Yithorah Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Yidhra (a.k.a. Yithorah)

Yithorah is a cold woman; taciturn and calm. It is hard to read her thoughts when engaged in conversation. She is a loner and seems uncomfortable around large groups of people, but she has manners and is friendly to talk to if approached. Yithorah dislikes exploring details about her past, and aims to avoid talking about herself as much as possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yithorah possesses a weak, fragile frame. She is not very agile, fit, or physically strong. The dark side has taken it's toll on her through her applications of Sith alchemy.

Identifying Characteristics

Yithorah's identifying features are her frail, lean form, white ash grey hair, and piercing yellow eyes (dark side corruption).

Physical quirks

Yithorah speaks to herself a lot.

Special abilities

Yithorah has great knowledge on the ancient Sith and some of their dark arts:   Alchemy:
  • Able to create diseases and poisons.
  • Knowledge on Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut.
  • Dream Witchcraft:
  • Able to roam inside the minds of others through various Sith rituals.
  • Able to cast illusions to trick the senses of others.
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Arkanians are known for genetically enhancing everything they can, and this does not exclude enhancing their own kind. Arkanians who are the result of genetic manipulations are known as Offshots; their skin is far paler than their pureblood peers, and their eyes are known to have pupils. Yithorah is one of these rare, tankbred children, who was able to survive the merge of Sephi genes with her Arkanian cells - giving her great longevity, and a slight pink shade to her cold, winter’s moon skin.   She grew up in a laboratory, and started to show signs of Force sensitivity from a very young age. Due to her 'special trait', she was sent to a secret underground facility where scientists on Arkania conducted midi-chlorian experiments on young Force-sensitive subjects; and like most unethical Arkanian experiments, this one ended in disaster. The young subjects, who were not killed from the atrocities performed on them, become mentally unstable and broken - and that was the case with Yithorah. She snapped into a psychotic rage after multiple tests were performed on her, and she murdered half the scientific team before they were able to lock themselves away in a safety room and call for external support. If assistance arrived from the nearest outpost, Yithorah knew she would be as good as dead. She had to escape, or die trying...   Managing to escape on a stolen speeder bike, Yithorah vanished into the frigid desert of Arkania's harsh environment. She was weak, thirsty and starving, but had little choice but to continue her journey across the icy wasteland if she was to avoid re-capture. She didn't understand it at the time, but something was calling to her. Guiding her... Choosing to ditch her stolen speeder bike, suspecting it could be tracked, she wandered across the frozen landscape until she stumbled upon old ruins eaten away by the ice and snow. There was a light inside and Yithorah continued on foot with her frozen, final ounces of strength. Her vision was blurry, but she was able to make out someone next to a campfire before fainting in the snow.   When she woke up, she saw a hooded old man offering her some soup. His skin was dark red, and his eyes a harsh piercing yellow. He was an elderly Sith Pureblood who had been studying the ruins of the infamous Tower of Veeshas Tuwan when Yithorah had stumbled upon him. Surprised, but able to sense the Force in the young girl, the Sith took care of her and hid her from her childhood tormentors. He gave her a name, Yidhra, and groomed her into his own Sith apprentice. Between her master's instructions, teachings, and the secrets of Veeshas Tuwan, Yithorah developed herself into a powerful witch - capable of casting fierce illusions and manipulate minds through the process of dream walking.   The two spent their lives together on Arkania, avoiding the galactic conflict which had erupted across the galaxy, and as their bond developed Yithorah's master revealed that he had once been a Lord in the Sith Empire: He was a Sith scholar who exiled himself for his conflicting views on Sith philosophy. He had left in search of ancient knowledge and historical data that would back up his claims should he ever return home, but the Force had a new destiny for him instead. He gave up on his dreams of return and spent his final years taking care of the young woman who had found him out in the snow.   Eventually, old age took her master, and Yithorah was left alone on the cold, frozen planet she called home. She cried, gave him his last rites, and took his lightsaber - wanting to carry on his Legacy after everything he had done for her. With nothing holding her to Arkania, Yithorah felt drawn to her Master's homeworld of Ziost. With no means of transport off world Yithorah went back to the secret facility where she had been experimented upon at childhood. She committed a massacre, murdering every scientist, security guard, and subject to free them - a channelled outlet for her loss, and much needed retribution against those who had tortured her past. With the facility levelled, Yithorah claimed one of their starships and escaped her frozen world.   When she arrived, Ziost was in ruins. She had no idea of the cataclysm the Sith Emperor had caused, and was completely lost on the barren, desolate world. Yithorah roamed the voids of Ziost for several days, searching for her master's old residence. She had the exact co-ordinates, but found only ruins at the place he once called home. She salvaged what little she could; datapads, holojournals, handwritten notes... Most were either damaged or broken beyond repair. As she was dusting a fractured data matrix, she found, hidden behind a broken shelf, an alchemic scroll protected by an insanity curse. Shielding herself as best she could, Yithorah opened the scroll and found it to contain a list of locations detailing ancient Sith sites her master had been to. Most were locations already known to her - Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Yavin... Arkania - but there were a few places of note that tempted Yithorah's curiosity.   One such world in particular was Syngia: The planet where Baron Remulus Dreypa, famous for his works on Sith alchemy, had isolated himself and left behind his mysterious Genesis pool. Yithorah packed the alchemic scroll, returned to her stolen ship, and set her navic-computer to the Sertar sector. She landed in the wilds, far from any Imperial outposts, and established her laboratory at one of her master's old, forgotten sites. Here she studied and began to experiment on Syngia's local flora and fauna. Yithorah lived, over the next couple of years, alone and in isolation - only her thoughts, experiments, and voices for company - and eventually drew the attention a Lethan Sith Lord who saw her unchanneled potential, and offered her a place in her expanding power structure...


