Forest Orc
These orcs are adapted to forests of various kinds. They build their towns from the wood of their surroundings and continuously try to grow their nations larger by building more and more of their crude towns.
These used to be most common type of orc until their aggressive nature has made them a large target and they have been driven away from their original homes.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Khairtuech, Draas, Doughairk, Huaruekr, Gaek, Kruenr, Raekhuahk, Seagr, Tuah, Khuak
Masculine names
Hoshpak, Ogur, Oruk, Gouhoug, Hrueg, Khraetch, Khoud, Khaatraatr, Suarkaegh, Daekruanh, Gaakhainr
Unisex names
Tuakkeach, Ghaitchaach, Draisough, Oruk, Khrues, Treatch, Hreartoutr, Houreakr, Khuaruatch, Hkuegourk, Nraagr, Draenraakr, Hosh-Pak, Tchuagruekh