Veil Breach Technology / Science in Atocitera | World Anvil
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Veil Breach

Today we reached a new understanding of the use of Veil Flow.
This cutting-edge technology has the potential to dramatically change our lives!
So we proudly announce...   That we are canceling this project, and any project seemingly related to it.  
Head ressearcher of the Veilplise


Veil Breach is created through combination of special frames made out of raw Resonin by a Flowsmith and abnormal concentration of Veil Flow achieved by using its Node.   Using the hollow frame to focus the Veil Flow, when the Veil Flow reaches extreme concentrations, it creates a window to an unknown place. However, this window can be traveled through into said place in both ways.    


Veil Breach was the outcome of researching Veil Flow. Being the element of separation, and being widely used to travel to the Flow Dimension people theorized that it could be focused on creating a long-lasting window.   The major problem researchers tried to solve was the fact, that the Veil Flow used for traveling always affected only objects or living beings. The second issue was that anything without a strong sense of self and focus to maintain itself was quickly dispersed when subjected to unknown laws of the Flow Dimension.
These two problems meant that only well-disciplined and trained Veil users could gaze to the Flow Dimension in an attempt to localize the Nodes of the Flow.   The focus was to create something able to hold the vast amount of Veil Flow and then concentrate it enough so it creates an active window into the Flow Dimension without traveling there itself.
After creating a new approach to use already known Resonin, the first Veil Mirrors were created.    

Intended use vs Actual use

The intention of the research was to create a long-lasting window to gaze into the Flow Dimension in search of the Nodes of the Flow. Having such a phenomenon attached to an item meant that all grand Atocites could do the search themselves without having to rely on VeilPlise Veil users.   The mirrors and windows created this way were not showing the expected Flow Dimension. Instead, they linked to seemingly random places. Creating gateways traversable from both sides.
The unforeseen effect however could jeopardize the already hard living situation for everyone.    

End of the project

In order to demonstrate the effect without putting everyone in danger, a painting was made to explain the mirror itself in action. The painting was so authentic, that the holder of the Veil Node mistook it for yet another mirror they were expected to charge up. No one could understand what happened then.   The mirror inside the painting truly activated and the visitor from nowhere went through. It then proceeded to very slowly alter the painting. Some time after the painting finished changing the Test of durability happened, then the painting was gone.   Considering that anything could come out of these windows, the project was ended and declared too dangerous to follow.  
Reducing the concentration of the Veil was not instantaneous. It took some time.
If you think the painting was scary, think about how doomed we would be if we actually breached the last layer of separation between us, and what seemed like an endless ocean.

Possibilities created by this discovery

The project ended before the people of Atocitera could learn more about what they discovered.
Should they continue with the research, this technology would allow them to travel seemingly anywhere. With the concentration of Veil reaching such extreme levels, no one could predict how many layers of separation were breached.   Even though the windows themselves were deemed too dangerous a discovery, in their pursuit the people learned about Resonin attunement. An approach that opens many paths when it comes to combining items and magical Flow.  
The painting and the others were rather small.
Sure, a thin human could squeeze through, but still small.   Part of what made us cancel this project was that if we decided to scale this up, we could be inviting much more than we could handle.   We already face enough hardships as things are now. Lets not put our last sanctuaries at risk.


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