Tyra Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil

Tyra (Tee-rah)

Apprentice Tyra Iso (a.k.a. Cin Solus)

Tyra is a female Human Sith from Alderaan who has recently completed her trials on Korriban. She is apprentice to Vindex Orventhal of the Atrox Ultrix, and is eager to be unleashed upon the galaxy, having finally achieved control over the chaos inside her...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyra's body in in superb condition.  She is strong, athletic, and fit for her species.  Tyra strives to always maintain her peak physical form.

Body Features

Tyra has soft emerald green eyes, white hair, fair skin, and fairly narrowed face/eyes.  She has a slim body type.

Facial Features

Tyra chooses to wear light makeup, and likes to have simple patterns painted on her lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Tyra's identifying features are her pure white hair and emerald green eyes.

Physical quirks

When Tyra is bored she will often use the Force to toss her lightsaber slowly up into the air and catch it.  She will sometimes even dismantle it and reassemble out of boredom, even in mid-conversation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tyra was born on Alderaan within the province of House Baliss. It is a house of minor nobility and one that chose to remain neutral throughout Alderaan's planetary civil war. Tyra's parents are not well-known as they were lowborns on Alderaan. She does not know her father - his current whereabouts a mystery to this day - but her mother, on the other hand, was named Nessima; she died in child birth shortly after Tyra was born despite the best efforts of House Baliss' medical staff.   Tyra's early years were what you'd expect of an orphaned toddler. She was taken in by the local orphanage following her mothers death, and there wasn't much hustle and bustle in Tyra's everyday life. It was, by all accounts, a peaceful life. Despite this, Tyra found it hard to make friends in the orphanage save one. Ro'l had always been kind to her and treated her nicely, and the two of them developed a healthy understanding of each other. To the others, however, she became a freak as soon as abnormal things began to happen around her, and her Force anomalies started to show.   By the age of seven Tyra was developing her first Force anomalies. She was able to move small objects through the Force without touching them, and could feel the presence of others without seeing or hearing them. Things started to change, however, when the Noble house took issue with the neighbouring Killik population. The sight of a Bounty Hunter coming and going from the Nobles house past the orphanage became a common appearance in Tyra's life. Ro'l said he recognised him as "... one of them hunters, paid to keep the kiliks at bay." Tyra could not explain it to Ro'l, but she felt drawn to the hunter. She felt it more so with every time she saw him, and sensed that they were bound together somehow. The Kiliks had become a great nuisance and the Nobles had fallen behind on their payments. The Hunter Tyra had seen showed up less and less, and the local Kilik issue soon grew out of control. She felt a swelling rage inside her. A chaos that she could not contain nor control, and was haunted by dreams of the Mountain passes just beyond the orphanage walls - the silhouette of a hunter calling to her.   On her eighth birthday life in House Baliss took a turn for the worse. The Kilik population had grown to such a strength that they invaded the Baliss estate, attacking, killing, and destroying everything as they went. Scared and fearing for her life, Tyra fled the orphanage, her chaos letting her escape unnoticed. She did not stop until she was far away from the estate, and followed the path through the pass in her dreams. Her footsteps led her far down the mountain until she could no longer hear the fighting of her house. Exhausted and cold, Tyra collapsed and slumped against a rock for support. She was unsure of how far she had travelled, and could hardly keep herself awake, but when she opened her eyes, before her stood a man clad in heavy armour - a sharp vibrosword in hand.   The man was a Mandalorian Hunter named Bras - The silhouette from her dreams... He took Tyra in as his own, vowing to keep her safe from the monsters and those who would wish to bring her harm. Over the next four years Bras taught her everything he knew about survival in the wilds. He taught her basic Mandoa, combat skills, and built her up to be physically and mentally strong. They developed a deep bond, so strong that Tyra considered him to be her father figure. They trained together, hunted together, and lived together with his clan of hunters in a cave up in the mountains. Tyra soon became an honoured member of their clan. Family. The group had sustained themselves by undertaking low profile contracts on Alderaan. Given the war there was plenty to do, or they would raid military convoys that they'd scouted for resources and supplies, though mostly it was contracts for culling monster and killik populations or mercenary work. They used their rewards to buy ammo, food, and other essentials.   Tyra often asked Bras what the name of his clan was and why they were still here only to be answered each time with "if our clan had a name, it's long been forgotten. We are just a group of hunters who never left this place, and we are your family, Cin Solus." She continued to experience Force anomalies in her life, and had visions that called to her as if showing her the path forward. She attempted to supress this to the best of her abilities, and Tyra had discussed this many times with Bras, craving understanding of what was happening only to be disappointed by his answers. Bras had grown increasingly weary of this problem, and knew that he could not teach her to control her "chaos", as she called it, and was certain the only ones who could would bring her harm.   When Tyra turned twelve, Bras declared she would join them on a raid of scheduled Imperial convoy. It was to be her first raid, and in order to mark the occasion Bras gave Tyra his personal Mandalorian Iron Knife, which she now keeps with her at all times in a sheath in her boot. Tyra took the knife and joined the raid willingly, excited by the prospect of fighting Imperial troops. The raid, however, did not go as planned. Bras called the retreat of his brothers, but Tyra had been cornered by two Imperial troopers. She panicked, triggering an awakening of her chaos. A burst of lightning shot out from Tyra's body, overwhelming her and caused her to fall unconscious in front of the defending Imperial troops.   Tyra was captured and taken to House Thul. The convoy reported her outburst to their commander, a Sith in the service of House Thul, and upon hearing what his troopers had reported to him said; "I can only conclude that the war here clouded my senses, for I had not felt your presence at all until you arrived here, strong with the Force though you are." He ordered Tyra's immediate transfer to Korriban, where she went to study for the next 10 years. She trained in the Sith arts and merged her survival skills with the ancient powers and knowledge of the Sith. Her Overseers were impressed with her combat skills and for how quickly she took the Sith doctrine to heart. Tyra went on to complete the trials of the Korriban Sith Academy, and claimed the title of Sith for herself. She now waits to take the galaxy by storm, having finally gained control and understanding of what the chaos inside her had always been... [WIP]


