The Night of Dark Stars



On 5/1 of the first year under the Syntheian Kingdom, a brief, but brutal revolt occurs under the night in the Ocecien Princedom, killing all but one of the royal family.

Unrest and suffering. The two go hand in hand. From the lands that joined in peace, came pain and fury. In the lands of Ocecien, a revolt of dark-eyed warriors from the lower caste attacked the Theian estate in the night, inspired by the armies of Fevius. The dark-eyed peasants slaughtered the home guard of the Theia family, the rebel forces overwhelmed the estate with ease. As the Ocecien armed forces scrambled to surround and retake the estate, the Theian king, queen, and three of the four Theian brothers were killed by the dark-eyed rebels. The Ocenien army decimated the rebel forces the next morning and the event became known as the Night of Dark Stars. The middle child of the Theian boys rose to the High Princedom, the 14 year old Daemion Theia , scarred and now heavy under the burden of a great Princedom.

Related Location
Ocecien City
Related timelines & articles
History of Syntheia (article)