    Aromantic asexual


    Yithorah has been raised and trained by an old Sith scholar. She is self-taught in the ways of Sith Alchemy and Force manipulation, having found old records on ancient Sith teachings in ruins across Arkania.

    Mental Trauma

    Yithorah's traumatizing childhood has left deep scars on her personality. She chooses to be a loner, and displays taciturn and apathic behaviour towards others as a result.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Yithorah is eternally grateful for everything her master has done for her.  She continues to apply the values he taught her in every day life - having a sense of honour and despising those who do not.  Yithorah follows a more neutral take on the Sith code.  She was taught this by her master, who's difference in ideals ultimately led to his exile on Arkania - believing the Sith place too much importance on conflict, while the dark side's true nature is expressed through alchemy.


    Yithorah does not like to talk about her traumatic childhood on Arkania.

    Personality Characteristics


    Desiring knowledge and purpose over simple material gain, Yithorah has agreed to follow Darth Vexe and serve in her power base to learn and experience some of the finer arts the dark side has to offer. She wants to continue her master's work and studies on the ancient Sith, and is driven strongly by the final wishes of her master before he passed away - to continue their work, and to use her knowledge to help the Empire in the old ways he loved so much.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes: calm, meditation, knowledge.   Dislikes: loud noises, arrogance, unnecessary violence.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Despite her wise perception and middle age, Yithorah is still very naïve at heart.  She has an unhealthy curiosity, which has made her prone to taking risks in the past.  Her weak physical frame means she is not well suited for combat engagements.  She is socially awkward and might be considered slightly insane if observed from afar, as she talks to herself and deals with unbodied voices which are present in her head...


    Yithorah uses natural cosmetics and soaps that don't have a particular smell.  She is always well dressed and groomed in the presence of others.



    Yithorah speaks with a garish, Arkanian accent, and has a soft tone to her voice.



    Friend (Important)

    Towards Vexe




    Friend (Trivial)

    Towards Yithorah



    Wealth & Financial state

    Yithorah is poor but content with the little she has.  She does not desire material wealth.
    Year of Birth
    32773 TYA 55 Years old
    Corrupted (yellow)
    White (ash grey)
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale (white)
    189 cm
    60 kg
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Galactic Basic Standard, Sith, Arkanian.