Sith training at the Korriban Sith Academy.  Degeree in Sith and Imperial Histories.  Basic principles of hunting monsters and Mandalorian customs.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tyra has learnt advanced survival and hunting techniques with the Mnadalorian hunters who rescued her when she was a child. This includes how to fend for herself, and Mandalorian fighting techniques against both monsters and humanoid species.   Her graduation from the Sith academy is Tyra's most accomplished achievement to date. There will be more to be added as her career and life blossom.

Failures & Embarrassments

Multiple failures throughout her time training with the hunters in the jungles of Dromund Kaas. Feels like her fruitless attempts to find a purpose is also a gross failure. Not that it bothered her, but other sith had often sniggered and criticised her dress sense/attire and usage of a vibrosword, labelling her "behind the times". She prefers to dress more pragmatically and minimalistic compared to her peers. Not that she looked cheap, but that she looked anything other than the traditional sith despite holding strong sith like values which again led to some sneers and sniggering from her peers at the sith academy. Her usage of the Vibrosword is purely down to her familiarity of the weapon in hand as she had weilded small vibro-weapons growing up with Mandalorians.

Mental Trauma

Force Visions often present themselves to her. Sense of missing someone (Bras)

Intellectual Characteristics

Strong Willed, Emotionally powerful, Driven, High levels of resilience and perseverance, Manipulative, secretive, Can be empathetic sometimes even feeling guilty after the consequences her actions can have on others, A harsh Torturer. Sometimes reasonable, A Quick Study. Stubborn. Unrelenting and Head Strong. Strongly Vengeful. Somewhat Selfish.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutral/rational Evil, although she possesses some redeaming qualities these are not enough to make her an exemplary being, Her Morality can often fluctuate depending on her personal attachment to a situation and she'll often decide for herself whether pursuing a goal is right or wrong, no matter what others think. She has a lot of growth potential though. She firmly believes in the siths Philosophy and ideology of the sith code. She embodies it fittingly as her name suggests (It means Victory) and she will claim victory no matter what it costs. It's victory or nothing in her mind, anything else is considered and abject failure. She is however not fond of inflicting mindless suffering on people for the sake of it, she believes the suffering must serve a purpose and the pain she inflicts on others should also have a goal and motivation, Even if that goal is selfish and not for a greater purpose.


A firm believer in herself and that she writes her own destiny, however is of the belief that an afterlife can be achieved.  Immortality does not currently interest her at all.

Personality Characteristics


Tyra has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of the Force, the ancient Aith, and to increase her own power and desperately wants a master.  She wants to leave her mark on the galaxy and to find her sense of purpose.  She also has an inner desire to one day reconnect with Bras as she feels they are bound to each other, to what extent, however, remains to be seen...

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: reading, insight, the Sith code, knowledge, displays of strength, training, deception, competition.   Dislikes: Not having a say, feeling inferior.

Virtues & Personality perks

Self disciplined, assertive, confident, determined, loyal, brave, energetic, and youthful.  She respects and loves those who get close to her.

Vices & Personality flaws

Pride, somewhat arrogant, Has a lust for more, Quite secretive/closed book. Holds grudges. Strives for victory in all things no matter the cost. Can sometimes be overconfident. Cynic, Holds grudges and has a strong temper, will often Depend on those closest to her for guidance and sage advice. She can be impatient too. Self critical, Blames herself when things aren't quite working in her favour. Somewhat Selfish, Head strong, Strongly Vengeful.

Personality Quirks

Tyra's eyebrows raise when she is sceptical.  She often laughs and smiles in seriousness situations.  She folds her arms when upset, and frowns often when she is irritable.


Tyra is always clean, fresh, and tidy.


Contacts & Relations

Bras - Mandalorian Hunter on Alderaan (Father figure).

Family Ties

Tyra has no family ties.

Social Aptitude

Tyra is quite sociable and youthful at heart.  She enjoys a good gathering and party, so long as it isn't boring, and enjoys a good laugh.  Tyra has been known to partake in drinking competitions in the past. Small talk, however, is difficult for her to entertain.


Tyra is typically polite and well mannered.  She gestures with hands and reacts with facial expressions often.  She folds her arms when stood idle, and will often sit cross-legged when seated.

Hobbies & Pets

Tyra's hobbies are: reading, combat training, lightsaber modification, and meditation.


Tyra's voice is soft, but can be augmented through the dark side to be commanding when necessary.  She is generally well spoken, and has a hint of mandoa in her accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Tyra is not wealthy.  She has only what the Sith Academy supplied her upon her graduation.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Te Cin Solus" (Mandoa: "The White One")
Year of Birth
32805 TYA 23 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair (white)
1.7 m
57 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Galactic Basic Standard, Mandoa.