Silken Webb Enterprises

Silken Webb Enterprises

Silken Webb Enterprises is a lucrative spider silk business and web of spider silk factories run and owned by business magnate, Lukas Webb. The core of Silken Webb Enterprises lies in its control over the spider silk market, a highly valuable commodity given its potential applications in textiles, armour, and magical artifacts. This monopolistic hold grants the corporation significant wealth and economic leverage within both Atramentum and the shadow city of Mutnemarta. Silken Webb Enterprises donates a significant amount to the mayoral re-election campaigns of Mayor Luthor Pipswitch and to the Atramentum Metropolitan Police, which provides the company a siginificant amount of power in government as well as incentivising the cops to look the other way on the company's more shady dealings, both in prohibited magic use and in foreign machinations.  

Serica Syndicate

Under the guise of the "Serica Syndicate", more shadowy dealings take place including providing financial support to the fascist Kytonian Ecclesiarchy in Mutnemarta. None of the Syndicate's activities are technically illegal, any more than providing money to a foreign power who is almost certainly on the cusp of war with the Syndicate's nation is shady activity.
Power, wealth, fascism.
Corporation, Manufacturing
Alternative Names
Serica Syndicate
Manufactured Items