
  • It makes them immortal and nigh-unkillable. Wounds are healed within seconds depending on how bad they are, giant holes in their bodies and delimbing taks the most for they have to reconstruct skin, muscles, etc. When limbs are removed they have to reattach them before regenerating, the head being the worst because they typically have to rely on other senses and reattach their head -- you get the idea.
  • Don’t need to eat, breathe, etc. They are functionally undead, but not. Their blood flows, they can blend in (aside from the hair/eye color change), however, they don’t need what a human needs to survive. Aside from this, they can survive the coldest and hottest environments (theoretically speaking at least) they are not immune to being turned to ice, set on fire, etc. This means that immense pressure, being crushed, etc. don’t apply to them. Being cursed and turned to a fine mist does the job almost as well as sunlight/beheadings. They can still recover, albeit slowly. This also means being burned alive, cut up into pieces, etc. are hard to come back from due to having to completely reconstruct the body.
  • Feeding leaves most mortal people in a state of whatever they feel is needed. Some tend to treat it as ecstasy, others a high and some treat it like a bad trip. It can be good or bad, but the bottom line is that most that aren’t prepared or knowing of the feeding are left in a state of illusion. Another benefit of the curse that makes feeding easier. They tend to forget parts or mix up the story and if they are affected will never mention fangs meeting flesh and blood being sucked. This can, of course, be resisted.
  • In all ways of the word, they are supernatural. Faster, stronger, etc. They are beyond the peak of humanity, but their specializations differ from Realm to Realm. Red tends to be the strongest and fastest of them all, while those of the blue are much weaker, but still fast and almost deadly in intellect. Blacks however are all-around, but they can differ. The fastest of all vampires was a Black.
  • Realm and Family traits are passed on and can mix, The Old One was all three, but he chose to make three separate Families. Red and Black can mix, as can Blue and Black or Black and Red. These mixes are typically treated as taboo for the Realms are always against one another. This is not punished as much, as the vampire picks the Realm usually and it creates a powerful adversary.
  • Vampires possess Supernatural senses, the best being among the Blacks. They can see in the dark, hear further than a human, smell well, like typically dozens of feet away, unless it is blood, then it can extend. Their taste is probably the least supernatural of them all unless it is blood.
  • New turned Vampires can walk in the day, those that haven't fed much can as well. Older vampires can spend even less time in the sun and are never out in it directly.
  • While not to immune to mental tricks or magic, if they do go in one of their frenzies they are much less susceptible to fall victim to such things.
  • Frenzies are 'fight or flight' reactions, typically only done if all else fails. When a Vampire is out in the sun too long and is close to death they will kick into a Frenzy, doing whatever it takes to survive, most can't control this, but the older ones seem capable. There's also one enabled if they are about to die in combat or if they drink too much rare blood.


  • Vampires can’t come back while in the direct sunlight for too long, there are tales of ‘thin-blooded’ not being the same as vampires. While they take the most damage and can’t recover while in sunlight, they can flee. They quite literally will flee if they sustain too much of it, causing a fight or flight to activate within them. Damage from the sunlight doesn’t cause sparking, burning, or anything like that. It literally causes their magic-enchanted blood to boil from within, causing internal damage until finally causing them to quite literally explode out of their mortal shell.
  • Beheadings cause a temporary ‘KO’ in a sense. There’s a time where their connection to their consciousness and body is rendered null and causes them to actually appear dead. Typically when this happens and the enemy is unaware of their nature they bide their time when consciousness comes back. However, some angry and otherwise stupid vampires may try to reattach their heads once they get control and sell themselves out before they have a chance to fight back, or fight with no head, etc.
  • Vampires need mortal blood to sustain their body and their benefits. Different types of blood last different amounts of time and have different effects, this will be explained lower. However, most vampires within the land have a specific way of handling it and it works great. If all else fails they can drink the blood of any living being, be it animal, a mythical monster, or anything else. So long as it lives and has blood it is possible.
  • Vampires are prone to feeling as if they know best, a personality trait. Civil Wars are frequent because of this but quelled by the laws held and respect for them. At any time a vampire may feel backstabbed, restrained, or something of that nature, so they fight when it happens.
  • Vampires can only be made from direct offsprings of other vampires or offsprings of offsprings of vampires. The Curse is transferred through blood and therefore is transferred through mating. In order to be turned, you have to have a Vampire above you in your family tree and you have to be directly related to them. Those born this way are cursed to never speak of the secrets of vampires or Land's End. Breaking this curse is currently unknown as it is for their own good, so none have tried.
  • The only way to 'kill' a vampire is to render their body incapable of coming back through normal regeneration. The sun canceled their ability to regenerate flat out, this is why it is so dangerous. It also causes direct damage to their insides, on the other hand, efficient methods of rendering a vampire into a state of years of regeneration is leaving them incapable of picking themselves back up. Burning them alive, cutting them up into pieces, crushing them alive, reducing them into a mist of blood, etc. These methods are of course extremely hard to pull off in reality, but they can render a vampire into registration for months to years, depending on their power. Assuming they aren't in their homeland, they are as good as dead in this state.

