Orventhal Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Lord Rharair Yûlaiz Razas (a.k.a. Orventhal)

Vindex Lord Orventhal is one of the two figureheads of the Atrox Ultrix. Born into the Razas Bloodline, one would not typically expect him at the side of Darth Vexe. However, he has remained her loyal apprentice for more than fifteen years, and his extensive military background made him a natural choice as leader of the Atrox Ultrix' military forces.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Orventhal is in peak physical condition. He has not sustained any lasting injuries during his extensive military career. While he has spent more than a few evenings in the medbay, barely clinging to life, he has always been able to recover from his ailments.

Body Features

Orventhal's muscly body has earned him the nickname "honourary Massassi" among some of his troops. He takes good care of his physical health, and could easily overpower many of his foes by sheer muscle strength alone.

Facial Features

The Pureblood's facial appendages are concentrated mostly on the lower half of his face. Furthermore, two earrings at his lobes, two rings on each nostril, one septum piercing and one piece of piercing-type jewellery on the bridge of his nose, all made of brass can be seen on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

His hulking figure, accompanied by his deep voice add a menacing presence to the room he currently resides in.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rharair was born as the third child of a side branch of the Razas family. He never received the attention and education his elder siblings enjoyed, as his late birth would most likely not allow him to rise to the head of the house in this lifetime. Instead, much of his childhood was spent with physical education, honing his body into a weapon for the Academy, and to become a warrior worthy of his family's standing. He never complained and seemed to take each lesson to heart. Upon his arrival to Korriban, he was considered a model student, miles ahead of his peers. Much of his opposition would disappear in the harsh cold deserts of Korriban, and every now and then, a mangled corpse of a rival could be found within the Academy's sacred walls. However, his lack of political standing within his family and the Empire eventually earned him little more than a place on the front lines.   During the renewed war between the Republic and the Empire, he was placed under Lord Vexe on Rabaan. During this time, he commanded his troops with extremely high efficiency, taking many of the outposts and strongholds surrounding the Capital City. Due to him always working on the front lines, operating the war machines himself and not placing himself above the grunts, he quickly earned a loyal followership amongst the soldiers under his command. This did not go unnoticed by Vexe, who took the young Sith under her wing, securing a connection to a Noble House of the Empire, while gaining a loyal follower in the process.   However, she would not be able to finish his training for long. The constant battling and the ongoing occupation demanded both their attentions, and by the time they had both been reassigned, barely any training had been finished. Still, Rharair remained loyal, furthering Vexe’s interests whenever possible, while remaining a dutyful servant of the Empire.   Even though his views conflicted with many of Vitiate’s Empire, he did not falter in the face of Malgus’ Rebellion, nor did he hesitate to help hunt down any remaining Revanites within the Empire. After the Eternal Empire struck at the heart of the Empire, Orventhal did not stop fighting. While the Sith Empire publically bowed down to their new opressors, Orventhal used what influence he had gathered from his military campaigns to fund saboteurs, rebels and pirates to harrass the Zakuulan forces. However, his hands were tied, no matter how much he was itching to bring the fight to the enemy.   Before he would get this chance however, the Eternal Empire had collapsed. For his efforts in the previous war, as well as his defiance against Zakuul earned him the rank of Lord, taking on the name Orventhal. However, he was shipped off to the renewing front lines once again. Believing to have been left to die on the front lines, he carried out his duties for the last few years, before called into service by Darth Vexe once again.


Orventhal has been trained at the Sith Academy on Korriban after he was home schooled for the early part of his childhood. His education has mostly been focused on tactics, Sith history, and philosophy.


Orventhal is currently employed by Darth Vexe, and serves as one of her leaders in the Atrox Ultrix.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Orventhal can boast many military achievements, he feels the most pride when talking about breaking the eastern defences of Ban Belos on Rabaan.

Failures & Embarrassments

Orventhal's greatest failure, in his own words, is his inactivity during the time of the Eternal Empire, where he was condemned to sit back and let himself be ruled by a foreign power while others brought the fight to Zakuul. Though an even greater failure of his might be his inability to gather and hold lasting influence within the Empire, resulting in his incredibly slow progress in the Sith Order.

Intellectual Characteristics

Orventhal never speaks without thought. He is incredibly disciplined, and steadfast in his beliefs. He appears to care about the soldiers under his command, which has helped him earn their respect in the past.

Morality & Philosophy

Contrary to most members of his family, Orventhal believes that strength cannot be curated through a pure bloodline. Furthermore, he believes that only through the rule of the strong can stability be achieved and the galaxy united.

Personality Characteristics


Orventhal's motivation is not fuelled by greed or lust for power - or so he claims, at least. He wishes to unite the galaxy under one banner and finally bring peace to the war torn worlds and their citizens.

Likes & Dislikes

The Pureblood values loyalty above all. He is not one to lie, even if he may not tell the full truth at times. He detests the powerplays within the Empire, often blaming them for the current state of the galaxy and the war.

Virtues & Personality perks

Orventhal is an honest man, only keeping a secret from his peers if he deems it necessary for the survival of the Empire. He is fiercely loyal and devoted, seemingly only placing the survival of the Empire over his loyalty for others.

Vices & Personality flaws

He cares little about the politics of the Sith, which caused him to at times even regress in his status among the Sith. Furthermore, his overconfidence often almost caused him his life in many duels and military campaigns over the years.


Orventhal showers regularly, and shaves his head to avoid lice in crowded environments. Furthermore, he seems to make an effort of keeping his quarters as clean as he possibly could.


Family Ties

Darth Srel (Mother) - deceased, Lord Razoiw (Father) - little to no contact, Lord Kin (Elder Brother) - no contact, Lord Sopsae (Elder Sister) - regular contact, Rhitstus (Younger Brother) - occasianal contact, Darth Nectal (Aunt, head of the house) - no contact, Lord Triyod (cousin) - no contact, Lord Baxiu (cousin) - deceased, Lord Rulâsh (Great-cousin) - no contact

Religious Views

Orventhal views the Force as a tool, a disobedient slave that needs to be bent into shape, or have its will broken to be as effective as it can be.

Social Aptitude

Orventhal can be quite outgoing if he wishes to do so, quickly getting along with others. He appears open, yet is careful not to reveal too much about himself to create potential weaknesses.


Orventhal presents himself as a gentleman, and is never seen to gossip. He has clearly been taught manners during his childhood and often takes advantage of those early life lessons.

Hobbies & Pets

Orventhal is the owner of a juvenile pet nexu named Irza, who he provides for and trains to become a fierce war-beast. He is deeply interested in Sith alchemy, often experimenting on live subjects. His latest projects seemed focused around the union of a living creature and a machine.


Orventhal mostly speaks in a loud, commanding tone. His accent is unmistakably Imperial.



Ally (Important)

Towards Vizdea




Ally (Trivial)

Towards Orventhal



Wealth & Financial state

While he himself has never laid any claim to the riches of his family, Orventhal's father boasts an extensive collection of ancient artefacts, some of which have been gifted to Orventhal.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Vindex, Lord, The Bulwark of Felucia.
Date of Death
27/3/32828 TYA
32782 TYA 32828 TYA 46 years old
Dromund Kaas
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Red
2.0 m
110 kg
Known Languages
Galactic Basic Standard, Sith, High Sith.