Zelosian Species in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Zelosians are sentient plants native to the planet Zelos II.   Biology and appearance Outwardly, Zelosians are nearly identical to Humans in height, build, hair and skin pigmentation, and their ability to grow facial hair. Because of this, Zelosians can keep their origins a closely guarded secret and are commonly misidentified as Near-Humans by outsiders. While their resemblance to humans have been suggested by some as a spectacular form of naturally evolved mimicry, many Zelosian biologists believe that their species is the product of genetic engineering, though there is no direct evidence to support this. Thus, unlike many true Near-Humans, Zelosians are not known to be able to interbreed with any other humanoid race.   Because of their unusual ancestry, Zelosians possess a number of plant-like characteristics. Their blood is a green chlorophyllic sap. Additionally, a large portion of their muscles are cellulose fibres, with some form of nastic response apparently being involved in their reflexes. Zelosians still consume vegetable and animal product-based foods, but can also photosynthesize through their skin. It is believed that Zelosians can survive one to two months on sunlight and water alone.   All Zelosians possess emerald-green eyes. They are also night-blind, meaning they are unable to see whatsoever in light dimmer than that provided by a full moon. Because of this, most Zelosians choose stay indoors after sunset and hold many superstitions about the night (although their suspicions about zombies proved to be somewhat true, being actually caused by corpses reanimated by parasitic worms known as jumpers).   Alcohol has no intoxicating effect on Zelosians. However, refined sugar has a comparable one; a tablespoon will affect Zelosians as four ounces of strong liquor might a Human.