Basic Information


They possess a normal human body, but their blood doesn't flow, it only does so if they wish it to. They have blood, but it is magically enhanced and gives their lifeless body animation. Alongside this, they gain a multitude of benefits, but their skin grows pale and their hair/eye color alters depending on their family.

Biological Traits

Black Family members tend to be more focused on being nimble, but also contesting the other Families in a fight. If they don't end up that way they end up more well-rounded and can be considered anything from a smooth talker to a war-machine. They are by far the most unique in that sense.
Red Family is almost always war-machines that don't stop and can't stop, out of all the families they possess the most power and the strongest will to train that power. Typically the others can't contest them, but die to their rather straightforward way of thinking and approaching things they are easy to fool and take advantage of if you have the right angle, which in turn causes them to lose to the other families as well.
Blue Family is smart. Very smart, or they are a mix between being good talkers and being smart. While most focus on magic, some can focus on technology. They tend to avoid fights and study unless they learn enough to contest the other families. Out of them all, they are the least unique, however, they can use their own blood as magic, so that's nice.

Genetics and Reproduction

Normal mating. Vampires are able to breed, however, this only passes on the curse, not the full curse. The offspring still need to be turned in order to be a Vampire. This has only been done to Humans, but it can theoretically be done to any race.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn - Capable of walking in the sun until they feed, they need to feed isn't as pressing, but they can't go several years without it. However, they can still maintain their day walking after the first feed if they take prolonged breaks between them.

Fresh blood - A vampire that has fed rapidly in a shorter time (under 2 years span). After the first set of five feeds, they are no longer able to day walk, but they still maintain the highest tolerance of sunbathing.

Oldborn - A vampire that continues to feed will eventually reach its peak after roughly 75-200 feedings. Aside from that, so long as they feed when they are hungry they'll eventually reach their normal power in about ten to twenty years. Unless of course, they are feeding rapidly or feeding off of enchanted sources, like mythical creatures or rare bloods.

Elites - Elites have been alive for over the age of a typical human (100+). Most Vampires are at this age, but most don't 'grow' in power so to say. The way it works here is that your power is increased by the age you are, but also by the blood you consume, human and animal blood can only grant so much power. However, one can become stronger than an old born by feeding off rare bloods. The strongest Elites tend to be over 250 years old, meaning they are either the Thirds or Fourths.
The Seconds - The Seconds aren't as strong as the Firsts, but they are as old. The potential is slightly under that of a First, due to it being slightly diluted. However, they (were) capable of being mixed and still are. If a First decided to turn somebody they'd be a Second, they'd just be young. This is typically not done, for whatever reason. Seconds are over 500 years old at the very least and they rival the powers of the Firsts. In terms of feeding, one would have to feed dozens of vampires to nothing to reach this level without the age requirement which is a feat in itself.

