Harrower-Class Imperial Dreadnought Vehicle in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil

Harrower-Class Imperial Dreadnought

Description   A large dreadnaught that is approximately 800 meters in length, 433 meters in width, and 151 meters in height.  The Harrower-class dreadnought—also known as the Harrower-class battle cruiser—adheres to the wedge-shaped design that has been used for warships of the Sith Empire since the Empire's founding in 31,473 TYA (1327 BTC). The "point" of the Harrower-class's wedge is split down the middle for a quarter to a third of the length of the ship, forming two prongs. Between these two prongs is one of the Harrower-class's hangar bays, with two hangar openings stacked on top of each other and protected by force fields. Two additional hangars are located on either side of the ship, between the ends of the forward prongs and two smaller "wings" that protrudes from each side closer to the rear of the ship. Two of the ship's shield generators are located on the upper hull of each of those wings, and a final hangar is located on the underbelly of the dreadnought.   A smaller wedge is located on both the top and bottom of the dreadnought towards the rear, and the vessel's command tower is positioned at the rear of the vessel atop that wedge: wing-like protrusions extended out from atop the upper wedge, and the rectangular command tower is built atop the junction of the "wings." Harrower-class dreadnoughts sport heavily-reinforced hull plating and four shield generators, and the ship featured turbolaser batteries, quad laser cannons, ion cannons, proton torpedoes, and concussion missile launchers as its armaments. Most Harrower-class dreadnoughts have three primary thrusters surrounded by four smaller ones located at the rear of the ship.   Standard Harrower-class dreadnoughts carry a complement of ninety-five starfighters, most of which are the Imperial Navy's standard Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter, as well as thirty-two B28 Extinction-class bombers and thirty-five shuttles. Harrower-class dreadnoughts require a crew size of 2,400 and can carry a complement of 7,300 troops. The Harrower-class dreadnought also comes with a number of escape pods. As the largest and most heavily-armed vessel in the Imperial Navy, a single Harrower-class dreadnought is capable of holding its own against fleets of starfighters or several smaller warships, but dreadnoughts are typically used as the backbone of the fleet: Harrower-class dreadnoughts normally coordinate fleet attacks while absorbing damage and dealing damage of its own. The Harrower-class was produced by Taerab Starship Manufacturing, and the energy and material cost of building a single dreadnought is roughly equivalent to a decade's output of a major planetary mining colony. After acquiring resources on Makeb, the Imperial Navy began creating ships that use Isotope-5 reactors, making them faster and stronger than most other ships. Ships equipped with that technology can be recognized by green glowing.     Variants   The Harrower-class saw many revisions and refits over the course of its life, with some of these altering the hull to the point where they were not easily recognizable as a Harrower-class.   Tingel Arm-type: Seen in the Skirmish in the Tingel Arm, this variant lacks the widely-split prow of later Harrowers, with the space between the prongs reduced to little more than a narrow slit and leaving the central hangar bay completely obscured.   Early-type: a model that saw use during the first years of the Great Galactic War, such as during the Battle of Korriban. The frontal prongs were wider than the Late-type's and were squared off at the ends, and it had a set of four turrets on both the top and bottom sides of the hull's rear wing structures.   Late-type: this model saw the most use throughout the era of conflict between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and was seen at the First Battle of Bothawui. The frontal prongs were narrower and more pointed than on the Early-type, and the turrets on the Early-type's rear wing structures were moved forward to just above the forward hangar bay, forming two rows of four turrets on both the top and bottom of the ship.   Valor Prevails-type: this variant had its frontal hangar bays in a diagonal inset, and the frontal prongs were angled slightly inward so their tips almost met. The only known vessel of this type is the Valor Prevails.   