   Traits:
(+)Aristocratic: Your nation has a long and proud history of aristocracy, and they have great power. Your kings are stronger all around for their council of nobility, but desperate times for your nation may bring about betrayal. - High Princes come together to rule under the High King. Light eyes explanation goes here.
(+) Rare Metals: Your nation has access to rare metals, the sort of stuff required to create special artifacts of incredible use and value. - Meteorites collide with the mountains of Syntheia to cultivate Astral Shards . These are primarily used for the creation of Shardblades, Shardcores and hold a myriad of uses.
(-)Monsters: Monsters exist in this land, although they are beasts of legends. Terrible events can befall any settlement or travelling group at any moment. -Greatshells and Chasmfiends inhabit the deep forests and mountains of Syntheia.


Government form: High Princes owe fealty to the High King. There are four High Princes, Leon Sadeas, Aleni Flarres(the sole "High Princess"), Daemion Theia, and brother of the reigning High King, Karsten Helios each of which lead their own houses which each control one princedom of Syntheia. The position of High King is elected by the 4 High Princes upon the death or abdication of the throne. Society is cut into two divisions, those of "light eyes" who have light colored eyes, and the "dark eyes" who make up the lower class and have darker eye colors. The highest point of the dark eyes caste is lower than the lowest of the light eyes caste. Dark eyes can reach higher levels of society but only on the rarest of occasions through great feats. Not every light eye is created equal and thus they have their own levels of caste within their half of society as well.

Public Agenda

To preserve the Kingdom and lead Syntheia to glory and prosperity.


The only kingdom with access toAstral Shards.

History . everything here will be transferred over soon

Demography and Population



The Kingdom of Syntheia occupies The Island of Syntheia

Towards the Guiding Light That is the Stars.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Starlit Kingdom
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Syntheian Silver and Gold coins.
Major Exports
Syntheia primarily exports lumber, artisan goods, raw materials from their mountains, and the shells and raw meat from Greatshells.
Legislative Body
The Council of Laws.
Judicial Body
The Council of Courts.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items

Before Starlight Conquest

999 1163

The short period before the Starlight Conquest led by Fevius Helios.

  • -161 BSC

    23 Zeth
    -160 BSC


    Landing in Syntheia
    Discovery, Exploration

    Explorers from the north(insert kingdom here) land in the northwest bay of Syntheia, creating a settlement that would become modern day Yeven. These explorers would come to name this newfound land Syntheia, the island under the stars. The infant city of Yeven would begin to see an influx of immigrants from other nations and the population grew from a modest several dozen to a robust several hundred.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Syntheia
  • -160 BSC

    -143 BSC


    The Exploration of Syntheia
    Discovery, Exploration

    Men and women from far and wide flooded into the port of Yeven hoping to get their piece of the Island of Syntheia. From the city of Yeven, bands of explorers trekked out into the wilds, charting out island down to every forest and river. Parties moved to the south, to the east, and to the north, discovered new wonders in the land of Syntheia seemingly every other day. One such band reached the Inlustris Mountain Ranges, leading to a discovery that would change the course of Syntheian history forever.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Syntheia
  • -142 BSC

    12 Heli
    -142 BSC

    19 Theia

    Discovery of Shards

    In the great era of Discovery in Syntheia, a band of four explorers, Y'llen Sadeas, the founder of Yeven, navigator Vel Flarres, cartographer Andol Theia, and warrior Aden Helios sought to travel the furthest east any man had gone to the mountain ranges that peeked over the horizon. Once there, the party sought to climb said mountain and mark the greatest achievement of any men on the island. The four made their journey alongside they expedition party of twenty men. After months of travel, the four men began their climb up the Inlustris Mountains. Atop the peaks, the men made a discovery that would change the course of Syntheian history forever. (coming back to this once i fill out the rest of history)

  • -1 BSC

    11 Yeven
    0 BSC

    14 Hearth

    Fevius' Pilgrimage
    Life, Milestone

    In the year 1 BSC, Hyperion High Prince Fevius Helios, set out on a pilgrimage to explore the Inlustris Mountains. Historians have come to mark this event as the catalyst for the Sunlight Conquest. Very little is known about the journey itself and very few men have heard the tale given by Fevius himself.

Starlight Conquest

1164 1165

The year of warfare waged by Fevius Helios to unite the Island of Syntheia.

  • 1164 SC

    9 Aster
    1165 SC

    17 Yeven

    The Starlight Conquest
    Military action

    What once sat as a shattered state, bound in years of endless battle became a prosperous island nation led by the esteemed High King. The first High King was Fevius Helios, the Starlit Conqueror who united the princedoms through years of conquest. His campaign started in the east nearby to his own princedom. His troops fought with a fury never before seen in previous wars. Shielded by his Astral Shard enhanced armor and armed with his blade, 'Starfall,' Fevius was an unmatchable force on the battlefield. He waged war beneath the cover of night under the open sky allowing his shards to be clear to see for all on the battlefield. The wars waged became known as the Starlight Conquest and they would unite the Isle of Syntheia for the first time in it's history.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Syntheia

After Starlight Conquest

1166 and beyond

The current era. Where we find the newly established Kingdom of Syntheia.

  • 1 ASC

    1 Zeth
    1 ASC

    2 Zeth

    The Night of Dark Stars

    On 5/1 of the first year under the Syntheian Kingdom, a brief, but brutal revolt occurs under the night in the Ocecien Princedom, killing all but one of the royal family.

    Ocecien City
    More reading
    Kingdom of Syntheia
  • 6 ASC

    13 Liin
    6 ASC

    13 Liin

    Astraeus Helios
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Astraeus Helios, first born son of the The Conqueror.

  • 32 ASC

    32 ASC

    Life, Death

    The death of High King Fevius Helios to the hands of assassins during the second Dark-Eyes Revolt.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Syntheia


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