The Firsts - Unmatchable on most fronts, they are only contested by their rival Firsts or Seconds, very rarely has a Third or lower ever beaten one in combat. The Firsts are the direct line of the old one and are all just over one-thousand years old. If fighting among one another it'd take at the most just over a dozen vampires to take one down and at the very least. (Counting Firsts and Seconds.) One to two. Without counting the Firsts and Seconds, it would take at least six. In terms of age, they are over one-thousand years old. In terms of feeding, they'd have to feed off the Old One directly or drain a First dry. Aside from that, they'd need dozens and dozens of normal vampires and even tens of Thirds.

Ecology and Habitats

Darkness. They hate the sun, mostly because it renders their regeneration factor null and void. Aside from that, it causes their bodies to boil from the inside out, causing a violent eruption at the end and a spray of blood. This mist of blood is not recoverable from in any way, for it is caused by sunlight itself. Vampires can inhabit basically anywhere but are currently in the North, hiding away. Hundred of years ago people had a fixation with beheading and as such, the Vampires feared their secret weakness was revealed and pretended they never left.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Blood. They feed on blood when they do they typically can enchant the living thing to not remember it fully. While it may be fuzzy, they will typically not remember being fed off of but may remember the person and the events leading to it.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Supernatural hearing, capable of picking up sounds from dozens to maybe one-hundred feet away, possibly more depending on the Vampire. Their sight is so good they can see in the dark as if it isn't dark and up to one-hundred feet at that. They move faster than any mammal could, so much so they can visibly turn into a blur to most people. If cars did exist, chasing one down wouldn't be too tough for them. Their sense of smell is lesser, as is their taste. The only times these are consider to be almost as good as the others is when blood is involved.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Typically Norse names, the oldest one sticks to these types of names or extremely basic names.

Major Organizations

The Red Family The Black Family The Blue Family Land's End

Effects of Blood

Vampires do not need to only drink blood and food isn’t belched up. It just tastes slightly worse -- it can still be good -- and doesn’t fill them up at all. Fresh blood is always better, while cold blood is typically not as well.
  1. Animal Blood - The least valuable of them all, it will sustain them, but they won’t feel full or satisfied.
  2. Monster Blood(Animal-like) - Just above animal, it's a harder fight and it doesn’t taste better, it will fill them up faster though.
  3. Human Blood - Natural, fills up fast and good, tastes really good too. All too normal in reality.
  4. Monster Blood(human-like) - Just slightly below human, but harder to obtain. Its diluted human blood, mixed with monsters, but it is better than the previous of its kind.
  5. Humanoid(Mythical/Supernatural) - This excludes elves and vampires, for their kind is nearly the same. Werewolves (don’t think vampires even know these exist) are much better than Human and will fill them up fast. Rituals and drinking blood of werewolves is said to increase a Vampire’s prowess in battle, typically only their senses, however.
  6. Monster/Animal likes (Mythicals) - Being like Dragons, krakens, hydras, gryphons, etc. are almost the top of what can feed on. They can fill a vampire up in a third of the time of a single feeding and they taste almost god-like in nature. The effects of this can vary depending on what it is, but like all effects of blood, it is temporary.
  7. Vampire/Elven - Elves are ancient cultists that left after the initial forming of the vampire society, meaning the oldest of elves may have been ‘thin-blooded’ or offspring of those with the curse. They’ve broken their curse through magic and likely made their own in their own way -- whatever the case… Elven blood is regarded to be as high as vampire blood and taboo to consume. It is the only other known blood that will increase power permanently and actively send a vampire into a frenzy. Feeding on Vampire or Elves will almost always cause death due to the inability to control oneself when feeding. The only time this can be avoided is likely when the vampire is on their deathbed.
  8. ???? -- The Old One’s blood is said to transcend vampires to godhood, for whoever feeds of their god shall be a god. Although, if one did this they’d likely feel the wrath of every living vampire.
  9. Anything else that's godlike I guess
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
They must drink the blood of living creatures to live, their society is under wraps and their curse lives on in their offspring. This curse prohibits the talk of their secret, but there's more to it than just that.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale skin and can make it not as pale to fit in.
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