BSX-5 Dreadnaught: Visually similar to the standard Harrower-class, but smaller at 600 meters in length and possessing a reduced armament and complement. The most famous vessel of this type was the Dominator, flagship of Darth Jadus.   Silencer-type: this variant stripped out the forward hangar bays to mount the Silencer superweapon, a "fleet killer" megalaser with the firepower to destroy a capital ship and recharged quickly enough to do so in rapid succession. The first ship of this type was the Doombringer, and more were constructed to the Sith Empire on the orders of Darth Nox.   Gauntlet-type: nearly identical to the Silencer type in appearance, the main difference was that the superweapon mounted between the prongs was the Gauntlet lightspeed cannon, a weapon capable of destroying ships while they were in hyperspace. The only known example of this ship was destroyed by Havoc Squad.       History   The Harrower-class dreadnought was in production as early as 32,741 TYA (59 BTC), when the Sith Lord Darth Ikoral was given an early model Harrower-class dreadnought Red Reaper so that he could conduct his expedition to search for pureblooded Sith outside of the Empire. The Harrower-class dreadnought had become the primary capital ship of the Imperial Navy of the Sith Empire by 32,772 TYA (28 BTC), when the Empire instigated the Great Galactic War against the Galactic Republic, though the early design—which was similar to the Red Reaper—would be phased out over the course of the war. Harrower-class dreadnoughts were present at the Republic's first contact with the Empire in the Tingel Arm, and over thirty Harrower-class dreadnoughts made up the bulk of the Imperial fleet that reclaimed the Sith homeworld of Korriban.   In 32,775 TYA (25 BTC), several Harrower-class dreadnoughts were part of the Imperial fleet that defended Korriban from a Republic assault. In 32,782 TYA (18 BTC), Harrower-class dreadnoughts were among the vessels making up the Imperial fleet that attempted to capture the Mid Rim world of Bothawui—a Republic victory that became known as the First Battle of Bothawui. At least three dreadnoughts were present at the Battle of Alderaan in 32,786 TYA (14 BTC) and Harrower-class dreadnoughts also saw use during the Rim Campaign of 32,792-32,793 TYA (8-7 BTC)—at least two dreadnoughts were destroyed at the end of the lengthy Battle of Ord Radama in 32,793 TYA (7 BTC). A powerful prototype Harrower-class known as the Voidstar disappeared during the Great Galactic War, though it was later discovered floating as a derelict during the subsequent Cold War. Harrower-class dreadnoughts such as the Scream of Ragnos made up much of the fleet that conducted the Sacking of Coruscant in 32800 TYA (0 BTC), a battle that brought about the Treaty of Coruscant and the end of the war.   Over a dozen Harrower-class dreadnoughts and Terminus-class destroyers are stationed at Vaiken Spacedock, the primary staging area of the navy, including the White Nova and the Ziost Shadow. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran commanded the Imperial Fifth Fleet from the Harrower-class Emperor's Glory, which attacked the Republic transport Esseles in 32,810 TYA (10 ATC) in an effort to capture the Republic ambassador Vyn Asara. The Emperor's Glory and the rest of the Fifth Fleet later defended the Maelstrom Prison from Republic attack as the Galactic War began to erupt, but Kilran was killed aboard the prison and the Emperor's Glory was destroyed.   During the renewed galactic conflict, Isotope-5 Harrower Dreadnoughts were used in the battle over Corellia - seeking to destroy Meridian Complex in 32826 TYA (26 ATC).

Power Generation

Isotope-5 reactors.


Class 1 Hyperdrive.   Three primary sub-light thrusters surrounded by four smaller ones located at the rear of the ship.

Weapons & Armament

Turbolaser batteries (32+).   Quad laser turrets.   Ion cannons.   Proton torpedo tubes.   Concussion missile launchers.   Multi-weapon linked targeting systems.

Armor and defense

Heavily-reinforced hull plating and 4 shield generators.

Communication Tools & Systems

Communications systems.   HoloNet transceiver.


Dual long-range sensor towers.

Additional & auxiliary systems

10 tractor beam projectors.   Strike craft maintenance bay.   Prow ramming blades.   Back-up Class 6 hyperdrive.

Hangars & docked vessels

5 docking bays:   95 Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters   32 B28 Extinction-class bombers   35 shuttles
Used by
Harrower-Class Battle Cruiser
Creation Date
32,741 TYA
Owning Organization
10 years' output of a major mining colony
433 m
800 m
151 m
Class 1 Hyperdrive
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity