Zelos II Geographic Location in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil

Zelos II

Zelos II is the second planet of the Zelos system. It is a neutral system in the Tyus sector of the Mid Rim (Grid coordinates: N-16), and is the homeworld of the Zelosian native species. The planet is orbited by four moons: Bellatrig, Tantrig, Moratrig, and Nekotrig.  It has a rotation period of 20 standard hours, and an orbital period of 300 local days.   The planet's government is based in the capital city Kryndyn, which also holds the majority of Zelos II's estimated 10million population. It is connected by a roadway and a railway system to five smaller cities: Lyn, Lyrd, Drev, Tolk, and Nul. The smaller cities are all located near mines.


The surface of Zelos II is covered by forests, hills, mountains, and other rough terrain. Galleros is the planet's primary continent and the only inhabited landmass. The oceans contain the smaller continent Bryndas and a few scattered islands.


The Bare Forest, located in the mountains at the far north of the northern continent, is home to tiny worm-like creatures, whose enzymes have been reported to animate corpses.   The oceans on Zelos II are inhabited by large numbers of melk, a reptilian scavenger.

Localized Phenomena

All four of the planet's moons are visible at night once every 120 days.   During the Day of the Sepulchral Night, when the tides in the Great Zelosi Sea are at their lowest, the Zelosian's Chine, an underwater mountain ridge, becomes exposed to the surface.

Fauna & Flora

Fauna: Aga, Jumper, Kemlish, Kilit, and Kro.

Natural Resources

Raw ores are the major exports of Zelos II. The ores are transported from the smaller cities to Kryndyn, where they are shipped off-planet on ore freighters.   Food and weaponry are the planets major imports.