
A very rare material that is accepted to be universally indestructible and capable of crushing or cutting through anything given enough force. Of course, the tests have only been conducted by the Kingdom of Land's End, and given their nature, it stands to say that it is what they consider it. Once considered to be plentiful and able to be worked, the former cultists claim that the Old One built a great tower of Mykritum for himself when under attack by other gods. It is virtually indestructible and has never sustained any damage in any way, shape, or form. One the other hand, they've never been able to harvest the purest form of Myrkritum.
The only known way to shape or forge it is through the use of magic and even with that, it is extremely hard, taking some of the best mages of the Land in order to do so. Typically it glimmers, can change colors, and be altered in many ways, but the application as it is forms an unrefined and rushed version. Most weapons made of this form are capable of being destroyed or bent with enough force, typically the full strength of an old vampire or the strength of a giant.


Material Characteristics

A slivery material, constantly giving off a glimmer when it is refined, it looks like what a silver sword would if it was possible or beneficial. It is typically ridiculously heavy, weighing roughly five times the weight of normal steel, making only vampires and supernatural those capable of using it correctly.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is nigh-indestructible. In its purest form, it is just that, but the only thing made of this is an old weapon used by the True King and the Mage Tower constructed by the Old One. It can be melted if somebody could produce a flame capable of reaching 1,500 degrees F. It takes special magic in order to form it and is generally a well-guarded secret of Land's End.

Geology & Geography

It is found in Land's End, only on the mountain that houses the Mage Tower, typically only a small circle of mages are in charge of extracting it, all of them being old and strong vampires, just in case somebody does try to steal it.

Origin & Source

The dawn of time? Even the thousand-year-old vampires are unsure where this material came from.

Life & Expiration

After heating, it loses its liquid state in about 8 minutes, after it's been lost once it is impossible to melt it again.

History & Usage


It was used to create a great tower for the Old One, assumed to be used to defend against the attack of other gods when he rested or fought something that had overwhelming power. Through the years the Blue King has found ways to apply its use to things, typically magic is used to forge something out of it and the only known thing made that is indestructible is a blade crafted hundreds or thousands of years ago that was once used by the Old One, however, the 'weapon' is more of a log if anything. It isn't forged or crafted into anything and was only known to be used to crush things that couldn't handle its weight. With more and more advancements being made towards the topic, as of later the Blue King is more willing to test out just what they are able to do related to forging weapons and armor of Myrkrtium.


The Dawn of Time, The Old One is supposedly the one who discovered it.

Everyday use

As a building material for Weapons, armor, or buildings themselves.


The material needs to be refined through magic, any other refinement is currently unknown and the vampires focus on magic applications rather than science.


Trade & Market

It isn't traded, it never has been and perhaps never will be unless it absolutely needs to be in order to save Vampire society.


It is stored within an underground vault found within the mines, vampires typically defend it at every hour of the day.
Boiling / Condensation Point
? F / ? F
Melting / Freezing Point
1,500 F / ? F
4.6135 kg/m3
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species


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